Add dependendencies for the linux prod tasks.

Minor fix to upload_metric value in linux_vm_prod_tasks.

Add prod linux builds to

Add prod builds to run in staging under Ubuntu bots. This is
to verify builds run successfully before switching bot fleet
over to Ubuntu from Debian.

Change-Id: I66a86245ed3cb838322bf55518e6276a7f8ae6d0
Reviewed-by: Godofredo Contreras <>
Commit-Queue: Godofredo Contreras <>
Commit-Queue: Yusuf Mohsinally <>
diff --git a/config/ b/config/
index 719cbd7..01151bd 100644
--- a/config/
+++ b/config/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 # Global OS variables
 LINUX_OS = "Debian"
+LINUX_VM_OS = "Ubuntu"
 MAC_OS = "Mac-12"
 WINDOWS_OS = "Windows-10"
 XCODE_VERSION = "13a233"  # xcode 13
@@ -400,7 +401,6 @@
             dimensions = {"device_os": "N", "cpu": "arm64"},
-    # Linux prod builders.
     linux_tasks = [
@@ -453,6 +453,108 @@
             caches = LINUX_DEFAULT_CACHES,
+    linux_vm_prod_tasks = [
+        "Linux analyze",
+        "Linux build_aar_module_test",
+        "Linux build_tests_1_2",
+        "Linux build_tests_2_2",
+        "Linux ci_yaml flutter roller",
+        "Linux customer_testing",
+        "Linux docs_publish",
+        "Linux docs_test",
+        "Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test",
+        "Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test",
+        "Linux firebase_release_smoke_test",
+        "Linux flutter_plugins",
+        "Linux framework_tests_libraries",
+        "Linux framework_tests_misc",
+        "Linux framework_tests_widgets",
+        "Linux fuchsia_precache",
+        "Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test",
+        "Linux gradle_java8_compile_test",
+        "Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test",
+        "Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test",
+        "Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test",
+        "Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test",
+        "Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test",
+        "Linux module_test",
+        "Linux plugin_dependencies_test",
+        "Linux plugin_test",
+        "Linux skp_generator",
+        "Linux technical_debt__cost",
+        "Linux test_ownership",
+        "Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4",
+        "Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4",
+        "Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4",
+        "Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4",
+        "Linux tool_tests_commands",
+        "Linux tool_tests_general",
+        "Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit",
+        "Linux web_benchmarks_html",
+        "Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5",
+        "Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5",
+        "Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5",
+        "Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5",
+        "Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5",
+        "Linux web_tests_0",
+        "Linux web_tests_1",
+        "Linux web_tests_2",
+        "Linux web_tests_3",
+        "Linux web_tests_4",
+        "Linux web_tests_5",
+        "Linux web_tests_6",
+        "Linux web_tests_7_last",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6",
+        "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last",
+        "Linux web_tool_tests",
+    ]
+    for task in linux_vm_prod_tasks:
+        common.linux_prod_builder(
+            name = "Linux %s|%s" % (task, common.short_name(task)),
+            recipe = drone_recipe_name,
+            console_view_name = console_view_name,
+            triggered_by = [trigger_name],
+            triggering_policy = triggering_policy,
+            notifies = None,
+            properties = {
+                "dependencies": [
+                    {"dependency": "android_sdk", "version": "version:31v8"},
+                    {"dependency": "chrome_and_driver", "version": "version:96.2"},
+                    {"dependency": "goldctl"},
+                    {"dependency": "clang"},
+                    {"dependency": "cmake"},
+                    {"dependency": "ninja"},
+                    {"dependency": "dashing"},
+                    {"dependency": "firebase"},
+                    {
+                        "dependency": "open_jdk",
+                        "version": "11",
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "dependency": "curl",
+                    },
+                ],
+                "tags": ["devicelab", "linux"],
+                "task_name": task,
+                "git_branch": DEFAULT_BRANCH,
+                "use_cas": True,
+                "upload_metrics": False,
+            },
+            category = "Linux",
+            bucket = "staging",
+            pool = "luci.flutter.staging",
+            os = LINUX_VM_OS,
+            expiration_timeout = timeout.LONG_EXPIRATION,
+            caches = LINUX_DEFAULT_CACHES,
+        )
