| // Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
| // source: com/google/protobuf/evil_names_proto3.proto |
| |
| package evil_names_proto3; |
| |
| public final class EvilNamesProto3OuterClass { |
| private EvilNamesProto3OuterClass() {} |
| public static void registerAllExtensions( |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite registry) { |
| } |
| public interface EvilNamesProto3OrBuilder extends |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3) |
| com.google.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder { |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @return The initialized. |
| */ |
| boolean getInitialized(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @return The hasFoo. |
| */ |
| boolean getHasFoo(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bar. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getBar(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for bar. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getBarBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @return The isInitialized. |
| */ |
| boolean getIsInitialized(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return Whether the fooBar field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasFooBar(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The fooBar. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getFooBar(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for fooBar. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getFooBarBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getALLCAPSList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| int getALLCAPSCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getALLCAPS(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getALLCAPSBytes(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| int getALLCAPSMAPCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsALLCAPSMAP( |
| int key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getALLCAPSMAPMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> |
| getALLCAPSMAP(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> |
| getALLCAPSMAPMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| boolean defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrThrow( |
| int key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1foo. |
| */ |
| boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42bar. |
| */ |
| boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123foo42barBaz. |
| */ |
| boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the extension. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getExtensionList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return The count of extension. |
| */ |
| int getExtensionCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getExtension(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getExtensionBytes(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The class. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getClass_(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for class. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getClass_Bytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @return The int. |
| */ |
| double getInt(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @return The long. |
| */ |
| boolean getLong(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @return The boolean. |
| */ |
| long getBoolean(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The sealed. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getSealed(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for sealed. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getSealedBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @return The interface. |
| */ |
| float getInterface(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| int getIn(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The object. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getObject(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for object. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getObjectBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The cachedSize. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getCachedSize_(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for cachedSize. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getCachedSize_Bytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @return The serializedSize. |
| */ |
| boolean getSerializedSize_(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The value. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getValue(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for value. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValueBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @return The index. |
| */ |
| long getIndex(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the values. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getValuesList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return The count of values. |
| */ |
| int getValuesCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The values at the given index. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getValues(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The values at the given index. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValuesBytes(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the newValues. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getNewValuesList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return The count of newValues. |
| */ |
| int getNewValuesCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getNewValues(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getNewValuesBytes(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @return The builder. |
| */ |
| boolean getBuilder(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| int getKCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsK( |
| int key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getK(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getKMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getKOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getKOrThrow( |
| int key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| int getVCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsV( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getVMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
| getV(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
| getVMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| java.lang.String getVOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| java.lang.String getVOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| int getKeyCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsKey( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKeyMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getKey(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getKeyMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getKeyOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getKeyOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| int getMapCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsMap( |
| int key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getMapMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> |
| getMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> |
| getMapMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| java.lang.String getMapOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| java.lang.String getMapOrThrow( |
| int key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| int getPairsCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsPairs( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getPairsMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getPairs(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getPairsMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getPairsOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getPairsOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getLeadingUnderscore(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getLeadingUnderscoreBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return Whether the option field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasOption(); |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return The option. |
| */ |
| int getOption(); |
| |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3.CamelCaseCase getCamelCaseCase(); |
| |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3.LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase getLeadingUnderscoreOneofCase(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3} |
| */ |
| public static final class EvilNamesProto3 extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite< |
| EvilNamesProto3, EvilNamesProto3.Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3) |
| EvilNamesProto3OrBuilder { |
| private EvilNamesProto3() { |
| bar_ = ""; |
| aLLCAPS_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| extension_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| class__ = ""; |
| sealed_ = ""; |
| object_ = ""; |
| cachedSize__ = ""; |
| value_ = ""; |
| values_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| newValues_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| LeadingUnderscore_ = ""; |
| } |
| private int camelCaseCase_ = 0; |
| private java.lang.Object camelCase_; |
| public enum CamelCaseCase { |
| FOOBAR(5), |
| private final int value; |
| private CamelCaseCase(int value) { |
| this.value = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public static CamelCaseCase valueOf(int value) { |
| return forNumber(value); |
| } |
| |
| public static CamelCaseCase forNumber(int value) { |
| switch (value) { |
| case 5: return FOOBAR; |
| case 0: return CAMELCASE_NOT_SET; |
| default: return null; |
| } |
| } |
| public int getNumber() { |
| return this.value; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public CamelCaseCase |
| getCamelCaseCase() { |
| return CamelCaseCase.forNumber( |
| camelCaseCase_); |
| } |
| |
| private void clearCamelCase() { |
| camelCaseCase_ = 0; |
| camelCase_ = null; |
| } |
| |
| private int LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ = 0; |
| private java.lang.Object LeadingUnderscoreOneof_; |
| public enum LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase { |
| OPTION(34), |
| private final int value; |
| private LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase(int value) { |
| this.value = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public static LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase valueOf(int value) { |
| return forNumber(value); |
| } |
| |
| public static LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase forNumber(int value) { |
| switch (value) { |
| case 34: return OPTION; |
| default: return null; |
| } |
| } |
| public int getNumber() { |
| return this.value; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase |
| getLeadingUnderscoreOneofCase() { |
| return LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase.forNumber( |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_); |
| } |
| |
| private void clearLeadingUnderscoreOneof() { |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ = 0; |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneof_ = null; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int INITIALIZED_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; |
| private boolean initialized_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @return The initialized. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getInitialized() { |
| return initialized_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The initialized to set. |
| */ |
| private void setInitialized(boolean value) { |
| |
| initialized_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearInitialized() { |
| |
| initialized_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int HAS_FOO_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; |
| private boolean hasFoo_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @return The hasFoo. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasFoo() { |
| return hasFoo_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The hasFoo to set. |
| */ |
| private void setHasFoo(boolean value) { |
| |
| hasFoo_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearHasFoo() { |
| |
| hasFoo_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int BAR_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; |
| private java.lang.String bar_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getBar() { |
| return bar_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getBarBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(bar_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The bar to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBar( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| bar_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearBar() { |
| |
| bar_ = getDefaultInstance().getBar(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for bar to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBarBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| bar_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int IS_INITIALIZED_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; |
| private boolean isInitialized_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @return The isInitialized. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getIsInitialized() { |
| return isInitialized_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @param value The isInitialized to set. |
| */ |
| private void setIsInitialized(boolean value) { |
| |
| isInitialized_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearIsInitialized() { |
| |
| isInitialized_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int FOOBAR_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return Whether the fooBar field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasFooBar() { |
| return camelCaseCase_ == 5; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The fooBar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getFooBar() { |
| java.lang.String ref = ""; |
| if (camelCaseCase_ == 5) { |
| ref = (java.lang.String) camelCase_; |
| } |
| return ref; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for fooBar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getFooBarBytes() { |
| java.lang.String ref = ""; |
| if (camelCaseCase_ == 5) { |
| ref = (java.lang.String) camelCase_; |
| } |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(ref); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @param value The fooBar to set. |
| */ |
| private void setFooBar( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| camelCaseCase_ = 5; |
| camelCase_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearFooBar() { |
| if (camelCaseCase_ == 5) { |
| camelCaseCase_ = 0; |
| camelCase_ = null; |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for fooBar to set. |
| */ |
| private void setFooBarBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| camelCase_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| camelCaseCase_ = 5; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int ALL_CAPS_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> aLLCAPS_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getALLCAPSList() { |
| return aLLCAPS_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getALLCAPSCount() { |
| return aLLCAPS_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getALLCAPS(int index) { |
| return aLLCAPS_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getALLCAPSBytes(int index) { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8( |
