Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
This directory contains the Objective C Protocol Buffers runtime library.
The Objective C implemention requires:
The full distribution pulled from github includes the sources for both the compiler (protoc) and the runtime (this directory). To build the compiler and run the runtime tests, you can use:
$ objectivec/DevTools/
This will generate the src/protoc
There are two ways to include the Runtime sources in your project:
Add objectivec/\*.h
& objectivec/GPBProtocolBuffers.m
to your project.
Add objectivec/\*.h
& objectivec/\*.m
except for objectivec/GPBProtocolBuffers.m
to your project.
If the target is using ARC, remember to turn off ARC (-fno-objc-arc
) for the .m
The files generated by protoc
for the *.proto
files (\*.pbobjc.h' and
*.pbobjc.m`) are then also added to the target.
The Objective C classes/enums can be used from Swift code.
objc_class_prefix=<prefix> (no default)
Since Objective C uses a global namespace for all of its classes, there can be collisions. This option provides a prefix that will be added to the Enums and Objects (for messages) generated from the proto. Convention is to base the prefix on the package the proto is in.
Please make updates to the tests along with changes. If just changing the runtime, the Xcode projects can be used to build and run tests. If change also require changes to the generated code, objectivec/DevTools/
can be used to easily rebuild and test changes. Passing -h
to the script will show the addition options that could be useful.
The complete documentation for Protocol Buffers is available via the web at: