blob: c181fd9140bec9ea73b60f6d4d7679a31556be5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Virtual current working directory, which affect functions, such as [exec].
String cwd = Directory.current.path;
void rm(FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity.existsSync()) entity.deleteSync();
/// Remove recursively.
void rrm(FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity.existsSync()) entity.deleteSync(recursive: true);
List<FileSystemEntity> ls(Directory directory) => directory.listSync();
Directory dir(String path) => new Directory(path);
File file(String path) => new File(path);
void copy(File sourceFile, Directory targetDirectory, {String name}) {
File target = file(
path.join(targetDirectory.path, name ?? path.basename(sourceFile.path)));
FileSystemEntity move(FileSystemEntity whatToMove,
{Directory to, String name}) {
return whatToMove
.renameSync(path.join(to.path, name ?? path.basename(whatToMove.path)));
/// Equivalent of `mkdir directory`.
void mkdir(Directory directory) {
/// Equivalent of `mkdir -p directory`.
void mkdirs(Directory directory) {
directory.createSync(recursive: true);
bool exists(FileSystemEntity entity) => entity.existsSync();
void section(String title) {
print('••• $title •••');
Future<Process> startProcess(String executable, List<String> arguments,
{Map<String, String> env, Future<Null> onKill}) async {
Process proc = await Process.start(executable, arguments,
environment: env, workingDirectory: cwd);
if (onKill != null) {
bool processExited = false;
// ignore: unawaited_futures
proc.exitCode.then((_) {
processExited = true;
// ignore: unawaited_futures
onKill.then((_) {
if (!processExited) {
'Caught signal to kill process (PID: ${}): $executable ${arguments.join(' ')}');
bool killed = proc.kill(ProcessSignal.sigkill);
'Process ${killed ? "was killed successfully" : "could not be killed"}.');
return proc;
Future<dynamic> inDirectory(dynamic directory, Future<dynamic> action()) async {
String previousCwd = cwd;
try {
return await action();
} finally {
void cd(dynamic directory) {
Directory d;
if (directory is String) {
cwd = directory;
d = dir(directory);
} else if (directory is Directory) {
cwd = directory.path;
d = directory;
} else {
throw 'Unsupported type ${directory.runtimeType} of $directory';
if (!d.existsSync())
throw 'Cannot cd into directory that does not exist: $directory';