| aLLCAPS_.get(index)); |
| } |
| private void ensureALLCAPSIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> tmp = |
| aLLCAPS_; if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| aLLCAPS_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The aLLCAPS to set. |
| */ |
| private void setALLCAPS( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureALLCAPSIsMutable(); |
| aLLCAPS_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The aLLCAPS to add. |
| */ |
| private void addALLCAPS( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureALLCAPSIsMutable(); |
| aLLCAPS_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param values The aLLCAPS to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllALLCAPS( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| ensureALLCAPSIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, aLLCAPS_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearALLCAPS() { |
| aLLCAPS_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the aLLCAPS to add. |
| */ |
| private void addALLCAPSBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| ensureALLCAPSIsMutable(); |
| aLLCAPS_.add(value.toStringUtf8()); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int ALL_CAPS_MAP_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; |
| private static final class ALLCAPSMAPDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0, |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.BOOL, |
| false); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> aLLCAPSMAP_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> |
| internalGetALLCAPSMAP() { |
| return aLLCAPSMAP_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> |
| internalGetMutableALLCAPSMAP() { |
| if (!aLLCAPSMAP_.isMutable()) { |
| aLLCAPSMAP_ = aLLCAPSMAP_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return aLLCAPSMAP_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getALLCAPSMAPCount() { |
| return internalGetALLCAPSMAP().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsALLCAPSMAP( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return internalGetALLCAPSMAP().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getALLCAPSMAPMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> getALLCAPSMAP() { |
| return getALLCAPSMAPMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> getALLCAPSMAPMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetALLCAPSMAP()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| boolean defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> map = |
| internalGetALLCAPSMAP(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> map = |
| internalGetALLCAPSMAP(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> |
| getMutableALLCAPSMAPMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableALLCAPSMAP(); |
| } |
| |
| private boolean hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1foo. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo() { |
| return hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1foo to set. |
| */ |
| private void setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(boolean value) { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo() { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int HAS_UNDERBAR_PRECEDING_NUMERIC_42BAR_FIELD_NUMBER = 10; |
| private boolean hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar() { |
| return hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42bar to set. |
| */ |
| private void setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(boolean value) { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar() { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| private boolean hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123foo42barBaz. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz() { |
| return hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123foo42barBaz to set. |
| */ |
| private void setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(boolean value) { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz() { |
| |
| hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int EXTENSION_FIELD_NUMBER = 12; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> extension_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the extension. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExtensionList() { |
| return extension_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return The count of extension. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getExtensionCount() { |
| return extension_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getExtension(int index) { |
| return extension_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getExtensionBytes(int index) { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8( |
| extension_.get(index)); |
| } |
| private void ensureExtensionIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> tmp = |
| extension_; if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| extension_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The extension to set. |
| */ |
| private void setExtension( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureExtensionIsMutable(); |
| extension_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param value The extension to add. |
| */ |
| private void addExtension( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureExtensionIsMutable(); |
| extension_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param values The extension to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllExtension( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| ensureExtensionIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, extension_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearExtension() { |
| extension_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the extension to add. |
| */ |
| private void addExtensionBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| ensureExtensionIsMutable(); |
| extension_.add(value.toStringUtf8()); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int CLASS_FIELD_NUMBER = 13; |
| private java.lang.String class__; |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The class. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getClass_() { |
| return class__; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for class. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getClass_Bytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(class__); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @param value The class to set. |
| */ |
| private void setClass_( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| class__ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearClass_() { |
| |
| class__ = getDefaultInstance().getClass_(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for class to set. |
| */ |
| private void setClass_Bytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| class__ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int INT_FIELD_NUMBER = 14; |
| private double int_; |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @return The int. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public double getInt() { |
| return int_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @param value The int to set. |
| */ |
| private void setInt(double value) { |
| |
| int_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearInt() { |
| |
| int_ = 0D; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int LONG_FIELD_NUMBER = 15; |
| private boolean long_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @return The long. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getLong() { |
| return long_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @param value The long to set. |
| */ |
| private void setLong(boolean value) { |
| |
| long_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearLong() { |
| |
| long_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int BOOLEAN_FIELD_NUMBER = 16; |
| private long boolean_; |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @return The boolean. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public long getBoolean() { |
| return boolean_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @param value The boolean to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBoolean(long value) { |
| |
| boolean_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearBoolean() { |
| |
| boolean_ = 0L; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int SEALED_FIELD_NUMBER = 17; |
| private java.lang.String sealed_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The sealed. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getSealed() { |
| return sealed_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for sealed. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getSealedBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(sealed_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @param value The sealed to set. |
| */ |
| private void setSealed( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| sealed_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearSealed() { |
| |
| sealed_ = getDefaultInstance().getSealed(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for sealed to set. |
| */ |
| private void setSealedBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| sealed_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int INTERFACE_FIELD_NUMBER = 18; |
| private float interface_; |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @return The interface. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public float getInterface() { |
| return interface_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @param value The interface to set. |
| */ |
| private void setInterface(float value) { |
| |
| interface_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearInterface() { |
| |
| interface_ = 0F; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int IN_FIELD_NUMBER = 19; |
| private int in_; |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getIn() { |
| return in_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @param value The in to set. |
| */ |
| private void setIn(int value) { |
| |
| in_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearIn() { |
| |
| in_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int OBJECT_FIELD_NUMBER = 20; |
| private java.lang.String object_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The object. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getObject() { |
| return object_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for object. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getObjectBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(object_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @param value The object to set. |
| */ |
| private void setObject( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| object_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearObject() { |
| |
| object_ = getDefaultInstance().getObject(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for object to set. |
| */ |
| private void setObjectBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| object_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int CACHED_SIZE_FIELD_NUMBER = 21; |
| private java.lang.String cachedSize__; |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The cachedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getCachedSize_() { |
| return cachedSize__; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for cachedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getCachedSize_Bytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(cachedSize__); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @param value The cachedSize to set. |
| */ |
| private void setCachedSize_( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| cachedSize__ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearCachedSize_() { |
| |
| cachedSize__ = getDefaultInstance().getCachedSize_(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for cachedSize to set. |
| */ |
| private void setCachedSize_Bytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| cachedSize__ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int SERIALIZED_SIZE_FIELD_NUMBER = 22; |
| private boolean serializedSize__; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @return The serializedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getSerializedSize_() { |
| return serializedSize__; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @param value The serializedSize to set. |
| */ |
| private void setSerializedSize_(boolean value) { |
| |
| serializedSize__ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearSerializedSize_() { |
| |
| serializedSize__ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 23; |
| private java.lang.String value_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The value. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getValue() { |
| return value_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for value. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValueBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(value_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @param value The value to set. |
| */ |
| private void setValue( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| value_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearValue() { |
| |
| value_ = getDefaultInstance().getValue(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for value to set. |
| */ |
| private void setValueBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| value_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int INDEX_FIELD_NUMBER = 24; |
| private long index_; |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @return The index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public long getIndex() { |
| return index_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @param value The index to set. |
| */ |
| private void setIndex(long value) { |
| |
| index_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearIndex() { |
| |
| index_ = 0L; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int VALUES_FIELD_NUMBER = 25; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> values_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the values. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getValuesList() { |
| return values_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return The count of values. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getValuesCount() { |
| return values_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The values at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getValues(int index) { |
| return values_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the values at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValuesBytes(int index) { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8( |
| values_.get(index)); |
| } |
| private void ensureValuesIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> tmp = |
| values_; if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| values_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The values to set. |
| */ |
| private void setValues( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureValuesIsMutable(); |
| values_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param value The values to add. |
| */ |
| private void addValues( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureValuesIsMutable(); |
| values_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param values The values to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllValues( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| ensureValuesIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, values_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearValues() { |
