Fix bugs in objective-c.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 03d163a..a296142 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -87,9 +87,12 @@
 # Directories created by opening the Objective C Xcode projects.
 # Comformance test output
diff --git a/ b/
index d953514..e4ca4c1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -213,15 +213,31 @@
 objectivec_EXTRA_DIST=                                                       \
   objectivec/DevTools/                                \
+  objectivec/DevTools/                                      \
   objectivec/DevTools/                                                \
   objectivec/DevTools/                                          \
-  objectivec/                                   \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h                             \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m                             \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Duration.pbobjc.h                               \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Duration.pbobjc.m                               \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.h                              \
-  objectivec/google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.m                              \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Any.pbobjc.h                                   \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Any.pbobjc.m                                   \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.h                                   \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m                                   \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h                            \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m                            \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Duration.pbobjc.h                              \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Duration.pbobjc.m                              \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Empty.pbobjc.h                                 \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Empty.pbobjc.m                                 \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/FieldMask.pbobjc.h                             \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/FieldMask.pbobjc.m                             \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h                         \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.m                         \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Struct.pbobjc.h                                \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Struct.pbobjc.m                                \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.h                             \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.m                             \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h                                  \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.m                                  \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.h                              \
+  objectivec//google/protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.m                              \
   objectivec/GPBArray.h                                                      \
   objectivec/GPBArray.m                                                      \
   objectivec/GPBArray_PackagePrivate.h                                       \
@@ -277,6 +293,7 @@
   objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings \
   objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/PerformanceTests.xcscheme \
   objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ProtocolBuffers.xcscheme \
+  objectivec/                                                       \
   objectivec/Tests/Filter1.txt                                               \
   objectivec/Tests/Filter2.txt                                               \
   objectivec/Tests/golden_message                                            \
@@ -311,15 +328,15 @@
   objectivec/Tests/GPBWireFormatTests.m                                      \
   objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/AppDelegate.m                              \
   objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings                 \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad6.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad6@2x.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad7.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad7@2x.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone6.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone6@2x.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone7@2x.png \
-  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone7@3x.png \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json      \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad6.png          \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad6@2x.png       \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad7.png          \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPad7@2x.png       \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone6.png        \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone6@2x.png     \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone7@2x.png     \
+  objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iPhone7@3x.png     \
   objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Contents.json \
   objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/Info.plist                                  \
   objectivec/Tests/iOSTestHarness/LaunchScreen.xib                            \
diff --git a/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index f18ba2f..38100fa 100644
--- a/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_OSX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
 				INFOPLIST_FILE = "Tests/UnitTests-Info.plist";
 				LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks @loader_path/../Frameworks";
 				PRODUCT_NAME = UnitTests;
-				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
+				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "$(SRCROOT)/Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
 			name = Debug;
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@
 				INFOPLIST_FILE = "Tests/UnitTests-Info.plist";
 				LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks @loader_path/../Frameworks";
 				PRODUCT_NAME = UnitTests;
-				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
+				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "$(SRCROOT)/Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
 			name = Release;
diff --git a/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index d6e621e..0773acb 100644
--- a/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/objectivec/ProtocolBuffers_iOS.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@
 				PRODUCT_NAME = UnitTests;
-				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
+				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "$(SRCROOT)/Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@
 				PRODUCT_NAME = UnitTests;
-				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
+				SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "$(SRCROOT)/Tests/UnitTests-Bridging-Header.h";
diff --git a/objectivec/Tests/GPBMessageTests+Serialization.m b/objectivec/Tests/GPBMessageTests+Serialization.m
index 8867f56..0859f14 100644
--- a/objectivec/Tests/GPBMessageTests+Serialization.m
+++ b/objectivec/Tests/GPBMessageTests+Serialization.m
@@ -177,6 +177,13 @@
   XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:0],
+  // TODO(teboring): This test could fail without explicitly marking the repeated_enum in Message3
+  // to be unpacked. This is becaucse proto3 repeated primitive field is packed by default. However,
+  // the proto2 primitive repeated field is still unpacked by default. Previously, parsing of the
+  // repeated_enum field would fail. To fix it:
+  // 1) Objective-C implementation of parsing should be able to parse packed field for unpacked
+  // field and vice versa.
+  // 2) repeated_packed_enum in Message3 should be removed, because it's unnecessary now.
   field = [unknownFields getField:Message2_FieldNumber_RepeatedEnumArray];
   XCTAssertEqual(field.varintList.count, 1U);
   XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:0],
diff --git a/objectivec/Tests/unittest_runtime_proto3.proto b/objectivec/Tests/unittest_runtime_proto3.proto
index feb7029..a081fa7 100644
--- a/objectivec/Tests/unittest_runtime_proto3.proto
+++ b/objectivec/Tests/unittest_runtime_proto3.proto
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@
   repeated    bytes repeated_bytes    = 45;
   // No 'group' in proto3.
   repeated Message3 repeated_message  = 48;
-  repeated     Enum repeated_enum     = 49;
+  // TODO(teboring): In proto3, repeated primitive field is packed by default.
