blob: 812ad94f8a12be8461e4743cf356963ab455c47f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Runs a smoke test.
# This is useful to validate the runtime requirements of a Cocoon agent. It's intended to run
# manually after provision of a Mac or Linux host.
# Expectes the current directory to be cocoon/agent.
set -e
pub get
case "$1" in
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
dart bin/agent.dart run -r HEAD -t flutter_gallery_ios__start_up 2>&1 | tee "$LOG_FILE"
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
dart bin/agent.dart run -r HEAD -t flutter_gallery_ios32__start_up 2>&1 | tee "$LOG_FILE"
dart bin/agent.dart run -r HEAD -t flutter_gallery__start_up 2>&1 | tee "$LOG_FILE"
echo "Usage: .bin/ (ios | ios32 | android)"
exit 1
echo "Please see logs at $LOG_FILE"