blob: d1aeb3585fe6f842bce50d296cbd211aff1995a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:graphql/client.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/authentication.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
import 'check_for_waiting_pull_requests_queries.dart';
import 'refresh_cirrus_status.dart';
/// Maximum number of pull requests to merge on each check.
/// This should be kept reasonably low to avoid flooding infra when the tree
/// goes green.
const int _kMergeCountPerCycle = 2;
/// Injected latency per repository. Engine and Flutter use an injected latency of 1h meaning
/// that the bot skips any commits younger than 1h. However 1h is too long for some repositories
/// whose builds are faster. Use this constant to override the default 1h latency for a given repository.
const Map<String, Duration> _kInjectedLatencies = <String, Duration>{
'cocoon': Duration(minutes: 10),
'packages': Duration(minutes: 10)
class CheckForWaitingPullRequests extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const CheckForWaitingPullRequests(
Config config,
AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider,
) : super(config: config, authenticationProvider: authenticationProvider);
Future<Body> get() async {
final GraphQLClient client = await config.createGitHubGraphQLClient();
for (RepositorySlug slug in config.supportedRepos) {
try {'Checking PRs for $slug');
await _checkPRs(slug, client);
} catch (e) {
log.warning('_checkPRs error in $slug: $e');
return Body.empty;
Future<void> _checkPRs(
RepositorySlug slug,
GraphQLClient client,
) async {
if (_kMergeCountPerCycle == 0) {'_kMergeCountPerCycle is set to 0, skipping PR check.');
int mergeCount = 0;
final Map<String, dynamic> data = await _queryGraphQL(
final List<_AutoMergeQueryResult> queryResults = await _parseQueryData(data,;
for (_AutoMergeQueryResult queryResult in queryResults) {'Trying to merge: $queryResult');
if (await shouldMergePullRequest(mergeCount, queryResult, slug)) {
final bool merged = await _mergePullRequest(
if (merged) {
} else if (queryResult.shouldRemoveLabel) {'Removing label: ${queryResult.labelId} for commit: ${queryResult.sha}');
await _removeLabel(
/// Check if the pull request should be merged.
/// A pull request should be merged on either cases:
/// 1) All tests have finished running and satified basic merge requests
/// 2) Not all tests finish but this is a clean revert of the Tip of Tree (TOT) commit.
Future<bool> shouldMergePullRequest(int mergeCount, _AutoMergeQueryResult queryResult, RepositorySlug slug) async {
if (mergeCount < _kMergeCountPerCycle && queryResult.shouldMerge) {'Should merge: ${queryResult.number} $queryResult');
return true;
// If the PR is a revert of the tot commit, merge without waiting for checks passing.
return queryResult.isTOTRevert;
/// Check if the `commitSha` is a clean revert of TOT commit.
/// By comparing the current commit with second TOT commit, an empty `files` in
/// `GitHubComparison` validates a clean revert of TOT commit.
/// Note: [compareCommits] expects base commit first, and then head commit.
Future<bool> isTOTRevert(
String headSha,
RepositorySlug slug,
) async {
final GitHub github = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
final RepositoryCommit secondTotCommit = await github.repositories.getCommit(slug, 'HEAD~');'Current commit is: $headSha');'Second TOT commit is: ${secondTotCommit.sha}');
final GitHubComparison githubComparison =
await github.repositories.compareCommits(slug, secondTotCommit.sha!, headSha);
final bool filesIsEmpty = githubComparison.files!.isEmpty;
if (filesIsEmpty) {'This is a TOT revert.');
return filesIsEmpty;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _queryGraphQL(
RepositorySlug slug,
GraphQLClient client,
) async {
final String labelName = config.waitingForTreeToGoGreenLabelName;
final QueryResult result = await client.query(
document: labeledPullRequestsWithReviewsQuery,
fetchPolicy: FetchPolicy.noCache,
variables: <String, dynamic>{
'sOwner': slug.owner,
'sLabelName': labelName,
if (result.hasException) {
throw const BadRequestException('GraphQL query failed');
Future<bool> _removeLabel(
String id,
String message,
String labelId,
GraphQLClient client,
) async {
final QueryResult result = await client.mutate(MutationOptions(
document: removeLabelMutation,
variables: <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'sBody': message,
'labelId': labelId,
if (result.hasException) {
return false;
return true;
Future<bool> _mergePullRequest(
String id,
String sha,
int number,
String title,
GraphQLClient client,
) async {
final QueryResult result = await client.mutate(MutationOptions(
document: mergePullRequestMutation,
variables: <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'oid': sha,
'title': '$title (#$number)',
if (result.hasException) {
log.severe('Failed to merge pr#: $number with ${result.exception.toString()}');
return false;
return true;
/// Gets a labelId for a given pullRequest and label.
