Refactor cloud build to change provenance source uri (#2419)

diff --git a/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart.yaml b/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart.yaml
index b1ddb96..534b77a 100644
--- a/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart.yaml
+++ b/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,40 @@
 # Provide instructions for google Cloud Build to auto-build flutter
 # dashboard to flutter-dashboard project. Auto-build will be triggered
-# by daily schedule on `main` branch. This cloudbuild calls two cloudbuild
-# configurations.
+# by daily schedule on `main` branch. This cloudbuild calls an additional
+# cloudbuild configuration responsible for deployment.
-# The first job is for generating the docker image with build provenance,
-# and the second uses the generated docker image and deploys it to app engine.
+# This job is for generating the docker image with build provenance,
+# and the deployment job uses the generated docker image and deploys it to
+# App Engine.
+  # Build dashboard.
+  # This step generates the dashboard files using flutter, then moves the
+  # generated files into the app_dart folder, where a docker image is then
+  # created in the next step.
+  - name:$PROJECT_ID/flutter/flutter
+    entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
+    args: ['cloud_build/']
+  # Build docker image
+  - name: ''
+    args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/appengine/default.version-$SHORT_SHA', 'app_dart']
+  # Trigger the cloud build that deploys the docker image
   - name:
     entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
       - '-c'
       - |-
-        gcloud builds submit --config app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_docker.yaml \
-          --substitutions="SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA"
-        gcloud builds submit --config app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_deploy.yaml \
-          --substitutions="_GAE_PROMOTE=$_GAE_PROMOTE,SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA"
+        gcloud builds submit \
+          --config app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_deploy.yaml \
+          --substitutions="_GAE_PROMOTE=$_GAE_PROMOTE,SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA" \
+          --async
 timeout: 1200s
+images: ['$PROJECT_ID/appengine/default.version-$SHORT_SHA']
+# If build provenance is not generated, the docker deployment will fail.
+  requestedVerifyOption: VERIFIED
diff --git a/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_docker.yaml b/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_docker.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6f582..0000000
--- a/app_dart/cloudbuild_app_dart_docker.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Provide instructions for google Cloud Build to build and upload the flutter
-# dashboard docker image to artifact registry.
-  # Build dashboard.
-  # This step generates the dashboard files using flutter, then moves the
-  # generated files into the app_dart folder, where a docker image is then
-  # created in the next step.
-  - name:$PROJECT_ID/flutter/flutter
-    entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
-    args: ['cloud_build/']
-  # Build docker image
-  - name: ''
-    args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/appengine/default.version-$SHORT_SHA', 'app_dart']
-timeout: 1200s
-images: ['$PROJECT_ID/appengine/default.version-$SHORT_SHA']
-# If build provenance is not generated, the docker deployment will fail.
-  requestedVerifyOption: VERIFIED
diff --git a/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit.yaml b/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit.yaml
index 3d94295..06cfc19 100644
--- a/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit.yaml
+++ b/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
 # Provide instructions for google Cloud Build to auto-build flutter
 # auto-submit bot to flutter-dashboard project. Auto-build will be triggered
-# by daily schedule on `main` branch. This cloudbuild calls two cloudbuild
-# configurations.
+# by daily schedule on `main` branch. This cloudbuild calls an additional
+# cloudbuild configuration responsible for deployment.
-# The first job is for generating the docker image with build provenance,
-# and the second uses the generated docker image and deploys it to app engine.
+# This job is for generating the docker image with build provenance,
+# and the deployment job uses the generated docker image and deploys it to
+# App Engine.
+  # Build docker image
+  - name: ''
+    args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/appengine/auto-submit.version-$SHORT_SHA', 'auto_submit']
+  # Trigger the cloud build that deploys the docker image
   - name:
     entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
       - '-c'
       - |-
-        gcloud builds submit --config auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_docker.yaml \
-          --substitutions="SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA"
-        gcloud builds submit --config auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_deploy.yaml \
-          --substitutions="_GAE_PROMOTE=$_GAE_PROMOTE,SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA"
+        gcloud builds submit \
+          --config auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_deploy.yaml \
+          --substitutions="_GAE_PROMOTE=$_GAE_PROMOTE,SHORT_SHA=$SHORT_SHA" \
+          --async
 timeout: 1200s
+images: ['$PROJECT_ID/appengine/auto-submit.version-$SHORT_SHA']
+# If build provenance is not generated, the docker deployment will fail.
+  requestedVerifyOption: VERIFIED
diff --git a/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_docker.yaml b/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_docker.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 475000e..0000000
--- a/auto_submit/cloudbuild_auto_submit_docker.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Provide instructions for google Cloud Build to build and upload the flutter
-# auto-submit docker image to artifact registry.
-  # Build docker image
-  - name: ''
-    args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/appengine/auto-submit.version-$SHORT_SHA', 'auto_submit']
-timeout: 1200s
-images: ['$PROJECT_ID/appengine/auto-submit.version-$SHORT_SHA']
-# If build provenance is not generated, the docker deployment will fail.
-  requestedVerifyOption: VERIFIED