blob: a96fe71d3df25ccc256d2d4767b8c5ba303976da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:cocoon_service/cocoon_service.dart';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import 'package:github/hooks.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart' hide Status;
import 'package:buildbucket/buildbucket_pb.dart' as bbv2;
import '../foundation/github_checks_util.dart';
import '../model/appengine/commit.dart';
import '../model/appengine/task.dart';
import '../model/firestore/commit.dart' as firestore_commit;
import '../model/firestore/task.dart' as firestore;
import '../model/ci_yaml/target.dart';
import '../model/github/checks.dart' as cocoon_checks;
import '../model/luci/push_message.dart' as push_message;
import '../model/luci/buildbucket.dart';
import '../service/datastore.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
import 'build_bucket_v2_client.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'github_service.dart';
/// Class to interact with LUCI buildbucket to get, trigger
/// and cancel builds for github repos. It uses [config.luciTryBuilders] to
/// get the list of available builders.
class LuciBuildService {
required this.config,
required this.cache,
required this.buildBucketClient,
required this.buildBucketV2Client,
GithubChecksUtil? githubChecksUtil,
GerritService? gerritService,
this.pubsub = const PubSub(),
}) : githubChecksUtil = githubChecksUtil ?? const GithubChecksUtil(),
gerritService = gerritService ?? GerritService(config: config);
BuildBucketClient buildBucketClient;
BuildBucketV2Client buildBucketV2Client;
final CacheService cache;
Config config;
GithubChecksUtil githubChecksUtil;
GerritService gerritService;
final PubSub pubsub;
static const Set<Status> failStatusSet = <Status>{
static const int kBackfillPriority = 35;
static const int kDefaultPriority = 30;
static const int kRerunPriority = 29;
/// Github labels have a max length of 100, so conserve chars here.
/// This is currently used by packages repo only.
/// See:
static const String githubBuildLabelPrefix = 'override:';
static const String propertiesGithubBuildLabelName = 'overrides';
/// Name of the subcache to store luci build related values in redis.
static const String subCacheName = 'luci';
// the Request objects here are the BatchRequest object in bbv2.
/// Shards [rows] into several sublists of size [maxEntityGroups].
Future<List<List<Request>>> shard(List<Request> requests, int max) async {
final List<List<Request>> shards = <List<Request>>[];
for (int i = 0; i < requests.length; i += max) {
shards.add(requests.sublist(i, i + min<int>(requests.length - i, max)));
return shards;
/// Fetches an Iterable of try BuildBucket [Build]s.
/// Returns a list of BuildBucket [Build]s for a given Github [slug], [sha],
/// and [builderName].
Future<Iterable<Build>> getTryBuilds(
github.RepositorySlug slug,
String sha,
String? builderName,
) async {
final Map<String, List<String>> tags = <String, List<String>>{
'buildset': <String>['sha/git/$sha'],
'user_agent': const <String>['flutter-cocoon'],
return getBuilds(slug, sha, builderName, 'try', tags);
/// Fetches an Iterable of try BuildBucket V2 [Build]s.
/// Returns a list of BuildBucket [Build]s for a given Github [slug], [sha],
/// and [builderName].
Future<Iterable<bbv2.Build>> getTryBuildsV2(
github.RepositorySlug slug,
String sha,
String? builderName,
) async {
final List<bbv2.StringPair> tags = [
bbv2.StringPair(key: 'buildset', value: 'sha/git/$sha'),
bbv2.StringPair(key: 'user_agent', value: 'flutter-cocoon'),
return getBuildsV2(
/// Fetches an Iterable of try BuildBucket [Build]s.
/// Returns a list of BuildBucket [Build]s for a given Github [PullRequest].
Future<Iterable<Build>> getTryBuildsByPullRequest(
github.PullRequest pullRequest,
) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final Map<String, List<String>> tags = <String, List<String>>{
'buildset': <String>['pr/git/${pullRequest.number}'],
'github_link': <String>['${slug.fullName}/pull/${pullRequest.number}'],
'user_agent': const <String>['flutter-cocoon'],
return getBuilds(slug, null, null, 'try', tags);
/// Fetches an Iterable of try BuildBucket V2 [Build]s.
/// Returns a list of BuildBucket V2 [Build]s for a given Github
/// [PullRequest].