| values_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the values to add. |
| */ |
| private void addValuesBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| ensureValuesIsMutable(); |
| values_.add(value.toStringUtf8()); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int NEW_VALUES_FIELD_NUMBER = 26; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> newValues_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the newValues. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getNewValuesList() { |
| return newValues_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return The count of newValues. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getNewValuesCount() { |
| return newValues_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getNewValues(int index) { |
| return newValues_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getNewValuesBytes(int index) { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8( |
| newValues_.get(index)); |
| } |
| private void ensureNewValuesIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> tmp = |
| newValues_; if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| newValues_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The newValues to set. |
| */ |
| private void setNewValues( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureNewValuesIsMutable(); |
| newValues_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param value The newValues to add. |
| */ |
| private void addNewValues( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureNewValuesIsMutable(); |
| newValues_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param values The newValues to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllNewValues( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| ensureNewValuesIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, newValues_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearNewValues() { |
| newValues_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the newValues to add. |
| */ |
| private void addNewValuesBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| ensureNewValuesIsMutable(); |
| newValues_.add(value.toStringUtf8()); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int BUILDER_FIELD_NUMBER = 27; |
| private boolean builder_; |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @return The builder. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getBuilder() { |
| return builder_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @param value The builder to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBuilder(boolean value) { |
| |
| builder_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearBuilder() { |
| |
| builder_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int K_FIELD_NUMBER = 28; |
| private static final class KDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0, |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> k_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetK() { |
| return k_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetMutableK() { |
| if (!k_.isMutable()) { |
| k_ = k_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return k_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKCount() { |
| return internalGetK().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsK( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return internalGetK().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getK() { |
| return getKMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getKMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetK()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetK(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetK(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getMutableKMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableK(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int V_FIELD_NUMBER = 29; |
| private static final class VDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.String> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.STRING, |
| "", |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.STRING, |
| ""); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.String> v_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
| internalGetV() { |
| return v_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
| internalGetMutableV() { |
| if (!v_.isMutable()) { |
| v_ = v_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return v_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getVCount() { |
| return internalGetV().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsV( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return internalGetV().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getVMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getV() { |
| return getVMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getVMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetV()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getVOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> map = |
| internalGetV(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getVOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> map = |
| internalGetV(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
| getMutableVMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableV(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int KEY_FIELD_NUMBER = 30; |
| private static final class KeyDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.STRING, |
| "", |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> key_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetKey() { |
| return key_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetMutableKey() { |
| if (!key_.isMutable()) { |
| key_ = key_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return key_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyCount() { |
| return internalGetKey().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsKey( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return internalGetKey().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKeyMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getKey() { |
| return getKeyMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getKeyMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetKey()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetKey(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetKey(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getMutableKeyMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableKey(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int MAP_FIELD_NUMBER = 31; |
| private static final class MapDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0, |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.STRING, |
| ""); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> map_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> |
| internalGetMap() { |
| return map_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> |
| internalGetMutableMap() { |
| if (!map_.isMutable()) { |
| map_ = map_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return map_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getMapCount() { |
| return internalGetMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsMap( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return internalGetMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getMapMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> getMap() { |
| return getMapMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> getMapMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getMapOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> map = |
| internalGetMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getMapOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> map = |
| internalGetMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> |
| getMutableMapMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableMap(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int PAIRS_FIELD_NUMBER = 32; |
| private static final class PairsDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.STRING, |
| "", |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> pairs_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetPairs() { |
| return pairs_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetMutablePairs() { |
| if (!pairs_.isMutable()) { |
| pairs_ = pairs_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return pairs_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsCount() { |
| return internalGetPairs().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsPairs( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return internalGetPairs().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getPairsMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getPairs() { |
| return getPairsMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getPairsMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetPairs()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetPairs(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetPairs(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> |
| getMutablePairsMap() { |
| return internalGetMutablePairs(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int _LEADING_UNDERSCORE_FIELD_NUMBER = 33; |
| private java.lang.String LeadingUnderscore_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getLeadingUnderscore() { |
| return LeadingUnderscore_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getLeadingUnderscoreBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(LeadingUnderscore_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @param value The leadingUnderscore to set. |
| */ |
| private void setLeadingUnderscore( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| |
| LeadingUnderscore_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearLeadingUnderscore() { |
| |
| LeadingUnderscore_ = getDefaultInstance().getLeadingUnderscore(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for leadingUnderscore to set. |
| */ |
| private void setLeadingUnderscoreBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| LeadingUnderscore_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| |
| } |
| |
| public static final int OPTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 34; |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return Whether the option field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasOption() { |
| return LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ == 34; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return The option. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getOption() { |
| if (LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ == 34) { |
| return (java.lang.Integer) LeadingUnderscoreOneof_; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @param value The option to set. |
| */ |
| private void setOption(int value) { |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ = 34; |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneof_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearOption() { |
| if (LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ == 34) { |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_ = 0; |
| LeadingUnderscoreOneof_ = null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom(byte[] data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| byte[] data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseDelimitedFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| |
| public static Builder newBuilder() { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(); |
| } |
| public static Builder newBuilder(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 prototype) { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(prototype); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3} |
| */ |
| public static final class Builder extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.Builder< |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3, Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3) |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3OrBuilder { |
| // Construct using evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3.newBuilder() |
| private Builder() { |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public CamelCaseCase |
| getCamelCaseCase() { |
| return instance.getCamelCaseCase(); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearCamelCase() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearCamelCase(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase |
| getLeadingUnderscoreOneofCase() { |
| return instance.getLeadingUnderscoreOneofCase(); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearLeadingUnderscoreOneof() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearLeadingUnderscoreOneof(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @return The initialized. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getInitialized() { |
| return instance.getInitialized(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The initialized to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setInitialized(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setInitialized(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool initialized = 1;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearInitialized() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearInitialized(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @return The hasFoo. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasFoo() { |
| return instance.getHasFoo(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The hasFoo to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setHasFoo(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setHasFoo(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_foo = 2;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearHasFoo() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearHasFoo(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getBar() { |
| return instance.getBar(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getBarBytes() { |
| return instance.getBarBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The bar to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBar( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBar(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearBar() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearBar(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string Bar = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for bar to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBarBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBarBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @return The isInitialized. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getIsInitialized() { |
| return instance.getIsInitialized(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @param value The isInitialized to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setIsInitialized(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIsInitialized(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool is_initialized = 4;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearIsInitialized() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearIsInitialized(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return Whether the fooBar field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasFooBar() { |
| return instance.hasFooBar(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The fooBar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getFooBar() { |