     # Windows staging builders.
         name = "Windows_staging build_aar_module_test|aarm",
diff --git a/config/generated/flutter/luci/cr-buildbucket.cfg b/config/generated/flutter/luci/cr-buildbucket.cfg
index 7e87444..f75c587 100644
--- a/config/generated/flutter/luci/cr-buildbucket.cfg
+++ b/config/generated/flutter/luci/cr-buildbucket.cfg
@@ -92307,6 +92307,6614 @@
     builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux analyze"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux analyze",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux build_aar_module_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux build_aar_module_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux build_tests_1_2"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux build_tests_1_2",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux build_tests_2_2"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux build_tests_2_2",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux ci_yaml flutter roller"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux ci_yaml flutter roller",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux customer_testing"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux customer_testing",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
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+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux docs_publish"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
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+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
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+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux docs_publish",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux docs_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
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+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux docs_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
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+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
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+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux firebase_release_smoke_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux firebase_release_smoke_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux flutter_plugins"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux flutter_plugins",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux framework_tests_libraries"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux framework_tests_libraries",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux framework_tests_misc"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux framework_tests_misc",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux framework_tests_widgets"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux framework_tests_widgets",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux fuchsia_precache"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux fuchsia_precache",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux gradle_java8_compile_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux gradle_java8_compile_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux module_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux module_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux plugin_dependencies_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux plugin_dependencies_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux plugin_test"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux plugin_test",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux skp_generator"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux skp_generator",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux technical_debt__cost"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux technical_debt__cost",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux test_ownership"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux test_ownership",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_tests_commands"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
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+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_tests_commands",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux tool_tests_general"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
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+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux tool_tests_general",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_html"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_benchmarks_html",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "git_branch": "master",'
+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
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+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
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+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
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+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_0"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_0",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_1"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_1",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_2"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_2",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_3"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_3",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_4"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
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+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_4",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
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+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
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+      }
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+      }
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+        name: "openjdk"
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+      }
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+        name: "pub_cache"
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+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_5"
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+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
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+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
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+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
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+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_5",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
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+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
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+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_6"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
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+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
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+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
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+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_6",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
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+      }
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+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
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+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tests_7_last"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tests_7_last",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
+      name: "Linux Linux web_tool_tests"
+      swarming_host: ""
+      dimensions: "os:Ubuntu"
+      dimensions: "pool:luci.flutter.staging"
+      exe {
+        cipd_package: "flutter/recipe_bundles/"
+        cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
+        cmd: "luciexe"
+      }
+      properties:
+        '{'
+        '  "$fuchsia/goma": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$kitchen": {'
+        '    "emulate_gce": true'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/isolated": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "$recipe_engine/swarming": {'
+        '    "server": ""'
+        '  },'
+        '  "clobber": false,'
+        '  "dependencies": ['
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "android_sdk",'
+        '      "version": "version:31v8"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "chrome_and_driver",'
+        '      "version": "version:96.2"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "goldctl"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "clang"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "cmake"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "ninja"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "dashing"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "firebase"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "open_jdk",'
+        '      "version": "11"'
+        '    },'
+        '    {'
+        '      "dependency": "curl"'
+        '    }'
+        '  ],'
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+        '  "gold_tryjob": false,'
+        '  "goma_jobs": "200",'
+        '  "mastername": "client.flutter",'
+        '  "recipe": "devicelab/devicelab_drone",'
+        '  "tags": ['
+        '    "devicelab",'
+        '    "linux"'
+        '  ],'
+        '  "task_name": "Linux web_tool_tests",'
+        '  "upload_metrics": false,'
+        '  "upload_packages": true,'
+        '  "use_cas": true'
+        '}'
+      execution_timeout_secs: 3600
+      expiration_secs: 43200
+      caches {
+        name: "android_sdk"
+        path: "android"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "builder_linux_devicelab_staging"
+        path: "builder"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "chrome_and_driver"
+        path: "chrome"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "flutter_sdk"
+        path: "flutter sdk"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "openjdk"
+        path: "java"
+      }
+      caches {
+        name: "pub_cache"
+        path: ".pub-cache"
+      }
+      build_numbers: YES
+      service_account: ""
+      task_template_canary_percentage {}
+      experiments {
+        key: "luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"
+        value: 0
+      }
+      experiments {
+        key: ""
+        value: 100
+      }
+    }
+    builders {
       name: "Linux Staging Engine Drone"
       swarming_host: ""
       dimensions: "device_type:none"
diff --git a/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-milo.cfg b/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-milo.cfg
index ee90f42..19156eb 100644
--- a/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-milo.cfg
+++ b/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-milo.cfg
@@ -408,6 +408,301 @@
     short_name: "m"
   builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux analyze"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "la"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux build_aar_module_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lbamt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux build_tests_1_2"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lbt12"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux build_tests_2_2"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lbt22"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux ci_yaml flutter roller"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lcyfr"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux customer_testing"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lct"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux docs_publish"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ldp"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux docs_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ldt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lfams"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lfaev"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux firebase_release_smoke_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lfrst"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux flutter_plugins"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lfp"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux framework_tests_libraries"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lftl"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux framework_tests_misc"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lftm"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux framework_tests_widgets"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lftw"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux fuchsia_precache"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lfp"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lgdct"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux gradle_java8_compile_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lgjct"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lgpbt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lgpfa"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lgpla"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lmcha"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lmhwc"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux module_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lmt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux plugin_dependencies_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lpdt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux plugin_test"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lpt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux skp_generator"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lsg"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux technical_debt__cost"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ltdc"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux test_ownership"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lto"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4"