Future<Iterable<bbv2.Build>> getTryBuildsByPullRequestV2(
github.PullRequest pullRequest,
) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final List<bbv2.StringPair> tags = [
bbv2.StringPair(key: 'buildset', value: 'pr/git/${pullRequest.number}'),
bbv2.StringPair(key: 'github_link', value: '${slug.fullName}/pull/${pullRequest.number}'),
bbv2.StringPair(key: 'user_agent', value: 'flutter-cocoon'),
return getBuildsV2(
/// Fetches an Iterable of prod BuildBucket [Build]s.
/// Returns an Iterable of prod BuildBucket [Build]s for a given Github
/// [slug], [sha], and [builderName].
Future<Iterable<Build>> getProdBuilds(
github.RepositorySlug slug,
String commitSha,
String? builderName,
) async {
final Map<String, List<String>> tags = <String, List<String>>{};
return getBuilds(slug, commitSha, builderName, 'prod', tags);
/// Fetches an Iterable of try BuildBucket [Build]s.
/// Returns an iterable of try BuildBucket [Build]s for a given Github [slug],
/// [sha], [builderName], [bucket], and [tags].
Future<Iterable<Build>> getBuilds(
github.RepositorySlug? slug,
String? commitSha,
String? builderName,
String bucket,
Map<String, List<String>> tags,
) async {
final BatchResponse batch = await buildBucketClient.batch(
requests: <Request>[
searchBuilds: SearchBuildsRequest(
predicate: BuildPredicate(
builderId: BuilderId(
project: 'flutter',
bucket: bucket,
builder: builderName,
tags: tags,
fields: 'builds.*.id,builds.*.builder,builds.*.tags,builds.*.status,builds.*',
);'Reponses from get builds batch request = ${batch.responses!.length}');
for (Response response in batch.responses!) {'Found a response: ${response.toString()}');
final Iterable<Build> builds = batch.responses!
.map((Response response) => response.searchBuilds)
.expand((SearchBuildsResponse? response) => response!.builds ?? <Build>[]);
return builds;
Future<Iterable<bbv2.Build>> getBuildsV2(
github.RepositorySlug? slug,
String? commitSha,
String? builderName,
String bucket,
List<bbv2.StringPair> tags,
) async {
// These paths are fields in the Build message.
final bbv2.FieldMask fieldMask = bbv2.FieldMask(
paths: {
final bbv2.BuildMask buildMask = bbv2.BuildMask(fields: fieldMask);
final bbv2.BuildPredicate buildPredicate = bbv2.BuildPredicate(
builder: bbv2.BuilderID(
project: 'flutter',
bucket: bucket,
builder: builderName,
tags: tags,
final bbv2.SearchBuildsRequest searchBuildsRequest = bbv2.SearchBuildsRequest(
predicate: buildPredicate,
mask: buildMask,
// Need to create one of these for each request in the batch.
final bbv2.BatchRequest_Request batchRequestRequest = bbv2.BatchRequest_Request(
searchBuilds: searchBuildsRequest,
final bbv2.BatchResponse batchResponse = await buildBucketV2Client.batch(
requests: {batchRequestRequest},
);'Reponses from get builds batch request = ${batchResponse.responses.length}');
for (bbv2.BatchResponse_Response response in batchResponse.responses) {'Found a response: ${response.toString()}');
final Iterable<bbv2.Build> builds = batchResponse.responses
.map((bbv2.BatchResponse_Response response) => response.searchBuilds)
.expand((bbv2.SearchBuildsResponse? response) => response!.builds);
return builds;
/// Schedules presubmit [targets] on BuildBucket for [pullRequest].
