[ObjC] Generation changes around proto3 optional.

- Bump the version marker in the generated code.
- Set the flag to say clear on zero is known.
- Set clear on zero for proto3 optional fields that aren't tagged as optional.
- Also tweak the call from some C generated code to use different apis with
  better validation.
- Mark the ObjC generator as supporting the proto3 optional feature.
- Regenerate the WKTs to get the new flags.
diff --git a/objectivec/GPBTimestamp.pbobjc.m b/objectivec/GPBTimestamp.pbobjc.m
index 450d131..736a75d 100644
--- a/objectivec/GPBTimestamp.pbobjc.m
+++ b/objectivec/GPBTimestamp.pbobjc.m
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
         .number = GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Seconds,
         .hasIndex = 0,
         .offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBTimestamp__storage_, seconds),
-        .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+        .flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
         .dataType = GPBDataTypeInt64,
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
         .number = GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Nanos,
         .hasIndex = 1,
         .offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBTimestamp__storage_, nanos),
-        .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+        .flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
         .dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32,
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
                                     fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription))
-                                         flags:GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs];
+                                         flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags)(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown)];
     #if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
       NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!");
     #endif  // DEBUG