blob: 9c1022eacb26d9d772fe95ea6f3622d1ddaadf3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
syntax = "proto2";
package google.protobuf.python.internal;
message TestProto2 {
message NestedMessage {
// The field name "b" fails to compile in proto1 because it conflicts with
// a local variable named "b" in one of the generated methods. Doh.
// This file needs to compile in proto1 to test backwards-compatibility.
optional int32 bb = 1;
enum NestedEnum {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
BAZ = 3;
NEG = -1; // Intentionally negative.
optional int32 optional_int32 = 1;
optional double optional_double = 12;
optional bool optional_bool = 13;
optional string optional_string = 14;
optional bytes optional_bytes = 15;
optional NestedMessage optional_nested_message = 18;
optional NestedEnum optional_nested_enum = 21;
repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 22;
repeated NestedMessage repeated_nested_message = 23;