Future<List<Target>> scheduleTryBuilds({
required List<Target> targets,
required github.PullRequest pullRequest,
CheckSuiteEvent? checkSuiteEvent,
}) async {
if (targets.isEmpty) {
return targets;
final List<Request> requests = <Request>[];
final List<String> branches = await gerritService.branches(
filterRegex: 'flutter-.*|fuchsia.*',
);'Available release branches: $branches');
final String sha = pullRequest.head!.sha!;
String cipdVersion = 'refs/heads/${pullRequest.base!.ref!}';
cipdVersion = branches.contains(cipdVersion) ? cipdVersion : config.defaultRecipeBundleRef;
for (Target target in targets) {
final github.CheckRun checkRun = await githubChecksUtil.createCheckRun(
final github.RepositorySlug slug = pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final Map<String, dynamic> userData = <String, dynamic>{
'commit_sha': sha,
'commit_branch': pullRequest.base!.ref!.replaceAll('refs/heads/', ''),
final Map<String, List<String>> tags = <String, List<String>>{
'github_checkrun': <String>[],
final Map<String, Object> properties = target.getProperties();
properties.putIfAbsent('git_branch', () => pullRequest.base!.ref!.replaceAll('refs/heads/', ''));
final List<String>? labels = extractPrefixedLabels(pullRequest.labels, githubBuildLabelPrefix);
if (labels != null && labels.isNotEmpty) {
properties[propertiesGithubBuildLabelName] = labels;
scheduleBuild: _createPresubmitScheduleBuild(
slug: slug,
sha: pullRequest.head!.sha!,
//Use here otherwise tests will die due to null
pullRequestNumber: pullRequest.number!,
cipdVersion: cipdVersion,
userData: userData,
properties: properties,
tags: tags,
dimensions: target.getDimensions(),
final Iterable<List<Request>> requestPartitions = await shard(requests, config.schedulingShardSize);
for (List<Request> requestPartition in requestPartitions) {
final BatchRequest batchRequest = BatchRequest(requests: requestPartition);
await pubsub.publish('scheduler-requests', batchRequest);
return targets;
/// Cancels all the current builds on [pullRequest] with [reason].
/// Builds are queried based on the [RepositorySlug] and pull request number.
Future<void> cancelBuilds(github.PullRequest pullRequest, String reason) async {
'Attempting to cancel builds for pullrequest ${pullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName}/${pullRequest.number}',
final Iterable<Build> builds = await getTryBuildsByPullRequest(pullRequest);'Found ${builds.length} builds.');
if (builds.isEmpty) {
log.warning('No builds were found for pull request ${pullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName}.');
final List<Request> requests = <Request>[];
for (Build build in builds) {
if (build.status == Status.scheduled || build.status == Status.started) {
// Scheduled status includes scheduled and pending tasks.'Cancelling build with build id ${}.');
cancelBuild: CancelBuildRequest(
summaryMarkdown: reason,
if (requests.isNotEmpty) {
await buildBucketClient.batch(BatchRequest(requests: requests));
Future<void> cancelBuildsV2(github.PullRequest pullRequest, String reason) async {
'Attempting to cancel builds (v2) for pullrequest ${pullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName}/${pullRequest.number}',
final Iterable<bbv2.Build> builds = await getTryBuildsByPullRequestV2(pullRequest);'Found ${builds.length} builds.');
if (builds.isEmpty) {
log.warning('No builds were found for pull request ${pullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName}.');
final List<bbv2.BatchRequest_Request> requests = <bbv2.BatchRequest_Request>[];
for (bbv2.Build build in builds) {
if (build.status == bbv2.Status.SCHEDULED || build.status == bbv2.Status.STARTED) {
// Scheduled status includes scheduled and pending tasks.'Cancelling build with build id ${}.');
cancelBuild: bbv2.CancelBuildRequest(
summaryMarkdown: reason,
if (requests.isNotEmpty) {
await buildBucketV2Client.batch(bbv2.BatchRequest(requests: requests));
/// Filters [builders] to only those that failed on [pullRequest].
Future<List<Build?>> failedBuilds(
github.PullRequest pullRequest,
List<Target> targets,
) async {
final Iterable<Build> builds = await getTryBuilds(pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug(), pullRequest.head!.sha!, null);
final Iterable<String> builderNames = target) =>;
// Return only builds that exist in the configuration file.
final Iterable<Build?> failedBuilds = builds.where((Build? build) => failStatusSet.contains(build!.status));
final Iterable<Build?> expectedFailedBuilds =
failedBuilds.where((Build? build) => builderNames.contains(build!.builderId.builder));
return expectedFailedBuilds.toList();
/// Sends [ScheduleBuildRequest] using information from a given build's
/// [BuildPushMessage].
/// The buildset, user_agent, and github_link tags are applied to match the
/// original build. The build properties and user data from the original build
/// are also preserved.
/// The [currentAttempt] is used to track the number of current build attempt.
