blob: c468a55445005f0ae20426fcba707f37c124dcd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../datastore/cocoon_config.dart';
import '../model/luci/buildbucket.dart' as bb;
import '../model/luci/push_message.dart';
import 'luci_build_service.dart';
/// Github status api pending state constant.
const String PENDING_STATE = 'pending';
class GithubStatusService {
const GithubStatusService(this.config, this.luciBuildService);
/// The global configuration of this AppEngine server.
final Config config;
final LuciBuildService luciBuildService;
Future<void> setBuildsPendingStatus(
int prNumber,
String commitSha,
RepositorySlug slug,
) async {
final GitHub gitHubClient =
await config.createGitHubClient(slug.owner,;
final Map<String, bb.Build> builds = await luciBuildService
.buildsForRepositoryAndPr(slug, prNumber, commitSha);
final List<String> builderNames = config.luciTryBuilders
.map((Map<String, dynamic> entry) => entry['name'] as String)
for (bb.Build build in builds.values) {
// LUCI configuration contain more builders than the ones we would like to run.
// We need to ensure we are adding checks for the builders that will return a
// status to prevent status blocking PRs forever.
if (!builderNames.contains(build.builderId.builder)) {
final CreateStatus status = CreateStatus(PENDING_STATE)
..context = build.builderId.builder
..description = 'Flutter LUCI Build: ${build.builderId.builder}'
..targetUrl = '';
await gitHubClient.repositories.createStatus(slug, commitSha, status);
Future<bool> setPendingStatus({
@required String ref,
@required String builderName,
@required String buildUrl,
@required RepositorySlug slug,
}) async {
// No builderName configuration, nothing to do here.
if (await config.repoNameForBuilder(builderName) == null) {
return false;
final GitHub gitHubClient =
await config.createGitHubClient(slug.owner,;
// GitHub "only" allows setting a status for a context/ref pair 1000 times.
// We should avoid unnecessarily setting a pending status, e.g. if we get
// started and pending messages close together.
// We have to check for both because sometimes one or the other might come
// in.
// However, we should keep going if the _most recent_ status is not pending.
await for (RepositoryStatus status
in gitHubClient.repositories.listStatuses(slug, ref)) {
if (status.context == builderName) {
if (status.state == PENDING_STATE &&
status.targetUrl.startsWith(buildUrl)) {
return false;
String updatedBuildUrl = '';
if (buildUrl.isNotEmpty) {
// If buildUrl is not empty then append a query parameter to refresh the page
// content every 30 seconds. A resulting updatedBuild url will look like:
updatedBuildUrl =
'$buildUrl${buildUrl.contains('?') ? '&' : '?'}reload=30';
final CreateStatus status = CreateStatus(PENDING_STATE)
..context = builderName
..description = 'Flutter LUCI Build: $builderName'
..targetUrl = updatedBuildUrl;
await gitHubClient.repositories.createStatus(slug, ref, status);
return true;
Future<void> setCompletedStatus({
@required String ref,
@required String builderName,
@required String buildUrl,
@required Result result,
@required RepositorySlug slug,
}) async {
final RepositorySlug slug = await config.repoNameForBuilder(builderName);
// No builderName configuration, nothing to do here.
if (slug == null) {
final GitHub gitHubClient =
await config.createGitHubClient(slug.owner,;
final CreateStatus status = statusForResult(result)
..context = builderName
..description = 'Flutter LUCI Build: $builderName'
..targetUrl = buildUrl;
await gitHubClient.repositories.createStatus(slug, ref, status);
CreateStatus statusForResult(Result result) {
switch (result) {
case Result.canceled:
case Result.failure:
return CreateStatus('failure');
case Result.success:
return CreateStatus('success');
throw StateError('unreachable');