blob: cf1b87de4324648afccce67e59532883402c8174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/branch_service.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart'
show CreatePullRequestReview, GitHub, IssueComment, PullRequest, PullRequestFile, RepositorySlug;
import 'package:github/hooks.dart';
import '../model/github/checks.dart' as cocoon_checks;
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import '../request_handling/request_handler.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/datastore.dart';
import '../service/github_checks_service.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
import '../service/scheduler.dart';
// Filenames which are not actually tests.
const List<String> kNotActuallyATest = <String>[
/// List of repos that require check for labels and tests.
const Set<String> kNeedsCheckLabelsAndTests = <String>{
final RegExp kEngineTestRegExp = RegExp(r'(tests?|benchmarks?)\.(dart|java|mm|m|cc)$');
final List<String> kNeedsTestsLabels = <String>['needs tests'];
class GithubWebhook extends RequestHandler<Body> {
required super.config,
required this.scheduler,
this.datastoreProvider = DatastoreService.defaultProvider,
required this.branchService,
/// Cocoon scheduler to trigger tasks against changes from GitHub.
final Scheduler scheduler;
/// Github checks service. Used to provide build status to github.
final GithubChecksService? githubChecksService;
final DatastoreServiceProvider datastoreProvider;
final BranchService branchService;
Future<Body> post() async {
final String? gitHubEvent = request!.headers.value('X-GitHub-Event');
if (gitHubEvent == null || request!.headers.value('X-Hub-Signature') == null) {
throw const BadRequestException('Missing required headers.');
final List<int> requestBytes = await request!.expand((_) => _).toList();
final String? hmacSignature = request!.headers.value('X-Hub-Signature');
if (!await _validateRequest(hmacSignature, requestBytes)) {
throw const Forbidden();
try {
final String stringRequest = utf8.decode(requestBytes);
log.fine('Processing $gitHubEvent');
switch (gitHubEvent) {
case 'pull_request':
await _handlePullRequest(stringRequest);
case 'check_run':
final Map<String, dynamic> event = jsonDecode(stringRequest) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final cocoon_checks.CheckRunEvent checkRunEvent = cocoon_checks.CheckRunEvent.fromJson(event);
if (await scheduler.processCheckRun(checkRunEvent) == false) {
throw InternalServerError('Failed to process $checkRunEvent');
case 'create':
final CreateEvent createEvent = _getCreateEvent(stringRequest)!;
await branchService.handleCreateRequest(createEvent);
if (createEvent.repository?.slug() == Config.flutterSlug) {
await branchService.branchFlutterRecipes(createEvent.ref!);
return Body.empty;
} on FormatException {
throw const BadRequestException('Could not process input data.');
} on InternalServerError {
Future<void> _handlePullRequest(
String rawRequest,
) async {
final PullRequestEvent? pullRequestEvent = await _getPullRequestEvent(rawRequest);
if (pullRequestEvent == null) {
throw const BadRequestException('Expected pull request event.');
final String? eventAction = pullRequestEvent.action;
final PullRequest pr = pullRequestEvent.pullRequest!;
// See the API reference:
// which unfortunately is a bit light on explanations.
log.fine('Processing $eventAction for ${pr.htmlUrl}');
switch (eventAction) {
case 'closed':
// If it was closed without merging, cancel any outstanding tryjobs.
// We'll leave unfinished jobs if it was merged since we care about those
// results.
if (!pr.merged!) {
await scheduler.cancelPreSubmitTargets(pullRequest: pr, reason: 'Pull request closed');
} else {
// Merged pull requests can be added to CI.
await scheduler.addPullRequest(pr);
case 'edited':
// Editing a PR should not trigger new jobs, but may update whether
// it has tests.
await _checkForLabelsAndTests(pullRequestEvent);
case 'opened':
case 'reopened':
// These cases should trigger LUCI jobs.
await _checkForLabelsAndTests(pullRequestEvent);
await _scheduleIfMergeable(pullRequestEvent);
await _tryReleaseApproval(pullRequestEvent);
case 'labeled':
case 'synchronize':
// This indicates the PR has new commits. We need to cancel old jobs
// and schedule new ones.
await _scheduleIfMergeable(pullRequestEvent);
// Ignore the rest of the events.
case 'ready_for_review':
case 'unlabeled':
case 'assigned':
case 'locked':
case 'review_request_removed':
case 'review_requested':
case 'unassigned':
case 'unlocked':
/// This method assumes that jobs should be cancelled if they are already
/// runnning.