Future<Build> rescheduleBuild({
required String builderName,
required push_message.BuildPushMessage buildPushMessage,
required int rescheduleAttempt,
}) async {
// Ensure we are using V2 bucket name istead of V1.
// V1 bucket name is "" while the api
// is expecting just the last part after "."(prod).
final String bucketName =!.bucket!.split('.').last;
final Map<String, List<String>> tags = <String, List<String>>{
'current_attempt': <String>[rescheduleAttempt.toString()],
return buildBucketClient.scheduleBuild(
builderId: BuilderId(
bucket: bucketName,
builder: builderName,
tags: tags,
// We need to cast to <String, Object> to bypass json.encode error when scheduling builds.
(!.buildParameters!['properties'] as Map<String, Object?>).cast<String, Object>(),
notify: NotificationConfig(
pubsubTopic: 'projects/flutter-dashboard/topics/luci-builds',
userData: base64Encode(json.encode(buildPushMessage.userData).codeUnits),
/// Sends presubmit [ScheduleBuildRequest] for a pull request using [checkRunEvent].
/// Returns the [Build] returned by scheduleBuildRequest.
Future<Build> reschedulePresubmitBuildUsingCheckRunEvent(cocoon_checks.CheckRunEvent checkRunEvent) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = checkRunEvent.repository!.slug();
final String sha = checkRunEvent.checkRun!.headSha!;
final String checkName = checkRunEvent.checkRun!.name!;
final github.CheckRun githubCheckRun = await githubChecksUtil.createCheckRun(config, slug, sha, checkName);
final Iterable<Build> builds = await getTryBuilds(slug, sha, checkName);
if (builds.isEmpty) {
throw NoBuildFoundException('Unable to find try build.');
final Build build = builds.first;
final String prString = build.tags!['buildset']!.firstWhere((String? element) => element!.startsWith('pr/git/'))!;
final String cipdVersion = build.tags!['cipd_version']![0]!;
final String githubLink = build.tags!['github_link']![0]!;
final String repoName = githubLink.split('/')[4];
final String branch = Config.defaultBranch(github.RepositorySlug('flutter', repoName));
final int prNumber = int.parse(prString.split('/')[2]);
final Map<String, dynamic> userData = <String, dynamic>{
'commit_branch': branch,
'commit_sha': sha,
final Map<String, Object> properties = Map.of(build.input!.properties ?? <String, Object>{});
final GithubService githubService = await config.createGithubService(slug);
final List<github.IssueLabel> issueLabels = await githubService.getIssueLabels(slug, prNumber);
final List<String>? labels = extractPrefixedLabels(issueLabels, githubBuildLabelPrefix);
if (labels != null && labels.isNotEmpty) {
properties[propertiesGithubBuildLabelName] = labels;
}'input ${build.input!} properties $properties');
final ScheduleBuildRequest scheduleBuildRequest = _createPresubmitScheduleBuild(
slug: slug,
sha: sha,
checkName: checkName,
pullRequestNumber: prNumber,
cipdVersion: cipdVersion,
properties: properties,
userData: userData,
final Build scheduleBuild = await buildBucketClient.scheduleBuild(scheduleBuildRequest);
final String buildUrl = '${}';
await githubChecksUtil.updateCheckRun(config, slug, githubCheckRun, detailsUrl: buildUrl);
return scheduleBuild;
/// Collect any label whose name is prefixed by the prefix [String].
/// Returns a [List] of prefixed label names as [String]s.
List<String>? extractPrefixedLabels(List<github.IssueLabel>? issueLabels, String prefix) {
return issueLabels?.where((label) => =>;
/// Sends postsubmit [ScheduleBuildRequest] for a commit using [checkRunEvent], [Commit], [Task], and [Target].
/// Returns the [Build] returned by scheduleBuildRequest.
