blob: 8981c609bee76be35667290798bfd0e254cef576 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/protos.dart' show Agent;
/// A helper class for [Agent.healthDetails] that splits the expected summary
/// with regex to get actionable health metrics.
/// Expected response:
/// ```
/// ssh-connectivity: succeeded
/// Last known IP address:
/// android-device-ZY223D6B7B: succeeded
/// has-healthy-devices: succeeded
/// Found 1 healthy devices
/// cocoon-authentication: succeeded
/// cocoon-connection: succeeded
/// able-to-perform-health-check: succeeded
/// ```
class AgentHealthDetails {
factory AgentHealthDetails(Agent agent) {
final String healthDetails = agent.healthDetails;
return AgentHealthDetails._(
) : _isHealthy = agent.isHealthy &&
hasHealthyDevices &&
cocoonAuthentication &&
cocoonAuthentication &&
canPerformHealthCheck &&
static const int minutesUntilAgentIsUnresponsive = 10;
static const String _hasSshConnectivity = 'ssh-connectivity: succeeded';
static const String _hasHealthyDevices = 'has-healthy-devices: succeeded';
static const String _cocoonAuthentication = 'cocoon-authentication: succeeded';
static const String _cocoonConnection = 'cocoon-connection: succeeded';
static const String _ableToPerformhealthCheck = 'able-to-perform-health-check: succeeded';
/// The agent to show health details from.
final Agent agent;
/// The date and time of the last time this agent pinged Cocoon to show it is
/// still responsive and able to take tasks.
/// The typical cause of an agent becoming unresponsive is that the
/// task itself, or more specifically one of the processes in the
/// task, has hung or otherwise stopped making progress. (As opposed
/// to the agent itself having a problem, which is much less
/// common.)
/// The [isHealthy] method compares this time to the given time and
/// classifies the agent as unhealthy if it is more than
/// [minutesUntilAgentIsUnresponsive] minutes before the given time.
final DateTime lastPing;
/// Whether or not the devices connected to the agent are healthy.
/// Some agents have independent phones connected to them to run tasks, and
/// they must be healthy for the agent to be considered healthy.
final bool hasHealthyDevices;
/// Whether or not this agent can be connected to via SSH.
final bool hasSshConnectivity;
/// Whether or not the access token for this agent has been set on the agent.
final bool cocoonAuthentication;
/// Whether or not this agent can make network requests to Cocoon.
final bool cocoonConnection;
/// Whether or not this agent can perform its own health checks.
final bool canPerformHealthCheck;
final bool _isHealthy;
/// Whether the [lastPing] was sufficiently recent to consider the agent responsive.
/// The parameter is the current time. See [lastPing].
bool pingedRecently(DateTime now) {
final Duration agentLastUpdateDuration = now.difference(lastPing);
return agentLastUpdateDuration.inMinutes < minutesUntilAgentIsUnresponsive;
/// An accumlative field that takes in all of the above health metrics.
/// If one of the above fields is not considered healthy, this agent is not
/// considered healthy.
/// The parameter is the current time. See [lastPing].
bool isHealthy(DateTime now) {
return _isHealthy && pingedRecently(now);