Future<void> _scheduleIfMergeable(
PullRequestEvent pullRequestEvent,
) async {
final PullRequest pr = pullRequestEvent.pullRequest!;
final RepositorySlug slug = pullRequestEvent.repository!.slug();
'Scheduling tasks if mergeable(${pr.mergeable}): owner=${slug.owner} repo=${} and pr=${pr.number}');
// The mergeable flag may be null. False indicates there's a merge conflict,
// null indicates unknown. Err on the side of allowing the job to run.
if (pr.mergeable == false) {
final RepositorySlug slug = pullRequestEvent.repository!.slug();
final GitHub gitHubClient = await config.createGitHubClient(pullRequest: pr);
final String body = config.mergeConflictPullRequestMessage;
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
await scheduler.triggerPresubmitTargets(pullRequest: pr);
/// Release tooling generates cherrypick pull requests that should be granted an approval.
Future<void> _tryReleaseApproval(
PullRequestEvent pullRequestEvent,
) async {
final PullRequest pr = pullRequestEvent.pullRequest!;
final RepositorySlug slug = pullRequestEvent.repository!.slug();
final String defaultBranch = Config.defaultBranch(slug);
final String? branch = pr.base?.ref;
if (branch == null || branch.contains(defaultBranch)) {
// This isn't a release branch PR
final List<String> releaseAccounts = await config.releaseAccounts;
if (releaseAccounts.contains(pr.user?.login) == false) {
// The author isn't in the list of release accounts, do nothing
final GitHub gitHubClient = config.createGitHubClientWithToken(await config.githubOAuthToken);
final CreatePullRequestReview review = CreatePullRequestReview(slug.owner,, pr.number!, 'APPROVE');
await gitHubClient.pullRequests.createReview(slug, review);
Future<void> _checkForLabelsAndTests(PullRequestEvent pullRequestEvent) async {
final PullRequest pr = pullRequestEvent.pullRequest!;
final String? eventAction = pullRequestEvent.action;
final String repo = pr.base!.repo!.fullName.toLowerCase();
if (kNeedsCheckLabelsAndTests.contains(repo)) {
final GitHub gitHubClient = await config.createGitHubClient(pullRequest: pr);
try {
await _validateRefs(gitHubClient, pr);
if (repo == 'flutter/flutter') {
await _applyFrameworkRepoLabels(gitHubClient, eventAction, pr);
} else if (repo == 'flutter/engine') {
await _applyEngineRepoLabels(gitHubClient, eventAction, pr);
} else if (repo == 'flutter/plugins' || repo == 'flutter/packages') {
await _applyPackageTestChecks(gitHubClient, eventAction, pr);
} finally {
Future<void> _applyFrameworkRepoLabels(GitHub gitHubClient, String? eventAction, PullRequest pr) async {
if (pr.user!.login == 'engine-flutter-autoroll') {
final RepositorySlug slug = pr.base!.repo!.slug();'Applying framework repo labels for: owner=${slug.owner} repo=${} and pr=${pr.number}');
final Stream<PullRequestFile> files = gitHubClient.pullRequests.listFiles(slug, pr.number!);
final Set<String> labels = <String>{};
bool hasTests = false;
bool needsTests = false;
await for (PullRequestFile file in files) {
// When null, do not assume 0 lines have been added.
final String filename = file.filename!;
final int linesAdded = file.additionsCount ?? 1;
final int linesDeleted = file.deletionsCount ?? 0;
final int linesTotal = file.changesCount ?? linesDeleted + linesAdded;
final bool addedCode = linesAdded > 0 || linesDeleted != linesTotal;
if (addedCode &&
!filename.contains('AUTHORS') &&
!filename.contains('pubspec.yaml') &&
!filename.contains('.ci.yaml') &&
!filename.contains('.cirrus.yml') &&
!filename.contains('.github') &&
!filename.endsWith('.md') &&
!filename.contains('CODEOWNERS') &&
!filename.startsWith('dev/bots/')) {
needsTests = !_allChangesAreCodeComments(file);
// Check to see if tests were submitted with this PR.