Future<Build> reschedulePostsubmitBuildUsingCheckRunEvent(
cocoon_checks.CheckRunEvent checkRunEvent, {
required Commit commit,
required Task task,
required Target target,
}) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = checkRunEvent.repository!.slug();
final String sha = checkRunEvent.checkRun!.headSha!;
final String checkName = checkRunEvent.checkRun!.name!;
final Iterable<Build> builds = await getProdBuilds(slug, sha, checkName);
if (builds.isEmpty) {
throw NoBuildFoundException('Unable to find prod build.');
final Build build = builds.first;
final Map<String, Object>? properties = build.input!.properties;'input ${build.input!} properties $properties');
final ScheduleBuildRequest scheduleBuildRequest =
await _createPostsubmitScheduleBuild(commit: commit, target: target, task: task, properties: properties);
final Build scheduleBuild = await buildBucketClient.scheduleBuild(scheduleBuildRequest);
return scheduleBuild;
/// Gets [Build] using its [id] and passing the additional
/// fields to be populated in the response.
Future<Build> getBuildById(String? id, {String? fields}) async {
final GetBuildRequest request = GetBuildRequest(id: id, fields: fields);
return buildBucketClient.getBuild(request);
Future<bbv2.Build> getBuildByIdV2(Int64 id, {bbv2.BuildMask? buildMask}) async {
final bbv2.GetBuildRequest request = bbv2.GetBuildRequest(id: id, mask: buildMask);
return buildBucketV2Client.getBuild(request);
/// Gets builder list whose config is pre-defined in LUCI.
/// Returns cache if existing. Otherwise make the RPC call to fetch list.
Future<Set<String>> getAvailableBuilderSet({
String project = 'flutter',
String bucket = 'prod',
}) async {
final Uint8List? cacheValue = await cache.getOrCreate(
createFn: () => _getAvailableBuilderSet(project: project, bucket: bucket),
// New commit triggering tasks should be finished within 5 mins.
// The batch backfiller's execution frequency is also 5 mins.
ttl: const Duration(minutes: 5),
return Set.from(String.fromCharCodes(cacheValue!).split(','));
/// Returns cache if existing, otherwise makes the RPC call to fetch list.
/// Use [token] to make sure obtain all the list by calling RPC multiple times.
Future<Uint8List> _getAvailableBuilderSet({
String project = 'flutter',
String bucket = 'prod',
}) async {'No cached value for builderList, start fetching via the rpc call.');
final Set<String> availableBuilderSet = <String>{};
String? token;
do {
final ListBuildersResponse listBuildersResponse = await buildBucketClient.listBuilders(
project: project,
bucket: bucket,
pageToken: token,
final List<String> availableBuilderList =!.map((e) =>!.builder!).toList();
token = listBuildersResponse.nextPageToken;
} while (token != null);
final String joinedBuilderSet = availableBuilderSet.toList().join(',');'successfully fetched the builderSet: $joinedBuilderSet');
return Uint8List.fromList(joinedBuilderSet.codeUnits);
/// Schedules list of post-submit builds deferring work to [schedulePostsubmitBuild].
/// Returns empty list if all targets are successfully published to pub/sub. Otherwise,
/// returns the original list.
Future<List<Tuple<Target, Task, int>>> schedulePostsubmitBuilds({
required Commit commit,
required List<Tuple<Target, Task, int>> toBeScheduled,
}) async {
if (toBeScheduled.isEmpty) {
log.fine('Skipping schedulePostsubmitBuilds as there are no targets to be scheduled by Cocoon');
return toBeScheduled;
final List<Request> buildRequests = <Request>[];
Set<String> availableBuilderSet;
try {
availableBuilderSet = await getAvailableBuilderSet(project: 'flutter', bucket: 'prod');
} catch (error) {
log.severe('Failed to get buildbucket builder list due to $error');
return toBeScheduled;
}'Available builder list: $availableBuilderSet');
for (Tuple<Target, Task, int> tuple in toBeScheduled) {
// Non-existing builder target will be skipped from scheduling.
if (!availableBuilderSet.contains( {
log.warning('Found no available builder for ${}, commit ${commit.sha}');
}'create postsubmit schedule request for target: ${tuple.first.value} in commit ${commit.sha}');
final ScheduleBuildRequest scheduleBuildRequest = await _createPostsubmitScheduleBuild(
commit: commit,
target: tuple.first,
task: tuple.second,
priority: tuple.third,
buildRequests.add(Request(scheduleBuild: scheduleBuildRequest));'created postsubmit schedule request for target: ${tuple.first.value} in commit ${commit.sha}');
final BatchRequest batchRequest = BatchRequest(requests: buildRequests);
List<String> messageIds;
try {
messageIds = await pubsub.publish('scheduler-requests', batchRequest);'Published $messageIds for commit ${commit.sha}');
} catch (error) {
log.severe('Failed to publish message to pub/sub due to $error');
return toBeScheduled;
}'Published a request with ${buildRequests.length} builds');
return <Tuple<Target, Task, int>>[];
/// Create a Presubmit ScheduleBuildRequest using the [slug], [sha], and
/// [checkName] for the provided [build] with the provided [checkRunId].