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+    short_name: "ltit1"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ltit2"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ltit3"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "ltit4"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_tests_commands"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lttc"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux tool_tests_general"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lttg"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit"
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+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_benchmarks_html"
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+    short_name: "lwbh"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5"
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+    short_name: "lwlrt"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5"
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+    short_name: "lwlrt"
+  }
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+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5"
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+    short_name: "lwlrt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwlrt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwlrt"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_0"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt0"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_1"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt1"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_2"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt2"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_3"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt3"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_4"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt4"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_5"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt5"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_6"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt6"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tests_7_last"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwt7l"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct0"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct1"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct2"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct3"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct4"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct5"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct6"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwct7"
+  }
+  builders {
+    name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Linux Linux web_tool_tests"
+    category: "Linux"
+    short_name: "lwtt"
+  }
+  builders {
     name: "buildbucket/luci.flutter.staging/Windows_staging build_aar_module_test"
     category: "Windows"
     short_name: "aarm"
diff --git a/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-scheduler.cfg b/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-scheduler.cfg
index 5b7d9b1..eee7ea1 100644
--- a/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-scheduler.cfg
+++ b/config/generated/flutter/luci/luci-scheduler.cfg
@@ -33,6 +33,891 @@
 job {
+  id: "Linux Linux analyze"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux analyze"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux build_aar_module_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux build_aar_module_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux build_tests_1_2"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux build_tests_1_2"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux build_tests_2_2"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux build_tests_2_2"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux ci_yaml flutter roller"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux ci_yaml flutter roller"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux customer_testing"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux customer_testing"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux docs_publish"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux docs_publish"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux docs_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux docs_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux firebase_release_smoke_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux firebase_release_smoke_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux flutter_plugins"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux flutter_plugins"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux framework_tests_libraries"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux framework_tests_libraries"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux framework_tests_misc"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux framework_tests_misc"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux framework_tests_widgets"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux framework_tests_widgets"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux fuchsia_precache"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux fuchsia_precache"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux gradle_java8_compile_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux gradle_java8_compile_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux module_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux module_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux plugin_dependencies_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux plugin_dependencies_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux plugin_test"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux plugin_test"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux skp_generator"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux skp_generator"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux technical_debt__cost"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux technical_debt__cost"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux test_ownership"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux test_ownership"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_tests_commands"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_tests_commands"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux tool_tests_general"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux tool_tests_general"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_html"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_html"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_0"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_0"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_1"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_1"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_2"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_2"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_3"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_3"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_4"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_4"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_5"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_5"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_6"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_6"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tests_7_last"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tests_7_last"
+  }
+job {
+  id: "Linux Linux web_tool_tests"
+  realm: "staging"
+  acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggering_policy {
+    max_concurrent_invocations: 1
+    max_batch_size: 20
+  }
+  buildbucket {
+    server: ""
+    bucket: "staging"
+    builder: "Linux Linux web_tool_tests"
+  }
+job {
   id: "Linux Publish Plugins"
   realm: "prod"
   acl_sets: "prod"
@@ -13647,6 +14532,65 @@
   id: "master-gitiles-trigger-devicelab-staging"
   realm: "staging"
   acl_sets: "staging"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux analyze"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux build_aar_module_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux build_tests_1_2"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux build_tests_2_2"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux ci_yaml flutter roller"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux customer_testing"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux docs_publish"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux docs_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux firebase_abstract_method_smoke_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux firebase_android_embedding_v2_smoke_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux firebase_release_smoke_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux flutter_plugins"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux framework_tests_libraries"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux framework_tests_misc"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux framework_tests_widgets"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux fuchsia_precache"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux gradle_desugar_classes_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux gradle_java8_compile_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_bundle_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_fat_apk_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux gradle_plugin_light_apk_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux module_custom_host_app_name_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux module_host_with_custom_build_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux module_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux plugin_dependencies_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux plugin_test"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux skp_generator"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux technical_debt__cost"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux test_ownership"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_1_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_2_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_3_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_integration_tests_4_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_tests_commands"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux tool_tests_general"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_canvaskit"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_benchmarks_html"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_0"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_1"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_2"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_3"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_6"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_canvaskit_tests_7_last"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_1_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_2_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_3_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_4_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_long_running_tests_5_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_0"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_1"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_2"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_3"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_4"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_5"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_6"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tests_7_last"
+  triggers: "Linux Linux web_tool_tests"
   triggers: "Linux_android flutter_gallery__transition_perf"
   triggers: "Linux_android flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e"
   triggers: "Linux_android flutter_gallery__transition_perf_hybrid"