| return instance.getFooBar(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for fooBar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getFooBarBytes() { |
| return instance.getFooBarBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @param value The fooBar to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setFooBar( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setFooBar(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearFooBar() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearFooBar(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string fooBar = 5;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for fooBar to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setFooBarBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setFooBarBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getALLCAPSList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getALLCAPSList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of aLLCAPS. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getALLCAPSCount() { |
| return instance.getALLCAPSCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getALLCAPS(int index) { |
| return instance.getALLCAPS(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the aLLCAPS at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getALLCAPSBytes(int index) { |
| return instance.getALLCAPSBytes(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The aLLCAPS to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setALLCAPS( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setALLCAPS(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The aLLCAPS to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addALLCAPS( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addALLCAPS(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param values The aLLCAPS to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllALLCAPS( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllALLCAPS(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearALLCAPS() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearALLCAPS(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string ALL_CAPS = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the aLLCAPS to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addALLCAPSBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addALLCAPSBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getALLCAPSMAPCount() { |
| return instance.getALLCAPSMAPMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsALLCAPSMAP( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return instance.getALLCAPSMAPMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearALLCAPSMAP() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableALLCAPSMAPMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeALLCAPSMAP( |
| int key) { |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableALLCAPSMAPMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getALLCAPSMAPMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> getALLCAPSMAP() { |
| return getALLCAPSMAPMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> getALLCAPSMAPMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getALLCAPSMAPMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| boolean defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> map = |
| instance.getALLCAPSMAPMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean getALLCAPSMAPOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> map = |
| instance.getALLCAPSMAPMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putALLCAPSMAP( |
| int key, |
| boolean value) { |
| |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableALLCAPSMAPMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, bool> ALL_CAPS_MAP = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllALLCAPSMAP( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Boolean> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableALLCAPSMAPMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1foo. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo() { |
| return instance.getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1foo to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_1foo = 9;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42bar. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar() { |
| return instance.getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42bar to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_42bar = 10;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @return The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123foo42barBaz. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz() { |
| return instance.getHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @param value The hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123foo42barBaz to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool has_underbar_preceding_numeric_123foo42bar_baz = 11;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearHasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the extension. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getExtensionList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getExtensionList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return The count of extension. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getExtensionCount() { |
| return instance.getExtensionCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getExtension(int index) { |
| return instance.getExtension(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the extension at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getExtensionBytes(int index) { |
| return instance.getExtensionBytes(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The extension to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setExtension( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setExtension(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param value The extension to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addExtension( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addExtension(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param values The extension to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllExtension( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllExtension(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearExtension() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearExtension(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string extension = 12;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the extension to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addExtensionBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addExtensionBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The class. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getClass_() { |
| return instance.getClass_(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for class. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getClass_Bytes() { |
| return instance.getClass_Bytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @param value The class to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setClass_( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setClass_(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearClass_() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearClass_(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string class = 13;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for class to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setClass_Bytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setClass_Bytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @return The int. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public double getInt() { |
| return instance.getInt(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @param value The int to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setInt(double value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setInt(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>double int = 14;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearInt() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearInt(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @return The long. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getLong() { |
| return instance.getLong(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @param value The long to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setLong(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setLong(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool long = 15;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearLong() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearLong(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @return The boolean. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public long getBoolean() { |
| return instance.getBoolean(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @param value The boolean to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBoolean(long value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBoolean(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 boolean = 16;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearBoolean() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearBoolean(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The sealed. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getSealed() { |
| return instance.getSealed(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for sealed. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getSealedBytes() { |
| return instance.getSealedBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @param value The sealed to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setSealed( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setSealed(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearSealed() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearSealed(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string sealed = 17;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for sealed to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setSealedBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setSealedBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @return The interface. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public float getInterface() { |
| return instance.getInterface(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @param value The interface to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setInterface(float value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setInterface(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>float interface = 18;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearInterface() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearInterface(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getIn() { |
| return instance.getIn(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @param value The in to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setIn(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIn(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 in = 19;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearIn() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearIn(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The object. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getObject() { |
| return instance.getObject(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for object. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getObjectBytes() { |
| return instance.getObjectBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @param value The object to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setObject( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setObject(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearObject() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearObject(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string object = 20;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for object to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setObjectBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setObjectBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The cachedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getCachedSize_() { |
| return instance.getCachedSize_(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for cachedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getCachedSize_Bytes() { |
| return instance.getCachedSize_Bytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @param value The cachedSize to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setCachedSize_( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setCachedSize_(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearCachedSize_() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearCachedSize_(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string cached_size = 21;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for cachedSize to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setCachedSize_Bytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setCachedSize_Bytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @return The serializedSize. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getSerializedSize_() { |
| return instance.getSerializedSize_(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @param value The serializedSize to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setSerializedSize_(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setSerializedSize_(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool serialized_size = 22;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearSerializedSize_() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearSerializedSize_(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The value. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getValue() { |
| return instance.getValue(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for value. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValueBytes() { |
| return instance.getValueBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @param value The value to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setValue( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setValue(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearValue() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearValue(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string value = 23;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for value to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setValueBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setValueBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @return The index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public long getIndex() { |
| return instance.getIndex(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @param value The index to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setIndex(long value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIndex(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int64 index = 24;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearIndex() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearIndex(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the values. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getValuesList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getValuesList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return The count of values. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getValuesCount() { |
| return instance.getValuesCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The values at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getValues(int index) { |