if (_isATest(filename)) {
hasTests = true;
if (pr.user!.login == 'fluttergithubbot') {
needsTests = false;
labels.addAll(<String>['team', 'tech-debt', 'team: flakes']);
if (labels.isNotEmpty) {
await gitHubClient.issues.addLabelsToIssue(slug, pr.number!, labels.toList());
// We do not need to add test labels if this is an auto roller author.
if (config.rollerAccounts.contains(pr.user!.login)) {
if (!hasTests && needsTests && !pr.draft! && !_isReleaseBranch(pr)) {
final String body = config.missingTestsPullRequestMessage;
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
bool _isATest(String filename) {
if (kNotActuallyATest.any(filename.endsWith)) {
return false;
// Check for Objective-C tests which end in either "Tests.m" or "Test.m"
// in the "dev" directory.
final RegExp objectiveCTestRegex = RegExp(r'.*dev\/.*Test[s]?\.m$');
return filename.endsWith('_test.dart') ||
filename.endsWith('.expect') ||
filename.contains('test_fixes') ||
filename.startsWith('dev/bots/analyze.dart') ||
filename.startsWith('dev/bots/test.dart') ||
filename.startsWith('dev/devicelab/bin/tasks') ||
filename.startsWith('dev/devicelab/lib/tasks') ||
/// Returns the set of labels applicable to a file in the framework repo.
static Set<String> getLabelsForFrameworkPath(String filepath) {
final Set<String> labels = <String>{};
if (filepath.endsWith('pubspec.yaml')) {
// These get updated by a script, and are updated en masse.
return labels;
if (filepath.endsWith('fix_data.yaml') || filepath.endsWith('.expect') || filepath.contains('test_fixes')) {
// Dart fixes
const Map<String, List<String>> pathPrefixLabels = <String, List<String>>{
'bin/internal/engine.version': <String>['engine'],
'dev/': <String>['team'],
'examples/': <String>['d: examples', 'team'],
'examples/api/': <String>['d: examples', 'team', 'd: api docs', 'documentation'],
'examples/flutter_gallery/': <String>['d: examples', 'team', 'team: gallery'],
'packages/flutter_tools/': <String>['tool'],
'packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/ios/': <String>['platform-ios'],
'packages/flutter/': <String>['framework'],
'packages/flutter_driver/': <String>['framework', 'a: tests'],
'packages/flutter_localizations/': <String>['a: internationalization'],
'packages/flutter_goldens/': <String>['framework', 'a: tests', 'team'],
'packages/flutter_goldens_client/': <String>['framework', 'a: tests', 'team'],
'packages/flutter_test/': <String>['framework', 'a: tests'],
'packages/fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol/': <String>['tool'],
'packages/integration_test/': <String>['integration_test'],
const Map<String, List<String>> pathContainsLabels = <String, List<String>>{
'accessibility': <String>['a: accessibility'],
'animation': <String>['a: animation'],
'cupertino': <String>['f: cupertino'],
'focus': <String>['f: focus'],
'gestures': <String>['f: gestures'],
'material': <String>['f: material design'],
'navigator': <String>['f: routes'],
'route': <String>['f: routes'],
'scroll': <String>['f: scrolling'],
'semantics': <String>['a: accessibility'],
'sliver': <String>['f: scrolling'],
'text': <String>['a: text input'],
'viewport': <String>['f: scrolling'],
pathPrefixLabels.forEach((String path, List<String> pathLabels) {
if (filepath.startsWith(path)) {
pathContainsLabels.forEach((String path, List<String> pathLabels) {
if (filepath.contains(path)) {
return labels;
/// Returns the set of labels applicable to a file in the engine repo.