ScheduleBuildRequest _createPresubmitScheduleBuild({
required github.RepositorySlug slug,
required String sha,
required String checkName,
required int pullRequestNumber,
required String cipdVersion,
Map<String, Object>? properties,
Map<String, List<String>>? tags,
Map<String, dynamic>? userData,
List<RequestedDimension>? dimensions,
}) {
final Map<String, Object> processedProperties = <String, Object>{};
processedProperties.addAll(properties ?? <String, Object>{});
<String, Object>{
'git_url': '${slug.owner}/${}',
'git_ref': 'refs/pull/$pullRequestNumber/head',
'exe_cipd_version': cipdVersion,
final Map<String, dynamic> processedUserData = userData ?? <String, dynamic>{};
processedUserData['repo_owner'] = slug.owner;
processedUserData['repo_name'] =;
processedUserData['user_agent'] = 'flutter-cocoon';
final BuilderId builderId = BuilderId(project: 'flutter', bucket: 'try', builder: checkName);
final Map<String, List<String>> processedTags = tags ?? <String, List<String>>{};
processedTags['buildset'] = <String>['pr/git/$pullRequestNumber', 'sha/git/$sha'];
processedTags['user_agent'] = const <String>['flutter-cocoon'];
processedTags['github_link'] = <String>['${slug.owner}/${}/pull/$pullRequestNumber'];
processedTags['cipd_version'] = <String>[cipdVersion];
final NotificationConfig notificationConfig = NotificationConfig(
pubsubTopic: 'projects/flutter-dashboard/topics/luci-builds',
userData: base64Encode(json.encode(processedUserData).codeUnits),
final Map<String, dynamic> exec = <String, dynamic>{'cipdVersion': cipdVersion};
return ScheduleBuildRequest(
builderId: builderId,
tags: processedTags,
properties: processedProperties,
notify: notificationConfig,
fields: 'id,builder,number,status,tags',
exe: exec,
dimensions: dimensions,
/// Creates a [ScheduleBuildRequest] for [target] and [task] against [commit].
/// By default, build [priority] is increased for release branches.
Future<ScheduleBuildRequest> _createPostsubmitScheduleBuild({
required Commit commit,
required Target target,
required Task task,
Map<String, Object>? properties,
Map<String, List<String>>? tags,
int priority = kDefaultPriority,
}) async {
tags ??= <String, List<String>>{};
tags.addAll(<String, List<String>>{
'buildset': <String>[
final String commitKey = task.parentKey!.id.toString();
final String taskKey =;'Scheduling builder: ${} for commit ${commit.sha}');'Task commit_key: $commitKey for task name: ${}');'Task task_key: $taskKey for task name: ${}');
final Map<String, dynamic> rawUserData = <String, dynamic>{
'commit_key': commitKey,
'task_key': taskKey,
'firestore_commit_document_name': commit.sha,
// Creates post submit checkrun only for unflaky targets from [config.postsubmitSupportedRepos].
if (!target.value.bringup && config.postsubmitSupportedRepos.contains(target.slug)) {
await createPostsubmitCheckRun(commit, target, rawUserData);
tags['user_agent'] = <String>['flutter-cocoon'];
// Tag `scheduler_job_id` is needed when calling buildbucket search build API.
tags['scheduler_job_id'] = <String>['flutter/${}'];
// Default attempt is the initial attempt, which is 1.
