blob: e4e6ed4fd2dc3f7740c11dff2100361ed17b6d8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../model/appengine/commit.dart';
import '../model/appengine/task.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import '../service/datastore.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
/// Endpoint for task runners to update Cocoon with test run information.
/// This handler requires (1) task identifier and (2) task status information.
/// 1. Tasks are identified by:
/// [gitBranchParam], [gitShaParam], [builderNameParam]
/// 2. Task status information
/// A. Required: [newStatusParam], either [Task.statusSucceeded] or [Task.statusFailed].
/// B. Optional: [resultsParam] and [scoreKeysParam] which hold performance benchmark data.
class UpdateTaskStatus extends ApiRequestHandler<UpdateTaskStatusResponse> {
const UpdateTaskStatus({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
@visibleForTesting this.datastoreProvider = DatastoreService.defaultProvider,
final DatastoreServiceProvider datastoreProvider;
static const String gitBranchParam = 'CommitBranch';
static const String gitShaParam = 'CommitSha';
static const String newStatusParam = 'NewStatus';
static const String builderNameParam = 'BuilderName';
static const String testFlayParam = 'TestFlaky';
Future<UpdateTaskStatusResponse> post() async {
checkRequiredParameters(<String>[newStatusParam, gitBranchParam, gitShaParam, builderNameParam]);
final DatastoreService datastore = datastoreProvider(config.db);
final String newStatus = requestData![newStatusParam] as String;
final bool isTestFlaky = (requestData![testFlayParam] as bool?) ?? false;
if (newStatus != Task.statusSucceeded && newStatus != Task.statusFailed) {
throw const BadRequestException('NewStatus can be one of "Succeeded", "Failed"');
final Task task = await _getTaskFromNamedParams(datastore);
task.status = newStatus;
task.endTimestamp =;
task.isTestFlaky = isTestFlaky;
await datastore.insert(<Task>[task]);
return UpdateTaskStatusResponse(task);
/// Retrieve [Task] from [DatastoreService] when given [gitShaParam], [gitBranchParam], and [builderNameParam].
/// This is used when the DeviceLab test runner is uploading results to Cocoon for runs on LUCI.
/// LUCI does not know the [Key] assigned to task when scheduling the build, but Cocoon can
/// lookup the task based on these key values.
/// To lookup the value, we construct the ancestor key, which corresponds to the [Commit].
/// Then we query the tasks with that ancestor key and search for the one that matches the builder name.
Future<Task> _getTaskFromNamedParams(DatastoreService datastore) async {
final Key<String> commitKey = await _constructCommitKey(datastore);
final String? builderName = requestData![builderNameParam] as String?;
final Query<Task> query = datastore.db.query<Task>(ancestorKey: commitKey);
final List<Task> initialTasks = await;
log.fine('Found ${initialTasks.length} tasks for commit');
final List<Task> tasks = <Task>[];
log.fine('Searching for task with builderName=$builderName');
for (Task task in initialTasks) {
if (task.builderName == builderName || == builderName) {
if (tasks.length != 1) {
log.severe('Found ${tasks.length} entries for builder $builderName');
throw InternalServerError('Expected to find 1 task for $builderName, but found ${tasks.length}');
return tasks.first;
/// Construct the Datastore key for [Commit] that is the ancestor to this [Task].
/// Throws [BadRequestException] if the given git branch does not exist in [CocoonConfig].
Future<Key<String>> _constructCommitKey(DatastoreService datastore) async {
final String gitBranch = (requestData![gitBranchParam] as String).trim();
final String gitSha = (requestData![gitShaParam] as String).trim();
final String id = 'flutter/flutter/$gitBranch/$gitSha';
final Key<String> commitKey = datastore.db.emptyKey.append<String>(Commit, id: id);
log.fine('Constructed commit key=$id');
// Return the official key from Datastore for task lookups.
final Commit commit = await config.db.lookupValue<Commit>(commitKey);
return commit.key;
class UpdateTaskStatusResponse extends JsonBody {
const UpdateTaskStatusResponse(this.task);
final Task task;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'Status': task.status,