static Set<String> getLabelsForEnginePath(String filepath) {
const Map<String, List<String>> pathPrefixLabels = <String, List<String>>{
'shell/platform/android': <String>['platform-android'],
'shell/platform/embedder': <String>['embedder'],
'shell/platform/darwin/common': <String>['platform-ios', 'platform-macos'],
'shell/platform/darwin/ios': <String>['platform-ios'],
'shell/platform/darwin/macos': <String>['platform-macos'],
'shell/platform/fuchsia': <String>['platform-fuchsia'],
'shell/platform/linux': <String>['platform-linux'],
'shell/platform/windows': <String>['platform-windows'],
'lib/web_ui': <String>['platform-web'],
'web_sdk': <String>['platform-web'],
final Set<String> labels = <String>{};
pathPrefixLabels.forEach((String path, List<String> pathLabels) {
if (filepath.startsWith(path)) {
return labels;
Future<void> _applyEngineRepoLabels(GitHub gitHubClient, String? eventAction, PullRequest pr) async {
// Do not apply the test labels for the autoroller accounts.
if (pr.user!.login == 'skia-flutter-autoroll') {
final RepositorySlug slug = pr.base!.repo!.slug();
final Stream<PullRequestFile> files = gitHubClient.pullRequests.listFiles(slug, pr.number!);
final Set<String> labels = <String>{};
bool hasTests = false;
bool needsTests = false;
await for (PullRequestFile file in files) {
final String filename = file.filename!.toLowerCase();
if (filename.endsWith('.dart') ||
filename.endsWith('.mm') ||
filename.endsWith('.m') ||
filename.endsWith('.java') ||
filename.endsWith('.cc')) {
needsTests = true;
if (kEngineTestRegExp.hasMatch(filename)) {
hasTests = true;
if (labels.isNotEmpty) {
await gitHubClient.issues.addLabelsToIssue(slug, pr.number!, labels.toList());
// We do not need to add test labels if this is an auto roller author.
if (config.rollerAccounts.contains(pr.user!.login)) {
if (!hasTests && needsTests && !pr.draft! && !_isReleaseBranch(pr)) {
final String body = config.missingTestsPullRequestMessage;
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
await gitHubClient.issues.addLabelsToIssue(slug, pr.number!, kNeedsTestsLabels);
// Runs automated test checks for both flutter/packages and flutter/plugins.
Future<void> _applyPackageTestChecks(GitHub gitHubClient, String? eventAction, PullRequest pr) async {
final RepositorySlug slug = pr.base!.repo!.slug();
final Stream<PullRequestFile> files = gitHubClient.pullRequests.listFiles(slug, pr.number!);
bool hasTests = false;
bool needsTests = false;
await for (PullRequestFile file in files) {
final String filename = file.filename!;
// When null, do not assume 0 lines have been added.
final int linesAdded = file.additionsCount ?? 1;
final int linesDeleted = file.deletionsCount ?? 0;
final int linesTotal = file.changesCount ?? linesDeleted + linesAdded;
final bool addedCode = linesAdded > 0 || linesDeleted != linesTotal;
if (addedCode &&
!filename.endsWith('AUTHORS') &&
!filename.endsWith('CODEOWNERS') &&
!filename.endsWith('pubspec.yaml') &&
!filename.endsWith('.ci.yaml') &&
!filename.endsWith('.cirrus.yml') &&
!filename.contains('.ci/') &&
!filename.contains('.github/') &&
!filename.endsWith('.md')) {
needsTests = !_allChangesAreCodeComments(file);
// See for discussion
// of various plugin test types and locations.
if (filename.endsWith('_test.dart') ||
// Native iOS/macOS tests.
filename.contains('RunnerTests/') ||
filename.contains('RunnerUITests/') ||
// Native Android tests.
filename.contains('android/src/test/') ||
filename.contains('androidTest/') ||
// Native Linux tests.
filename.endsWith('') ||
// Native Windows tests.
filename.endsWith('_test.cpp')) {
hasTests = true;
// We do not need to add test labels if this is an auto roller author.
if (config.rollerAccounts.contains(pr.user!.login)) {
if (!hasTests && needsTests && !pr.draft! && !_isReleaseBranch(pr)) {
final String body = config.missingTestsPullRequestMessage;
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
await gitHubClient.issues.addLabelsToIssue(slug, pr.number!, kNeedsTestsLabels);
/// Validate the base and head refs of the PR.