String? getLabelId(Map<String, dynamic> pullRequest, String label) {
for (Map<String, dynamic> labelMap in pullRequest['labels']['nodes']) {
if (labelMap['name'] == label) {
return labelMap['id'] as String;
log.warning('No label ID found for label: $label');
return null;
/// Parses a GraphQL query to a list of [_AutoMergeQueryResult]s.
/// This method will not return null, but may return an empty list.
Future<List<_AutoMergeQueryResult>> _parseQueryData(Map<String, dynamic> data, String name) async {
final Map<String, dynamic>? repository = data['repository'] as Map<String, dynamic>?;
if (repository == null || repository.isEmpty) {
throw StateError('Query did not return a repository.');
String? labelId;
final List<_AutoMergeQueryResult> list = <_AutoMergeQueryResult>[];
final Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> pullRequests =
(repository['pullRequests']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>).map((dynamic e) => e as Map<String, dynamic>);
for (Map<String, dynamic> pullRequest in pullRequests) {
labelId = getLabelId(pullRequest, config.waitingForTreeToGoGreenLabelName);'Is pull request #${pullRequest['number']} mergeable: ${pullRequest['mergeable']}');
// This is used to remove the bot label as it requires manual intervention.
final bool isConflicting = pullRequest['mergeable'] == 'CONFLICTING';
// This is used to skip landing until we are sure the PR is mergeable.
final bool unknownMergeableState = pullRequest['mergeable'] == 'UNKNOWN';
// List of labels associated with the pull request.
final List<String> labels = ((pullRequest['labels']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>())
.map<String>((Map<String, dynamic> labelMap) => labelMap['name'] as String)
final String repoFullName = pullRequest['baseRepository']['nameWithOwner'] as String;
final RepositorySlug slug = RepositorySlug.full(repoFullName);
final Map<String, dynamic> commit = pullRequest['commits']['nodes'].single['commit'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String sha = commit['oid'] as String;
final int number = pullRequest['number'] as int;
final bool isCommitTOTRevert = await isTOTRevert(sha, slug);
// Skip commits that are less than an hour old.
// Use the committedDate if pushedDate is null (commitedDate cannot be null).
// Ignore latency check for TOT revert.
final DateTime utcDate =
DateTime.parse(commit['pushedDate'] as String? ?? (commit['committedDate'] as String?)!).toUtc();
final Duration injectedDuration = _kInjectedLatencies[name] ?? const Duration(hours: 1);
if (!isCommitTOTRevert && utcDate.add(injectedDuration).isAfter( {
'Skipping PR#$number because it needs to land after ${utcDate.add(injectedDuration)} and current time is ${}');
final String? author = pullRequest['author']['login'] as String?;
final String authorAssociation = pullRequest['authorAssociation'] as String;
final String id = pullRequest['id'] as String;
final String title = pullRequest['title'] as String;
final Set<String?> changeRequestAuthors = <String?>{};
final bool hasApproval = config.rollerAccounts.contains(author) ||
(pullRequest['reviews']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>(),
List<Map<String, dynamic>>? statuses;
if (commit['status'] != null &&
commit['status']['contexts'] != null &&
(commit['status']['contexts'] as List<dynamic>).isNotEmpty) {
statuses = (commit['status']['contexts'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
statuses ??= <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
List<Map<String, dynamic>>? checkRuns;
if (commit['checkSuites']['nodes'] != null && (commit['checkSuites']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>).isNotEmpty) {
checkRuns =
(commit['checkSuites']['nodes']?.first['checkRuns']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
checkRuns ??= <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
final Set<_FailureDetail> failures = <_FailureDetail>{};
final bool ciSuccessful = await _checkStatuses(
_AutoMergeQueryResult result = _AutoMergeQueryResult(
graphQLId: id,
ciSuccessful: ciSuccessful,
failures: failures,
hasApprovedReview: hasApproval,
changeRequestAuthors: changeRequestAuthors,
number: number,
title: title,
sha: sha,
labelId: labelId!,
emptyChecks: checkRuns.isEmpty,
isConflicting: isConflicting,
unknownMergeableState: unknownMergeableState,
labels: labels,
isTOTRevert: isCommitTOTRevert);'Automerge result: $result');
return list;
/// Returns whether all statuses are successful.