| return instance.getValues(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the values at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getValuesBytes(int index) { |
| return instance.getValuesBytes(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The values to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setValues( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setValues(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param value The values to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addValues( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addValues(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param values The values to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllValues( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllValues(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearValues() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearValues(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string values = 25;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the values to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addValuesBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addValuesBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the newValues. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getNewValuesList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getNewValuesList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return The count of newValues. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getNewValuesCount() { |
| return instance.getNewValuesCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getNewValues(int index) { |
| return instance.getNewValues(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the newValues at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getNewValuesBytes(int index) { |
| return instance.getNewValuesBytes(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The newValues to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setNewValues( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setNewValues(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param value The newValues to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addNewValues( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addNewValues(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param values The newValues to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllNewValues( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllNewValues(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearNewValues() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearNewValues(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string new_values = 26;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the newValues to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addNewValuesBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addNewValuesBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @return The builder. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean getBuilder() { |
| return instance.getBuilder(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @param value The builder to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBuilder(boolean value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBuilder(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>bool builder = 27;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearBuilder() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearBuilder(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKCount() { |
| return instance.getKMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsK( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return instance.getKMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearK() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeK( |
| int key) { |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getK() { |
| return getKMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getKMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getKMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getKMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getKMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putK( |
| int key, |
| int value) { |
| |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> k = 28;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllK( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getVCount() { |
| return instance.getVMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsV( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return instance.getVMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearV() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableVMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeV( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableVMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getVMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getV() { |
| return getVMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getVMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getVMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getVOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> map = |
| instance.getVMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getVOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> map = |
| instance.getVMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putV( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| value.getClass(); |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableVMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, string> v = 29;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllV( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableVMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyCount() { |
| return instance.getKeyMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsKey( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return instance.getKeyMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearKey() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKeyMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeKey( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKeyMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getKeyMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getKey() { |
| return getKeyMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getKeyMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getKeyMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getKeyMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getKeyOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getKeyMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putKey( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int value) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKeyMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> key = 30;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllKey( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableKeyMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getMapCount() { |
| return instance.getMapMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsMap( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return instance.getMapMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearMap() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableMapMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeMap( |
| int key) { |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableMapMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getMapMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> getMap() { |
| return getMapMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> getMapMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getMapMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getMapOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| java.lang.String defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> map = |
| instance.getMapMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.lang.String getMapOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> map = |
| instance.getMapMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putMap( |
| int key, |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| |
| value.getClass(); |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableMapMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, string> map = 31;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllMap( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableMapMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsCount() { |
| return instance.getPairsMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsPairs( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| return instance.getPairsMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearPairs() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutablePairsMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removePairs( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutablePairsMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getPairsMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getPairs() { |
| return getPairsMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> getPairsMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getPairsMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsOrDefault( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getPairsMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getPairsOrThrow( |
| java.lang.String key) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getPairsMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putPairs( |
| java.lang.String key, |
| int value) { |
| key.getClass(); |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutablePairsMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<string, int32> pairs = 32;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllPairs( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutablePairsMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getLeadingUnderscore() { |
| return instance.getLeadingUnderscore(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for leadingUnderscore. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getLeadingUnderscoreBytes() { |
| return instance.getLeadingUnderscoreBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @param value The leadingUnderscore to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setLeadingUnderscore( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setLeadingUnderscore(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearLeadingUnderscore() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearLeadingUnderscore(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string _leading_underscore = 33;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for leadingUnderscore to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setLeadingUnderscoreBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setLeadingUnderscoreBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return Whether the option field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasOption() { |
| return instance.hasOption(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return The option. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getOption() { |
| return instance.getOption(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @param value The option to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setOption(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setOption(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 option = 34;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearOption() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearOption(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3) |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "fallthrough"}) |
| protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.MethodToInvoke method, |
| java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) { |
| switch (method) { |
| return new evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3(); |
| } |
| case NEW_BUILDER: { |
| return new Builder(); |
| } |
| java.lang.Object[] objects = new java.lang.Object[] { |
| "camelCase_", |
| "camelCaseCase_", |
| "LeadingUnderscoreOneof_", |
| "LeadingUnderscoreOneofCase_", |
| "initialized_", |
| "hasFoo_", |
| "bar_", |
| "isInitialized_", |
| "aLLCAPS_", |
| "aLLCAPSMAP_", |
| ALLCAPSMAPDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric1Foo_", |
| "hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric42Bar_", |
| "hasUnderbarPrecedingNumeric123Foo42BarBaz_", |
| "extension_", |
| "class__", |
| "int_", |
| "long_", |
| "boolean_", |
| "sealed_", |
| "interface_", |
| "in_", |
| "object_", |
| "cachedSize__", |
| "serializedSize__", |
| "value_", |
| "index_", |
| "values_", |
| "newValues_", |
| "builder_", |
| "k_", |
| KDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "v_", |
| VDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "key_", |
| KeyDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "map_", |
| MapDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "pairs_", |
| PairsDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "LeadingUnderscore_", |
| }; |
| java.lang.String info = |
| "\u0000!\u0002\u0000\u0001\"!\u0006\u0004\u0000\u0001\u0007\u0002\u0007\u0003\u0208" + |
| "\u0004\u0007\u0005\u023b\u0000\u0007\u021a\b2\t\u0007\n\u0007\u000b\u0007\f\u021a" + |
| "\r\u0208\u000e\u0000\u000f\u0007\u0010\u0002\u0011\u0208\u0012\u0001\u0013\u0004" + |
| "\u0014\u0208\u0015\u0208\u0016\u0007\u0017\u0208\u0018\u0002\u0019\u021a\u001a\u021a" + |
| "\u001b\u0007\u001c2\u001d2\u001e2\u001f2 2!\u0208\"7\u0001"; |
| return newMessageInfo(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, info, objects); |
| } |
| // fall through |
| } |
| case GET_PARSER: { |
| com.google.protobuf.Parser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3> parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| synchronized (evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3.class) { |
| parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| parser = |
| new DefaultInstanceBasedParser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3>( |
| PARSER = parser; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return parser; |
| } |
| return (byte) 1; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3) |
| private static final evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 DEFAULT_INSTANCE; |
| static { |
| EvilNamesProto3 defaultInstance = new EvilNamesProto3(); |
| // New instances are implicitly immutable so no need to make |
| // immutable. |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE = defaultInstance; |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.registerDefaultInstance( |
| EvilNamesProto3.class, defaultInstance); |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.EvilNamesProto3 getDefaultInstance() { |
| } |
| |
| private static volatile com.google.protobuf.Parser<EvilNamesProto3> PARSER; |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Parser<EvilNamesProto3> parser() { |
| return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.getParserForType(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public interface HardKeywordsAllTypesOrBuilder extends |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes) |
| com.google.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder { |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the as field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasAs(); |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return The as. |
| */ |