tags['current_attempt'] = tags['current_attempt'] ?? <String>['1'];
final String currentAttempt = tags['current_attempt']!.single;
rawUserData['firestore_task_document_name'] = '${commit.sha}_${}_$currentAttempt';
final Map<String, Object> processedProperties = target.getProperties();
processedProperties.addAll(properties ?? <String, Object>{});
processedProperties['git_branch'] = commit.branch!;
final String cipdVersion = 'refs/heads/${commit.branch}';
processedProperties['exe_cipd_version'] = cipdVersion;
return ScheduleBuildRequest(
builderId: BuilderId(
project: 'flutter',
bucket: target.getBucket(),
dimensions: target.getDimensions(),
exe: <String, dynamic>{
'cipdVersion': cipdVersion,
gitilesCommit: GitilesCommit(
project: 'mirrors/${}',
host: '',
ref: 'refs/heads/${commit.branch}',
hash: commit.sha,
notify: NotificationConfig(
pubsubTopic: 'projects/flutter-dashboard/topics/luci-builds-prod',
userData: base64Encode(json.encode(rawUserData).codeUnits),
tags: tags,
properties: processedProperties,
priority: priority,
/// Creates postsubmit check runs for prod targets in supported repositories.
Future<void> createPostsubmitCheckRun(
Commit commit,
Target target,
Map<String, dynamic> rawUserData,
) async {
final github.CheckRun checkRun = await githubChecksUtil.createCheckRun(
rawUserData['check_run_id'] =;
rawUserData['commit_sha'] = commit.sha;
rawUserData['commit_branch'] = commit.branch;
rawUserData['builder_name'] =;
rawUserData['repo_owner'] = target.slug.owner;
rawUserData['repo_name'] =;
/// Check to auto-rerun TOT test failures.
/// A builder will be retried if:
/// 1. It has been tried below the max retry limit
/// 2. It is for the tip of tree
/// 3. The last known status is not green
/// 4. [ignoreChecks] is false. This allows manual reruns to bypass the Cocoon state.
Future<bool> checkRerunBuilder({
required Commit commit,
required Target target,
required Task task,
required DatastoreService datastore,
required firestore.Task taskDocument,
required FirestoreService firestoreService,
Map<String, List<String>>? tags,
bool ignoreChecks = false,
}) async {
if (ignoreChecks == false && await _shouldRerunBuilderFirestore(taskDocument, firestoreService) == false) {
return false;
}'Rerun builder: ${} for commit ${commit.sha}');
tags ??= <String, List<String>>{};
tags['trigger_type'] ??= <String>['auto_retry'];
// Updating task status first to avoid endless rerun when datastore transaction aborts.
try {
// Updates task status in Datastore.
task.attempts = (task.attempts ?? 0) + 1;
// Mark task as in progress to ensure it isn't scheduled over
task.status = Task.statusInProgress;
await datastore.insert(<Task>[task]);
// Updates task status in Firestore.
final int newAttempt = int.parse(!.split('_').last) + 1;
tags['current_attempt'] = <String>[newAttempt.toString()];
taskDocument.resetAsRetry(attempt: newAttempt);
final List<Write> writes = documentsToWrites([taskDocument], exists: false);
await firestoreService.batchWriteDocuments(BatchWriteRequest(writes: writes), kDatabase);
} catch (error) {
'updating task ${taskDocument.taskName} of commit ${taskDocument.commitSha} failure: $error. Skipping rescheduling.',
return false;
final BatchRequest request = BatchRequest(
requests: <Request>[
scheduleBuild: await _createPostsubmitScheduleBuild(
commit: commit,
target: target,
task: task,
priority: kRerunPriority,
properties: Config.defaultProperties,
tags: tags,
await pubsub.publish('scheduler-requests', request);
return true;
/// Check if a builder should be rerun.
/// A rerun happens when a build fails, the retry number hasn't reached the limit, and the build is on TOT.
Future<bool> _shouldRerunBuilderFirestore(firestore.Task task, FirestoreService firestoreService) async {
if (!firestore.Task.taskFailStatusSet.contains(task.status)) {
return false;
final int retries = task.attempts ?? 1;
if (retries > config.maxLuciTaskRetries) {
log.warning('Max retries reached');
return false;
final String commitDocumentName = '$kDatabase/documents/${firestore_commit.kCommitCollectionId}/${task.commitSha}';
final firestore_commit.Commit currentCommit = await firestore_commit.Commit.fromFirestore(
firestoreService: firestoreService,
documentName: commitDocumentName,
final List<firestore_commit.Commit> commitList = await firestoreService.queryRecentCommits(
limit: 1,
slug: currentCommit.slug,
branch: currentCommit.branch,
final firestore_commit.Commit latestCommit = commitList.single;
return latestCommit.sha == currentCommit.sha;