blob: 7b7e3fef60080ccee92b4bae6ba69aa98a664220 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/datastore.dart';
import '../../model/appengine/task.dart';
import '../logging.dart';
import '../luci_build_service.dart';
/// Interface for implementing various scheduling policies in the Cocoon scheduler.
abstract class SchedulerPolicy {
/// Returns the priority of [Task].
/// If null is returned, the task should not be scheduled.
Future<int?> triggerPriority({
required Task task,
required DatastoreService datastore,
/// Every [Task] is triggered to run.
class GuaranteedPolicy implements SchedulerPolicy {
Future<int?> triggerPriority({
required Task task,
required DatastoreService datastore,
}) async =>
/// [Task] is run at least every 3 commits.
/// If there is capacity, a backfiller cron triggers the latest task that was not run
/// to ensure ToT is always tested.
/// This is intended for targets that are run in an infra pool that has limited capacity,
/// such as the on device tests in the DeviceLab.
class BatchPolicy implements SchedulerPolicy {
static const int kBatchSize = 3;
Future<int?> triggerPriority({
required Task task,
required DatastoreService datastore,
}) async {
final List<Task> recentTasks = await datastore.queryRecentTasksByName(name:!).toList();
// Ensure task isn't considered in recentTasks
recentTasks.removeWhere((Task t) => t.commitKey == task.commitKey);
if (recentTasks.length < kBatchSize - 1) {
log.warning('${} has less than $kBatchSize, triggerring all builds regardless of policy');
return LuciBuildService.kDefaultPriority;
// Prioritize tasks that recently failed.
if (_isFailed(recentTasks[0]) || _isFailed(recentTasks[1])) {
return LuciBuildService.kRerunPriority;
if (recentTasks[0].status == Task.statusNew && recentTasks[1].status == Task.statusNew) {
return LuciBuildService.kDefaultPriority;
return null;
bool _isFailed(Task task) {
return task.status == Task.statusFailed || task.status == Task.statusInfraFailure;
/// [Task] run outside of Cocoon are not triggered by the Cocoon scheduler.
class OmitPolicy implements SchedulerPolicy {
Future<int?> triggerPriority({
required Task task,
required DatastoreService datastore,
}) async =>