| int getAs(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return Whether the in field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasIn(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getIn(); |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for in. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getInBytes(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return Whether the break field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasBreak(); |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for break. |
| */ |
| int getBreakValue(); |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The break. |
| */ |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getBreak(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| int getContinueCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| boolean containsContinue( |
| int key); |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getContinueMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getContinue(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getContinueMap(); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getContinueOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue); |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| int getContinueOrThrow( |
| int key); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| * @return Whether the do field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasDo(); |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| * @return The do. |
| */ |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getDo(); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the else. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getElseList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return The count of else. |
| */ |
| int getElseCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The else at the given index. |
| */ |
| int getElse(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the for. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getForList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of for. |
| */ |
| int getForCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The for at the given index. |
| */ |
| java.lang.String getFor(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The for at the given index. |
| */ |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getForBytes(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the fun. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> getFunList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return The count of fun. |
| */ |
| int getFunCount(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getFun(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for fun. |
| */ |
| java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
| getFunValueList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire of fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| int getFunValue(int index); |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> |
| getIfList(); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getIf(int index); |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| int getIfCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes} |
| */ |
| public static final class HardKeywordsAllTypes extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite< |
| HardKeywordsAllTypes, HardKeywordsAllTypes.Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes) |
| HardKeywordsAllTypesOrBuilder { |
| private HardKeywordsAllTypes() { |
| in_ = ""; |
| else_ = emptyIntList(); |
| for_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| fun_ = emptyIntList(); |
| if_ = emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Protobuf enum {@code evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum} |
| */ |
| public enum NestedEnum |
| implements com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLite { |
| /** |
| * <code>ZERO = 0;</code> |
| */ |
| ZERO(0), |
| /** |
| * <code>FOO = 1;</code> |
| */ |
| FOO(1), |
| /** |
| * <code>BAR = 2;</code> |
| */ |
| BAR(2), |
| ; |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>ZERO = 0;</code> |
| */ |
| public static final int ZERO_VALUE = 0; |
| /** |
| * <code>FOO = 1;</code> |
| */ |
| public static final int FOO_VALUE = 1; |
| /** |
| * <code>BAR = 2;</code> |
| */ |
| public static final int BAR_VALUE = 2; |
| |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public final int getNumber() { |
| if (this == UNRECOGNIZED) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException( |
| "Can't get the number of an unknown enum value."); |
| } |
| return value; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param value The number of the enum to look for. |
| * @return The enum associated with the given number. |
| * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public static NestedEnum valueOf(int value) { |
| return forNumber(value); |
| } |
| |
| public static NestedEnum forNumber(int value) { |
| switch (value) { |
| case 0: return ZERO; |
| case 1: return FOO; |
| case 2: return BAR; |
| default: return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLiteMap<NestedEnum> |
| internalGetValueMap() { |
| return internalValueMap; |
| } |
| private static final com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLiteMap< |
| NestedEnum> internalValueMap = |
| new com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLiteMap<NestedEnum>() { |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public NestedEnum findValueByNumber(int number) { |
| return NestedEnum.forNumber(number); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumVerifier |
| internalGetVerifier() { |
| return NestedEnumVerifier.INSTANCE; |
| } |
| |
| private static final class NestedEnumVerifier implements |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumVerifier { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumVerifier INSTANCE = new NestedEnumVerifier(); |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean isInRange(int number) { |
| return NestedEnum.forNumber(number) != null; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| private final int value; |
| |
| private NestedEnum(int value) { |
| this.value = value; |
| } |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum) |
| } |
| |
| public interface NestedMessageOrBuilder extends |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage) |
| com.google.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder { |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the while field is set. |
| */ |
| boolean hasWhile(); |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return The while. |
| */ |
| int getWhile(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage} |
| */ |
| public static final class NestedMessage extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite< |
| NestedMessage, NestedMessage.Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage) |
| NestedMessageOrBuilder { |
| private NestedMessage() { |
| } |
| private int bitField0_; |
| public static final int WHILE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; |
| private int while_; |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the while field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasWhile() { |
| return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return The while. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getWhile() { |
| return while_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The while to set. |
| */ |
| private void setWhile(int value) { |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; |
| while_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearWhile() { |
| bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); |
| while_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| byte[] data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseDelimitedFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| |
| public static Builder newBuilder() { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(); |
| } |
| public static Builder newBuilder(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage prototype) { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(prototype); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage} |
| */ |
| public static final class Builder extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.Builder< |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage, Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage) |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessageOrBuilder { |
| // Construct using evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.newBuilder() |
| private Builder() { |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the while field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasWhile() { |
| return instance.hasWhile(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return The while. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getWhile() { |
| return instance.getWhile(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The while to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setWhile(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setWhile(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 while = 1;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearWhile() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearWhile(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage) |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "fallthrough"}) |
| protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.MethodToInvoke method, |
| java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) { |
| switch (method) { |
| return new evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage(); |
| } |
| case NEW_BUILDER: { |
| return new Builder(); |
| } |
| java.lang.Object[] objects = new java.lang.Object[] { |
| "bitField0_", |
| "while_", |
| }; |
| java.lang.String info = |
| "\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u1004\u0000"; |
| return newMessageInfo(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, info, objects); |
| } |
| // fall through |
| } |
| case GET_PARSER: { |
| com.google.protobuf.Parser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| synchronized (evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.class) { |
| parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| parser = |
| new DefaultInstanceBasedParser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage>( |
| PARSER = parser; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return parser; |
| } |
| return (byte) 1; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage) |
| private static final evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage DEFAULT_INSTANCE; |
| static { |
| NestedMessage defaultInstance = new NestedMessage(); |
| // New instances are implicitly immutable so no need to make |
| // immutable. |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE = defaultInstance; |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.registerDefaultInstance( |
| NestedMessage.class, defaultInstance); |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getDefaultInstance() { |
| } |
| |
| private static volatile com.google.protobuf.Parser<NestedMessage> PARSER; |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Parser<NestedMessage> parser() { |
| return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.getParserForType(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private int bitField0_; |
| public static final int AS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; |
| private int as_; |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the as field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasAs() { |
| return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return The as. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getAs() { |
| return as_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The as to set. |
| */ |
| private void setAs(int value) { |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; |
| as_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearAs() { |
| bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); |
| as_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int IN_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; |
| private java.lang.String in_; |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return Whether the in field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasIn() { |
| return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getIn() { |
| return in_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getInBytes() { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(in_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The in to set. |
| */ |
| private void setIn( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; |
| in_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearIn() { |
| bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); |
| in_ = getDefaultInstance().getIn(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for in to set. |
| */ |
| private void setInBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| in_ = value.toStringUtf8(); |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int BREAK_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; |
| private int break_; |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return Whether the break field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasBreak() { |
| return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for break. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getBreakValue() { |
| return break_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The break. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getBreak() { |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum result = evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum.forNumber(break_); |
| return result == null ? evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum.UNRECOGNIZED : result; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for break to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBreakValue(int value) { |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break_ = value; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The break to set. |
| */ |
| private void setBreak(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| break_ = value.getNumber(); |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearBreak() { |
| bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); |
| break_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| public static final int CONTINUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; |
| private static final class ContinueDefaultEntryHolder { |
| static final com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> defaultEntry = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapEntryLite |
| .<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer>newDefaultInstance( |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0, |
| com.google.protobuf.WireFormat.FieldType.INT32, |
| 0); |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite< |
| java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> continue_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite.emptyMapField(); |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetContinue() { |
| return continue_; |
| } |
| private com.google.protobuf.MapFieldLite<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| internalGetMutableContinue() { |
| if (!continue_.isMutable()) { |
| continue_ = continue_.mutableCopy(); |
| } |
| return continue_; |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueCount() { |
| return internalGetContinue().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsContinue( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return internalGetContinue().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getContinueMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getContinue() { |