Future<void> _validateRefs(
GitHub gitHubClient,
PullRequest pr,
) async {
final RepositorySlug slug = pr.base!.repo!.slug();
String body;
const List<String> releaseChannels = <String>[
// Close PRs that use a release branch as a source.
if (releaseChannels.contains(pr.head!.ref)) {
body = config.wrongHeadBranchPullRequestMessage(pr.head!.ref!);
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.pullRequests.edit(
state: 'closed',
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
final String defaultBranchName = Config.defaultBranch(pr.base!.repo!.slug());
final String baseName = pr.base!.ref!;
if (baseName == defaultBranchName) {
if (_isReleaseBranch(pr)) {
body = config.releaseBranchPullRequestMessage;
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
// Assume this PR should be based against config.defaultBranch.
body = _getWrongBaseComment(base: baseName, defaultBranch: defaultBranchName);
if (!await _alreadyCommented(gitHubClient, pr, body)) {
await gitHubClient.pullRequests.edit(
base: Config.defaultBranch(slug),
await gitHubClient.issues.createComment(slug, pr.number!, body);
bool _isReleaseBranch(PullRequest pr) {
final String defaultBranchName = Config.defaultBranch(pr.base!.repo!.slug());
final String baseName = pr.base!.ref!;
if (baseName == defaultBranchName) {
return false;
// Check if branch name confroms to the format flutter-x.x-candidate.x,
// A pr with conforming branch name is likely to be intended
// for a release branch, whereas a pr with non conforming name is likely
// caused by user misoperations, in which case bot
// will suggest open pull request against default branch instead.
final RegExp candidateTest = RegExp(r'flutter-\d+\.\d+-candidate\.\d+');
if (candidateTest.hasMatch(baseName) && candidateTest.hasMatch(pr.head!.ref!)) {
return true;
return false;
Future<bool> _alreadyCommented(
GitHub gitHubClient,
PullRequest pr,
String message,
) async {
final Stream<IssueComment> comments = gitHubClient.issues.listCommentsByIssue(pr.base!.repo!.slug(), pr.number!);
await for (IssueComment comment in comments) {
if (comment.body != null && comment.body!.contains(message)) {
return true;
return false;
String _getWrongBaseComment({
required String base,
required String defaultBranch,
}) {
final String messageTemplate = config.wrongBaseBranchPullRequestMessage;
return messageTemplate.replaceAll('{{target_branch}}', base).replaceAll('{{default_branch}}', defaultBranch);
Future<bool> _validateRequest(
String? signature,
List<int> requestBody,
) async {
final String rawKey = await config.webhookKey;
final List<int> key = utf8.encode(rawKey);
final Hmac hmac = Hmac(sha1, key);
final Digest digest = hmac.convert(requestBody);
final String bodySignature = 'sha1=$digest';
return bodySignature == signature;
Future<PullRequestEvent?> _getPullRequestEvent(String request) async {
try {
return PullRequestEvent.fromJson(json.decode(request) as Map<String, dynamic>);
} on FormatException {
return null;
/// Returns true if the changes to [file] are all code comments.
/// If that cannot be determined with confidence, returns false. False
/// negatives (e.g., for /* */-style multi-line comments) should be expected.
bool _allChangesAreCodeComments(PullRequestFile file) {
final int? linesAdded = file.additionsCount;
final int? linesDeleted = file.deletionsCount;
final String? patch = file.patch;
// If information is missing, err or the side of assuming it's a non-comment
// change.
if (linesAdded == null || linesDeleted == null || patch == null) {
return false;
// Ensure that the file is a language reconized by the check below.
const Set<String> codeExtensions = <String>{
final String filename = file.filename!;
final String? extension = filename.contains('.') ? filename.split('.').last.toLowerCase() : null;
if (extension == null || !codeExtensions.contains(extension)) {
return false;
// Only handles single-line comments; identifying multi-line comments
// would require the full file and non-trivial parsing. Also doesn't handle
// end-of-line comments (e.g., "int x = 0; // Info about x").
final RegExp commentRegex = RegExp(r'[+-]\s*//');
for (String line in patch.split('\n')) {
if (!line.startsWith('+') && !line.startsWith('-')) {
if (!commentRegex.hasMatch(line)) {
return false;
return true;
CreateEvent? _getCreateEvent(String request) {
try {
return CreateEvent.fromJson(json.decode(request) as Map<String, dynamic>);
} on FormatException {
return null;
} catch (e) {
log.severe('Unexpected exception was encountered while decoding json webhook msg for branch creation: $e');
return null;