/// Also fills [failures] with the names of any status/check that has failed.
Future<bool> _checkStatuses(
RepositorySlug slug,
String sha,
Set<_FailureDetail> failures,
List<Map<String, dynamic>> statuses,
List<Map<String, dynamic>> checkRuns,
String name,
List<String> labels,
) async {
bool allSuccess = true;
// The status checks that are not related to changes in this PR.
const Set<String> notInAuthorsControl = <String>{
'luci-flutter', // flutter repo
'luci-engine', // engine repo
'submit-queue', // plugins repo
// Ensure repos with tree statuses have it set
if (Config.reposWithTreeStatus.contains(slug)) {
bool treeStatusExists = false;
final String treeStatusName = 'luci-${}';
// Scan list of statuses to see if the tree status exists (this list is expected to be <5 items)
for (Map<String, dynamic> status in statuses) {
if (status['context'] == treeStatusName) {
treeStatusExists = true;
if (!treeStatusExists) {
failures.add(_FailureDetail('tree status $treeStatusName', ''));
}'Validating name: $name, status: $statuses');
for (Map<String, dynamic> status in statuses) {
final String? name = status['context'] as String?;
if (status['state'] != 'SUCCESS') {
if (notInAuthorsControl.contains(name) && labels.contains(await config.overrideTreeStatusLabel)) {
allSuccess = false;
if (status['state'] == 'FAILURE' && !notInAuthorsControl.contains(name)) {
failures.add(_FailureDetail(name!, status['targetUrl'] as String));
}'Validating name: $name, checks: $checkRuns');
for (Map<String, dynamic> checkRun in checkRuns) {
final String? name = checkRun['name'] as String?;
if (checkRun['conclusion'] == 'SUCCESS' ||
(checkRun['status'] == 'COMPLETED' && checkRun['conclusion'] == 'NEUTRAL')) {
} else if (checkRun['status'] == 'COMPLETED') {'Failure in status: ${checkRun['detailsUrl'] as String}');
failures.add(_FailureDetail(name!, checkRun['detailsUrl'] as String));
allSuccess = false;
}'Before cirrus validations with allSuccess: $allSuccess');
if (!Config.cirrusSupportedRepos.contains(name)) {
return allSuccess;
// Validate cirrus
const List<String> _failedStates = <String>['FAILED', 'ABORTED'];
const List<String> _succeededStates = <String>['COMPLETED', 'SKIPPED'];
final GraphQLClient cirrusClient = await config.createCirrusGraphQLClient();
// Returns the first build statues, which reflect the recent PR/commit statuses.
final CirrusResult cirrusResult = await queryCirrusGraphQL(sha, cirrusClient, name);
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> cirrusStatuses = cirrusResult.tasks;
if (cirrusStatuses.isEmpty) {
failures.add(const _FailureDetail('Cirrus statuses were expected', ''));
for (Map<String, dynamic> runStatus in cirrusStatuses) {
final String? status = runStatus['status'] as String?;
final String? name = runStatus['name'] as String?;
final String? id = runStatus['id'] as String?;
if (!_succeededStates.contains(status)) {
allSuccess = false;
if (_failedStates.contains(status)) {'Failure in status:$id');
failures.add(_FailureDetail(name!, '$id'));
}'After cirrus validations with allSuccess: $allSuccess');
return allSuccess;
/// Parses the graphQL response reviews.
/// If author is a MEMBER or OWNER then it only requires a single review from
/// another MEMBER or OWNER. If the author is not a MEMBER or OWNER then it
/// requires two reviews from MEMBERs or OWNERS.
/// If there are any CHANGES_REQUESTED reviews, checks if the same author has
/// subsequently APPROVED. From testing, dismissing a review means it won't
/// show up in this list since it will have a status of DISMISSED and we only
/// ask for CHANGES_REQUESTED or APPROVED - however, adding a new review does
/// not automatically dismiss the previous one (why, GitHub? Why?).
/// If the author has not subsequently approved or dismissed the review, the
/// name will be added to the changeRequestAuthors set.
/// Returns false if no approved reviews or any oustanding change request
/// reviews.
