blob: 9d70698c20fcd2767f901b0ac5ef4de6e1620948 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../../cocoon_service.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/exceptions.dart';
/// Runs all the applicable tasks for a given PR and commit hash. This will be
/// used to unblock rollers when creating a new commit is not possible.
class ResetTryTask extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const ResetTryTask({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
required this.scheduler,
final Scheduler scheduler;
static const String kOwnerParam = 'owner';
static const String kRepoParam = 'repo';
static const String kPullRequestNumberParam = 'pr';
static const String kBuilderParam = 'builders';
Future<Body> get() async {
checkRequiredQueryParameters(<String>[kRepoParam, kPullRequestNumberParam]);
final String owner = request!.uri.queryParameters[kOwnerParam] ?? 'flutter';
final String repo = request!.uri.queryParameters[kRepoParam]!;
final String pr = request!.uri.queryParameters[kPullRequestNumberParam]!;
final String? builders = request!.uri.queryParameters[kBuilderParam] ?? '';
// The [builders] parameter is expecting comma joined string, e.g. 'builder1, builder2'.
final List<String> builderList = builders!.split(',').map((String builder) => builder.trim()).toList();
final int? prNumber = int.tryParse(pr);
if (prNumber == null) {
throw const BadRequestException('$kPullRequestNumberParam must be a number');
final RepositorySlug slug = RepositorySlug(owner, repo);
final GitHub github = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
final PullRequest pullRequest = await github.pullRequests.get(slug, prNumber);
await scheduler.triggerPresubmitTargets(pullRequest: pullRequest, builderTriggerList: builderList);
return Body.empty;