blob: 05bea5e36a50f273042ce30a71fe878be49af449 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:auto_submit/model/auto_submit_query_result.dart' as auto;
import 'package:auto_submit/service/config.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/github_service.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/validations/required_check_runs.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/validations/validation.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
import '../exception/retryable_exception.dart';
import '../service/log.dart';
class Revert extends Validation {
required super.config,
RetryOptions? retryOptions,
}) : retryOptions = retryOptions ?? Config.requiredChecksRetryOptions;
static const Set<String> allowedReviewers = <String>{ORG_MEMBER, ORG_OWNER};
final RetryOptions retryOptions;
Future<ValidationResult> validate(auto.QueryResult result, github.PullRequest messagePullRequest) async {
final auto.PullRequest pullRequest = result.repository!.pullRequest!;
final String authorAssociation = pullRequest.authorAssociation!;
final String? author =!.login;
final auto.Commit commit = pullRequest.commits!.nodes!.single.commit!;
final String? sha = commit.oid;
final github.RepositorySlug slug = messagePullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
GithubService githubService = await config.createGithubService(slug);
final github.PullRequest updatedPullRequest = await githubService.getPullRequest(
if (!isValidAuthor(author, authorAssociation)) {
final String message = 'The author $author does not have permissions to make this request.';;
return ValidationResult(false, Action.REMOVE_LABEL, message);
final bool? canMerge = updatedPullRequest.mergeable;
if (canMerge == null) {
// if canMerge is null that means github still needs to calculate whether or
// not the change can be merged.
final String message = 'Github is still calculating mergeability of pr# ${updatedPullRequest.number}.';;
return ValidationResult(false, Action.IGNORE_TEMPORARILY, message);
if (!canMerge) {
// if canMerge is false then github has detected merge conflicts and the user
// will need to address them.
const String message =
'This pull request cannot be merged due to conflicts. Please resolve conflicts and re-add the revert label.';;
return ValidationResult(false, Action.REMOVE_LABEL, message);
final String? pullRequestBody = updatedPullRequest.body;
final String? revertLink = extractLinkFromText(pullRequestBody);
if (revertLink == null) {
const String message =
'A reverts link could not be found or was formatted incorrectly. Format is \'Reverts owner/repo#id\'';;
return ValidationResult(false, Action.REMOVE_LABEL, message);
final github.RepositorySlug repositorySlug = _getSlugFromLink(revertLink);
githubService = await config.createGithubService(repositorySlug);
final bool requiredChecksCompleted = await waitForRequiredChecks(
githubService: githubService,
slug: repositorySlug,
sha: sha!,
checkNames: requiredCheckRunsMapping[]!,
if (!requiredChecksCompleted) {
return ValidationResult(
'Some of the required checks did not complete in time.',
final int pullRequestId = _getPullRequestNumberFromLink(revertLink);
final github.PullRequest requestToRevert = await githubService.getPullRequest(repositorySlug, pullRequestId);
final bool requestsMatch =
await githubService.comparePullRequests(repositorySlug, requestToRevert, updatedPullRequest);
if (requestsMatch) {
return ValidationResult(
'Revert request has been verified and will be queued for merge.',
return ValidationResult(
'Validation of the revert request has failed. Verify the files in the revert request are the same as the original PR and resubmit the revert request.',
/// Only a team member and code owner can submit a revert request without a review.
bool isValidAuthor(String? author, String authorAssociation) {
return config.rollerAccounts.contains(author) || allowedReviewers.contains(authorAssociation);
/// The full text here is 'Reverts flutter/cocoon#XXXXX' as output by github
/// the link must be in the form
String? extractLinkFromText(String? bodyText) {
if (bodyText == null) {
return null;
final RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'[Rr]everts[\s]+([-\.a-zA-Z_]+/[-\.a-zA-Z_]+#[0-9]+)', multiLine: true);
final Iterable<RegExpMatch> matches = regExp.allMatches(bodyText);
if (matches.isNotEmpty && matches.length == 1) {
return matches.elementAt(0).group(1);
} else if (matches.isNotEmpty && matches.length != 1) {
log.warning('Detected more than 1 revert link. Cannot process more than one link.');
return null;
/// Split a reverts link on the '#' then the '/' to get the parts of the repo
/// slug. It is assumed that the link has the format flutter/repo#id.
github.RepositorySlug _getSlugFromLink(String link) {
final List<String> linkSplit = link.split('#');
final List<String> slugSplit = linkSplit.elementAt(0).split('/');
return github.RepositorySlug(slugSplit.elementAt(0), slugSplit.elementAt(1));
/// Split a reverts link on the '#' to get the id part of the link.
/// It is assumed that the link has the format flutter/repo#id.
int _getPullRequestNumberFromLink(String link) {
final List<String> linkSplit = link.split('#');
return int.parse(linkSplit.elementAt(1));
/// Wait for the required checks to complete, and if repository has no checks
/// true is returned.
Future<bool> waitForRequiredChecks({
required GithubService githubService,
required github.RepositorySlug slug,
required String sha,
required List<String> checkNames,
}) async {
final List<github.CheckRun> targetCheckRuns = [];
for (var element in checkNames) {
await githubService.getCheckRunsFiltered(
slug: slug,
ref: sha,
checkName: element,
bool checksCompleted = true;
try {
for (github.CheckRun checkRun in targetCheckRuns) {
await retryOptions.retry(
() async {
await _verifyCheckRunCompleted(
retryIf: (Exception e) => e is RetryableException,
} catch (e) {
log.warning('Required check has not completed in time. ${e.toString()}');
checksCompleted = false;
return checksCompleted;
/// Function signature that will be executed with retries.
typedef RetryHandler = Function();
/// Simple function to wait on completed checkRuns with retries.
Future<void> _verifyCheckRunCompleted(
github.RepositorySlug slug,
GithubService githubService,
github.CheckRun targetCheckRun,
) async {
final List<github.CheckRun> checkRuns = await githubService.getCheckRunsFiltered(
slug: slug,
ref: targetCheckRun.headSha!,
if ( != || checkRuns.first.conclusion != github.CheckRunConclusion.success) {
throw RetryableException('${} has not yet completed.');