| return getContinueMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getContinueMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| internalGetContinue()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetContinue(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| internalGetContinue(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| private java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> |
| getMutableContinueMap() { |
| return internalGetMutableContinue(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int DO_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; |
| private evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do_; |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasDo() { |
| return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getDo() { |
| return do_ == null ? evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.getDefaultInstance() : do_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| private void setDo(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| do_ = value; |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"ReferenceEquality"}) |
| private void mergeDo(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| if (do_ != null && |
| do_ != evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.getDefaultInstance()) { |
| do_ = |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.newBuilder(do_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); |
| } else { |
| do_ = value; |
| } |
| bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearDo() { do_ = null; |
| bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int ELSE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.IntList else_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the else. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
| getElseList() { |
| return else_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return The count of else. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getElseCount() { |
| return else_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The else at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getElse(int index) { |
| return else_.getInt(index); |
| } |
| private int elseMemoizedSerializedSize = -1; |
| private void ensureElseIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.IntList tmp = else_; |
| if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| else_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The else to set. |
| */ |
| private void setElse( |
| int index, int value) { |
| ensureElseIsMutable(); |
| else_.setInt(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param value The else to add. |
| */ |
| private void addElse(int value) { |
| ensureElseIsMutable(); |
| else_.addInt(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param values The else to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllElse( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| ensureElseIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, else_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearElse() { |
| else_ = emptyIntList(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int FOR_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> for_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the for. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getForList() { |
| return for_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of for. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getForCount() { |
| return for_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The for at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getFor(int index) { |
| return for_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the for at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getForBytes(int index) { |
| return com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8( |
| for_.get(index)); |
| } |
| private void ensureForIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<java.lang.String> tmp = |
| for_; if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| for_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The for to set. |
| */ |
| private void setFor( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureForIsMutable(); |
| for_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The for to add. |
| */ |
| private void addFor( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureForIsMutable(); |
| for_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param values The for to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllFor( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| ensureForIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, for_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearFor() { |
| for_ = com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the for to add. |
| */ |
| private void addForBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); |
| ensureForIsMutable(); |
| for_.add(value.toStringUtf8()); |
| } |
| |
| public static final int FUN_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.IntList fun_; |
| private static final com.google.protobuf.Internal.ListAdapter.Converter< |
| java.lang.Integer, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> fun_converter_ = |
| new com.google.protobuf.Internal.ListAdapter.Converter< |
| java.lang.Integer, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum>() { |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum convert(java.lang.Integer from) { |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum result = evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum.forNumber(from); |
| return result == null ? evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum.UNRECOGNIZED : result; |
| } |
| }; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> getFunList() { |
| return new com.google.protobuf.Internal.ListAdapter< |
| java.lang.Integer, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum>(fun_, fun_converter_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return The count of fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getFunCount() { |
| return fun_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getFun(int index) { |
| return fun_converter_.convert(fun_.getInt(index)); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
| getFunValueList() { |
| return fun_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire of fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getFunValue(int index) { |
| return fun_.getInt(index); |
| } |
| private int funMemoizedSerializedSize; |
| private void ensureFunIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.IntList tmp = fun_; |
| if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| fun_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The fun to set. |
| */ |
| private void setFun( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| fun_.setInt(index, value.getNumber()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param value The fun to add. |
| */ |
| private void addFun(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| fun_.addInt(value.getNumber()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param values The fun to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllFun( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> values) { |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| for (evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value : values) { |
| fun_.addInt(value.getNumber()); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearFun() { |
| fun_ = emptyIntList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for fun to set. |
| */ |
| private void setFunValue( |
| int index, int value) { |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| fun_.setInt(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for fun to add. |
| */ |
| private void addFunValue(int value) { |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| fun_.addInt(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param values The enum numeric values on the wire for fun to add. |
| */ |
| private void addAllFunValue( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| ensureFunIsMutable(); |
| for (int value : values) { |
| fun_.addInt(value); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public static final int IF_FIELD_NUMBER = 9; |
| private com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> if_; |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> getIfList() { |
| return if_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public java.util.List<? extends evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessageOrBuilder> |
| getIfOrBuilderList() { |
| return if_; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getIfCount() { |
| return if_.size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getIf(int index) { |
| return if_.get(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessageOrBuilder getIfOrBuilder( |
| int index) { |
| return if_.get(index); |
| } |
| private void ensureIfIsMutable() { |
| com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> tmp = if_; |
| if (!tmp.isModifiable()) { |
| if_ = |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.mutableCopy(tmp); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void setIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureIfIsMutable(); |
| if_.set(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void addIf(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureIfIsMutable(); |
| if_.add(value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void addIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| value.getClass(); |
| ensureIfIsMutable(); |
| if_.add(index, value); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void addAllIf( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> values) { |
| ensureIfIsMutable(); |
| com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.addAll( |
| values, if_); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void clearIf() { |
| if_ = emptyProtobufList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| private void removeIf(int index) { |
| ensureIfIsMutable(); |
| if_.remove(index); |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom(byte[] data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| byte[] data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseDelimitedFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| |
| public static Builder newBuilder() { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(); |
| } |
| public static Builder newBuilder(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes prototype) { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(prototype); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes} |
| */ |
| public static final class Builder extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.Builder< |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes, Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes) |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypesOrBuilder { |
| // Construct using evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.newBuilder() |
| private Builder() { |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return Whether the as field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasAs() { |
| return instance.hasAs(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return The as. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getAs() { |
| return instance.getAs(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @param value The as to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setAs(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setAs(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>int32 as = 1;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearAs() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearAs(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return Whether the in field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasIn() { |
| return instance.hasIn(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getIn() { |
| return instance.getIn(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return The bytes for in. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getInBytes() { |
| return instance.getInBytes(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The in to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setIn( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIn(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearIn() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearIn(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>string in = 2;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes for in to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setInBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setInBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return Whether the break field is set. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasBreak() { |
| return instance.hasBreak(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for break. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getBreakValue() { |
| return instance.getBreakValue(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The break to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBreakValue(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBreakValue(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return The break. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getBreak() { |
| return instance.getBreak(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for break to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setBreak(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setBreak(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum break = 3;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearBreak() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearBreak(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueCount() { |
| return instance.getContinueMap().size(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public boolean containsContinue( |
| int key) { |
| |
| return instance.getContinueMap().containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public Builder clearContinue() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableContinueMap().clear(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| |
| public Builder removeContinue( |
| int key) { |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableContinueMap().remove(key); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Use {@link #getContinueMap()} instead. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.Deprecated |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getContinue() { |
| return getContinueMap(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> getContinueMap() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( |
| instance.getContinueMap()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueOrDefault( |
| int key, |
| int defaultValue) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getContinueMap(); |
| return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| |
| public int getContinueOrThrow( |
| int key) { |
| |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> map = |
| instance.getContinueMap(); |
| if (!map.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); |
| } |
| return map.get(key); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putContinue( |
| int key, |
| int value) { |
| |
| |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableContinueMap().put(key, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>map<int32, int32> continue = 4;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder putAllContinue( |
| java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.getMutableContinueMap().putAll(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public boolean hasDo() { |
| return instance.hasDo(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getDo() { |
| return instance.getDo(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder setDo(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setDo(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder setDo( |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.Builder builderForValue) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setDo(builderForValue.build()); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder mergeDo(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.mergeDo(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>.evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage do = 5;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder clearDo() { copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearDo(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the else. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
| getElseList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getElseList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return The count of else. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getElseCount() { |
| return instance.getElseCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The else at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getElse(int index) { |
| return instance.getElse(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param value The else to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setElse( |
| int index, int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setElse(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param value The else to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addElse(int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addElse(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @param values The else to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllElse( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllElse(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated int32 else = 6;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearElse() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearElse(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the for. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
| getForList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getForList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return The count of for. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getForCount() { |
| return instance.getForCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The for at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.lang.String getFor(int index) { |
| return instance.getFor(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The bytes of the for at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public com.google.protobuf.ByteString |
| getForBytes(int index) { |
| return instance.getForBytes(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The for to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setFor( |
| int index, java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setFor(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The for to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addFor( |
| java.lang.String value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addFor(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param values The for to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllFor( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllFor(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearFor() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearFor(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated string for = 7;</code> |
| * @param value The bytes of the for to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addForBytes( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addForBytes(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> getFunList() { |
| return instance.getFunList(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return The count of fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getFunCount() { |
| return instance.getFunCount(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the element to return. |
| * @return The fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum getFun(int index) { |
| return instance.getFun(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The fun to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setFun( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setFun(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param value The fun to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addFun(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addFun(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param values The fun to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllFun( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllFun(values); return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder clearFun() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearFun(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @return A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for fun. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
| getFunValueList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getFunValueList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index of the value to return. |
| * @return The enum numeric value on the wire of fun at the given index. |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getFunValue(int index) { |
| return instance.getFunValue(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param index The index to set the value at. |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for fun to set. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder setFunValue( |
| int index, int value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setFunValue(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for fun to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addFunValue(int value) { |
| instance.addFunValue(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedEnum fun = 8;</code> |
| * @param values The enum numeric values on the wire for fun to add. |
| * @return This builder for chaining. |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllFunValue( |
| java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllFunValue(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public java.util.List<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> getIfList() { |
| return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList( |
| instance.getIfList()); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public int getIfCount() { |
| return instance.getIfCount(); |
| }/** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| @java.lang.Override |
| public evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage getIf(int index) { |
| return instance.getIf(index); |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder setIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIf(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder setIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.Builder builderForValue) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.setIf(index, |
| builderForValue.build()); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder addIf(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addIf(value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder addIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage value) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addIf(index, value); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder addIf( |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.Builder builderForValue) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addIf(builderForValue.build()); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder addIf( |
| int index, evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.Builder builderForValue) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addIf(index, |
| builderForValue.build()); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder addAllIf( |
| java.lang.Iterable<? extends evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage> values) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.addAllIf(values); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder clearIf() { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.clearIf(); |
| return this; |
| } |
| /** |
| * <code>repeated .evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage if = 9;</code> |
| */ |
| public Builder removeIf(int index) { |
| copyOnWrite(); |
| instance.removeIf(index); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes) |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "fallthrough"}) |
| protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.MethodToInvoke method, |
| java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) { |
| switch (method) { |
| return new evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes(); |
| } |
| case NEW_BUILDER: { |
| return new Builder(); |
| } |
| java.lang.Object[] objects = new java.lang.Object[] { |
| "bitField0_", |
| "as_", |
| "in_", |
| "break_", |
| "continue_", |
| ContinueDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, |
| "do_", |
| "else_", |
| "for_", |
| "fun_", |
| "if_", |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.NestedMessage.class, |
| }; |
| java.lang.String info = |
| "\u0000\t\u0000\u0001\u0001\t\t\u0001\u0004\u0000\u0001\u1004\u0000\u0002\u1208\u0001" + |
| "\u0003\u100c\u0002\u00042\u0005\u1009\u0003\u0006\'\u0007\u021a\b,\t\u001b"; |
| return newMessageInfo(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, info, objects); |
| } |
| // fall through |
| } |
| case GET_PARSER: { |
| com.google.protobuf.Parser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes> parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| synchronized (evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes.class) { |
| parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| parser = |
| new DefaultInstanceBasedParser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes>( |
| PARSER = parser; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return parser; |
| } |
| return (byte) 1; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:evil_names_proto3.HardKeywordsAllTypes) |
| private static final evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes DEFAULT_INSTANCE; |
| static { |
| HardKeywordsAllTypes defaultInstance = new HardKeywordsAllTypes(); |
| // New instances are implicitly immutable so no need to make |
| // immutable. |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE = defaultInstance; |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.registerDefaultInstance( |
| HardKeywordsAllTypes.class, defaultInstance); |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.HardKeywordsAllTypes getDefaultInstance() { |
| } |
| |
| private static volatile com.google.protobuf.Parser<HardKeywordsAllTypes> PARSER; |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Parser<HardKeywordsAllTypes> parser() { |
| return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.getParserForType(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public interface ClassOrBuilder extends |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:evil_names_proto3.Class) |
| com.google.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder { |
| } |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.Class} |
| */ |
| public static final class Class extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite< |
| Class, Class.Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:evil_names_proto3.Class) |
| ClassOrBuilder { |
| private Class() { |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| java.nio.ByteBuffer data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom(byte[] data) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| byte[] data, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, data, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseDelimitedFrom( |
| java.io.InputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return parseDelimitedFrom(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| } |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class parseFrom( |
| com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, |
| com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
| throws java.io.IOException { |
| return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.parseFrom( |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE, input, extensionRegistry); |
| } |
| |
| public static Builder newBuilder() { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(); |
| } |
| public static Builder newBuilder(evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class prototype) { |
| return (Builder) DEFAULT_INSTANCE.createBuilder(prototype); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Protobuf type {@code evil_names_proto3.Class} |
| */ |
| public static final class Builder extends |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.Builder< |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class, Builder> implements |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:evil_names_proto3.Class) |
| evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.ClassOrBuilder { |
| // Construct using evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class.newBuilder() |
| private Builder() { |
| } |
| |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:evil_names_proto3.Class) |
| } |
| @java.lang.Override |
| @java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "fallthrough"}) |
| protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.MethodToInvoke method, |
| java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) { |
| switch (method) { |
| return new evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class(); |
| } |
| case NEW_BUILDER: { |
| return new Builder(); |
| } |
| java.lang.Object[] objects = null;java.lang.String info = |
| "\u0000\u0000"; |
| return newMessageInfo(DEFAULT_INSTANCE, info, objects); |
| } |
| // fall through |
| } |
| case GET_PARSER: { |
| com.google.protobuf.Parser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class> parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| synchronized (evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class.class) { |
| parser = PARSER; |
| if (parser == null) { |
| parser = |
| new DefaultInstanceBasedParser<evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class>( |
| PARSER = parser; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return parser; |
| } |
| return (byte) 1; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:evil_names_proto3.Class) |
| private static final evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class DEFAULT_INSTANCE; |
| static { |
| Class defaultInstance = new Class(); |
| // New instances are implicitly immutable so no need to make |
| // immutable. |
| DEFAULT_INSTANCE = defaultInstance; |
| com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite.registerDefaultInstance( |
| Class.class, defaultInstance); |
| } |
| |
| public static evil_names_proto3.EvilNamesProto3OuterClass.Class getDefaultInstance() { |
| } |
| |
| private static volatile com.google.protobuf.Parser<Class> PARSER; |
| |
| public static com.google.protobuf.Parser<Class> parser() { |
| return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.getParserForType(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| static { |
| } |
| |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope) |
| } |