node tests require java to be available
diff --git a/kokoro/linux/aarch64/ b/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
index e5d07e8..c4eb7d8 100755
--- a/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
+++ b/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
 set -ex
+# install the same version of node as in /
+pushd /tmp
+curl -OL$NODE_TGZ
+tar zxvf $NODE_TGZ
+export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/$NODE_VERSION/bin
 # go to the repo root
 cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
diff --git a/kokoro/linux/aarch64/ b/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
index dcddd60..3156e6e 100755
--- a/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
+++ b/kokoro/linux/aarch64/
@@ -23,4 +23,7 @@
 #   running under current user's UID and GID. To be able to do that, we need to provide a home directory for the user
 #   otherwise the UID would be homeless under the docker container and pip install wouldn't work. For simplicity,
 #   we just run map the user's home to a throwaway temporary directory
-docker run $DOCKER_TTY_ARGS --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -e "HOME=/home/fake-user" -v "$(mktemp -d):/home/fake-user" -v "$(pwd)":/work -w /work arm64v8/node:16-buster kokoro/linux/aarch64/
+# Note that the docker image used for running the tests is arm64v8/openjdk, not arm64v8/node
+# This is because some of the node tests require java to be available and adding node
+# binary distribution into a java image is easier than vice versa.
+docker run $DOCKER_TTY_ARGS --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -e "HOME=/home/fake-user" -v "$(mktemp -d):/home/fake-user" -v "$(pwd)":/work -w /work arm64v8/openjdk:11-jdk-buster kokoro/linux/aarch64/