+  // testProto2UnknownEnumToUnknownField needs repeated_enum to be unpacked.
+  // Remove this option when testProto2UnknownEnumToUnknownField.
+  repeated     Enum repeated_enum     = 49 [packed=false];
   repeated     Enum repeated_packed_enum = 50 [packed=true];
   oneof o {
diff --git a/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h
index 19a82fd..5a53abb 100644
--- a/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h
+++ b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.h
@@ -111,6 +111,23 @@
 BOOL GPBFieldOptions_CType_IsValidValue(int32_t value);
+#pragma mark - Enum GPBFieldOptions_JSType
+typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBFieldOptions_JSType) {
+  // Use the default type.
+  GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNormal = 0,
+  // Use JavaScript strings.
+  GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsString = 1,
+  // Use JavaScript numbers.
+  GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNumber = 2,
+GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBFieldOptions_JSType_EnumDescriptor(void);
+BOOL GPBFieldOptions_JSType_IsValidValue(int32_t value);
 #pragma mark - GPBDescriptorRoot
@@ -218,6 +235,8 @@
   GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_ExtensionArray = 6,
   GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_Options = 7,
   GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_OneofDeclArray = 8,
+  GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_ReservedRangeArray = 9,
+  GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_ReservedNameArray = 10,
 // Describes a message type.
@@ -247,6 +266,14 @@
 @property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasOptions;
 @property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) GPBMessageOptions *options;
+// |reservedRangeArray| contains |GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange|
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSMutableArray *reservedRangeArray;
+// Reserved field names, which may not be used by fields in the same message.
+// A given name may only be reserved once.
+// |reservedNameArray| contains |NSString|
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSMutableArray *reservedNameArray;
 #pragma mark - GPBDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange
@@ -266,6 +293,28 @@
+#pragma mark - GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange
+typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_FieldNumber) {
+  GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_FieldNumber_Start = 1,
+  GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_FieldNumber_End = 2,
+// Range of reserved tag numbers. Reserved tag numbers may not be used by
+// fields or extension ranges in the same message. Reserved ranges may
+// not overlap.
+@interface GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange : GPBMessage
+// Inclusive.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasStart;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t start;
+// Exclusive.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasEnd;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t end;
 #pragma mark - GPBFieldDescriptorProto
 typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBFieldDescriptorProto_FieldNumber) {
@@ -654,6 +703,7 @@
   GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Packed = 2,
   GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Deprecated = 3,
   GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Lazy = 5,
+  GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Jstype = 6,
   GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Weak = 10,
   GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_UninterpretedOptionArray = 999,
@@ -670,10 +720,23 @@
 // The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable
 // a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly
 // writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as
-// a single length-delimited blob.
+// a single length-delimited blob. In proto3, only explicit setting it to
+// false will avoid using packed encoding.
 @property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasPacked;
 @property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL packed;
+// The jstype option determines the JavaScript type used for values of the
+// field.  The option is permitted only for 64 bit integral and fixed types
+// (int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64).  By default these types are
+// represented as JavaScript strings.  This avoids loss of precision that can
+// happen when a large value is converted to a floating point JavaScript
+// numbers.  Specifying JS_NUMBER for the jstype causes the generated
+// JavaScript code to use the JavaScript "number" type instead of strings.
+// This option is an enum to permit additional types to be added,
+// e.g. goog.math.Integer.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasJstype;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBFieldOptions_JSType jstype;
 // Should this field be parsed lazily?  Lazy applies only to message-type
 // fields.  It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the
 // inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded
diff --git a/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m
index 2fc1953..7f1bdd4 100644
--- a/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m
+++ b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Descriptor.pbobjc.m
@@ -273,6 +273,8 @@
 @dynamic extensionRangeArray;
 @dynamic oneofDeclArray;
 @dynamic hasOptions, options;
+@dynamic reservedRangeArray;
+@dynamic reservedNameArray;
 typedef struct GPBDescriptorProto_Storage {
   uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
@@ -284,6 +286,8 @@
   NSMutableArray *extensionArray;
   GPBMessageOptions *options;
   NSMutableArray *oneofDeclArray;
+  NSMutableArray *reservedRangeArray;
+  NSMutableArray *reservedNameArray;
 } GPBDescriptorProto_Storage;
 // This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
@@ -380,6 +384,28 @@
         .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOneofDescriptorProto),
         .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      {
+        .name = "reservedRangeArray",
+        .number = GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_ReservedRangeArray,
+        .hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
+        .flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
+        .type = GPBTypeMessage,
+        .offset = offsetof(GPBDescriptorProto_Storage, reservedRangeArray),
+        .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+        .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange),
+        .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      },
+      {
+        .name = "reservedNameArray",
+        .number = GPBDescriptorProto_FieldNumber_ReservedNameArray,
+        .hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
+        .flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
+        .type = GPBTypeString,
+        .offset = offsetof(GPBDescriptorProto_Storage, reservedNameArray),
+        .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+        .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+        .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      },
     descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBDescriptorProto class]
                                               rootClass:[GPBDescriptorRoot class]
@@ -461,6 +487,67 @@
+#pragma mark - GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange
+@implementation GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange
+@dynamic hasStart, start;
+@dynamic hasEnd, end;
+typedef struct GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Storage {
+  uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
+  int32_t start;
+  int32_t end;
+} GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Storage;
+// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
+// in +initialize for each subclass.
++ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
+  static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
+  if (!descriptor) {
+    static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
+      {
+        .name = "start",
+        .number = GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_FieldNumber_Start,
+        .hasIndex = 0,
+        .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+        .type = GPBTypeInt32,
+        .offset = offsetof(GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Storage, start),
+        .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
+        .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+        .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      },
+      {
+        .name = "end",
+        .number = GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_FieldNumber_End,
+        .hasIndex = 1,
+        .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+        .type = GPBTypeInt32,
+        .offset = offsetof(GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Storage, end),
+        .defaultValue.valueInt32 = 0,
+        .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+        .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      },
+    };
+    descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange class]
+                                              rootClass:[GPBDescriptorRoot class]
+                                                   file:GPBDescriptorRoot_FileDescriptor()
+                                                 fields:fields
+                                             fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
+                                                 oneofs:NULL
+                                             oneofCount:0
+                                                  enums:NULL
+                                              enumCount:0
+                                                 ranges:NULL
+                                             rangeCount:0
+                                            storageSize:sizeof(GPBDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Storage)
+                                             wireFormat:NO];
+  }
+  return descriptor;
 #pragma mark - GPBFieldDescriptorProto
 @implementation GPBFieldDescriptorProto
@@ -1462,6 +1549,7 @@
 @dynamic hasCtype, ctype;
 @dynamic hasPacked, packed;
+@dynamic hasJstype, jstype;
 @dynamic hasLazy, lazy;
 @dynamic hasDeprecated, deprecated;
 @dynamic hasWeak, weak;
@@ -1474,6 +1562,7 @@
   BOOL lazy;
   BOOL weak;
   GPBFieldOptions_CType ctype;
+  GPBFieldOptions_JSType jstype;
   NSMutableArray *uninterpretedOptionArray;
 } GPBFieldOptions_Storage;
@@ -1508,7 +1597,7 @@
         .name = "deprecated",
         .number = GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Deprecated,
-        .hasIndex = 3,
+        .hasIndex = 4,
         .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasDefaultValue,
         .type = GPBTypeBool,
         .offset = offsetof(GPBFieldOptions_Storage, deprecated),
@@ -1519,7 +1608,7 @@
         .name = "lazy",
         .number = GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Lazy,
-        .hasIndex = 2,
+        .hasIndex = 3,
         .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasDefaultValue,
         .type = GPBTypeBool,
         .offset = offsetof(GPBFieldOptions_Storage, lazy),
@@ -1528,9 +1617,20 @@
         .fieldOptions = NULL,
+        .name = "jstype",
+        .number = GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Jstype,
+        .hasIndex = 2,
+        .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasDefaultValue | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor,
+        .type = GPBTypeEnum,
+        .offset = offsetof(GPBFieldOptions_Storage, jstype),
+        .defaultValue.valueEnum = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNormal,
+        .typeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_EnumDescriptor,
+        .fieldOptions = NULL,
+      },
+      {
         .name = "weak",
         .number = GPBFieldOptions_FieldNumber_Weak,
-        .hasIndex = 4,
+        .hasIndex = 5,
         .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasDefaultValue,
         .type = GPBTypeBool,
         .offset = offsetof(GPBFieldOptions_Storage, weak),
@@ -1552,6 +1652,7 @@
     static GPBMessageEnumDescription enums[] = {
       { .enumDescriptorFunc = GPBFieldOptions_CType_EnumDescriptor },
+      { .enumDescriptorFunc = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_EnumDescriptor },
     static GPBExtensionRange ranges[] = {
       { .start = 1000, .end = 536870912 },
@@ -1604,6 +1705,35 @@
+#pragma mark - Enum GPBFieldOptions_JSType
+GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBFieldOptions_JSType_EnumDescriptor(void) {
+  static GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
+  if (!descriptor) {
+    static GPBMessageEnumValueDescription values[] = {
+      { .name = "JsNormal", .number = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNormal },
+      { .name = "JsString", .number = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsString },
+      { .name = "JsNumber", .number = GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNumber },
+    };
+    descriptor = [GPBEnumDescriptor allocDescriptorForName:GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBFieldOptions_JSType)
+                                                   values:values
+                                               valueCount:sizeof(values) / sizeof(GPBMessageEnumValueDescription)
+                                             enumVerifier:GPBFieldOptions_JSType_IsValidValue];
+  }
+  return descriptor;
+BOOL GPBFieldOptions_JSType_IsValidValue(int32_t value__) {
+  switch (value__) {
+    case GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNormal:
+    case GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsString:
+    case GPBFieldOptions_JSType_JsNumber:
+      return YES;
+    default:
+      return NO;
+  }
 #pragma mark - GPBEnumOptions
 @implementation GPBEnumOptions