/// Returns true if at least one approved review and no outstanding change
/// request reviews.
bool _checkApproval(
String? author,
String authorAssociation,
List<Map<String, dynamic>> reviewNodes,
Set<String?> changeRequestAuthors,
) {
const Set<String> allowedReviewers = <String>{'MEMBER', 'OWNER'};
final Set<String?> approvers = <String?>{};
if (allowedReviewers.contains(authorAssociation)) {
for (Map<String, dynamic> review in reviewNodes) {
// Ignore reviews from non-members/owners.
if (!allowedReviewers.contains(review['authorAssociation'])) {
// Reviews come back in order of creation.
final String? state = review['state'] as String?;
final String? authorLogin = review['author']['login'] as String?;
if (state == 'APPROVED') {
} else if (state == 'CHANGES_REQUESTED') {
final bool approved = (approvers.length > 1) && changeRequestAuthors.isEmpty;'PR approved $approved, approvers: $approvers, change request authors: $changeRequestAuthors');
return (approvers.length > 1) && changeRequestAuthors.isEmpty;
/// A model class describing the state of a pull request that has the "waiting
/// for tree to go green" label on it.
class _AutoMergeQueryResult {
const _AutoMergeQueryResult({
required this.graphQLId,
required this.hasApprovedReview,
required this.changeRequestAuthors,
required this.ciSuccessful,
required this.failures,
required this.number,
required this.title,
required this.sha,
required this.labelId,
required this.emptyChecks,
required this.isConflicting,
required this.unknownMergeableState,
required this.labels,
required this.isTOTRevert,
/// The GitHub GraphQL ID of this pull request.
final String graphQLId;
/// Whether the pull request has at least one approved review.
final bool hasApprovedReview;
/// A set of login names that have at least one outstanding change request.
final Set<String?> changeRequestAuthors;
/// Whether CI has run successfully on the pull request.
final bool ciSuccessful;
/// A set of status/check names that have failed.
final Set<_FailureDetail> failures;
/// The pull request number.
final int number;
/// The pull request title.
final String title;
/// The git SHA to be merged.
final String sha;
/// The GitHub GraphQL ID of the waiting label.
final String labelId;
/// Whether the commit has checks or not.
final bool emptyChecks;
/// Whether the PR has conflicts or not.
final bool isConflicting;
/// Whether has an unknown mergeable state or not.
final bool unknownMergeableState;
/// List of labels associated with the PR.
final List<String> labels;
/// Whether this is a TOT revert.
final bool isTOTRevert;
/// Whether it is sane to automatically merge this PR.
bool get shouldMerge =>
ciSuccessful &&
failures.isEmpty &&
hasApprovedReview &&
changeRequestAuthors.isEmpty &&
!emptyChecks &&
!unknownMergeableState &&
/// Whether the auto-merge label should be removed from this PR.
bool get shouldRemoveLabel =>
!hasApprovedReview || changeRequestAuthors.isNotEmpty || failures.isNotEmpty || emptyChecks || isConflicting;
String get removalMessage {
if (!shouldRemoveLabel) {
return '';
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('This pull request is not suitable for automatic merging in its '
'current state.');
if (!hasApprovedReview && changeRequestAuthors.isEmpty) {
buffer.writeln('- Please get at least one approved review if you are already '
'a member or two member reviews if you are not a member before re-applying this '
'label. __Reviewers__: If you left a comment approving, please use '
'the "approve" review action instead.');
for (String? author in changeRequestAuthors) {
buffer.writeln('- This pull request has changes requested by @$author. Please '
'resolve those before re-applying the label.');
for (_FailureDetail detail in failures) {
buffer.writeln('- The status or check suite ${detail.markdownLink} has failed. Please fix the '
'issues identified (or deflake) before re-applying this label.');
if (emptyChecks) {
buffer.writeln('- This commit has no checks. Please check that ci.yaml validation has started'
' and there are multiple checks. If not, try uploading an empty commit.');
if (isConflicting) {
buffer.writeln('- This commit is not mergeable and has conflicts. Please'
' rebase your PR and fix all the conflicts.');
return buffer.toString();
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType{PR#$number, '
'id: $graphQLId, '
'sha: $sha, '
'ciSuccessful: $ciSuccessful, '
'hasApprovedReview: $hasApprovedReview, '
'changeRequestAuthors: $changeRequestAuthors, '
'labelId: $labelId, '
'emptyValidations: $emptyChecks, '
'shouldMerge: $shouldMerge}';
class _FailureDetail {
const _FailureDetail(, this.url);
final String name;
final String url;
String get markdownLink => '[$name]($url)';
// TODO(dnfield): use Object.hash when it is available
int get hashCode => 17 * 31 + name.hashCode * 31 + url.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is _FailureDetail && == name && other.url == url;