blob: ddb31ac9941b0b4b3b1692439769dbaea6e82155 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/branch.dart' as md;
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' show Branch, GitHub, RepositoryCommit, RepositorySlug;
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/request_handler.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/datastore.dart';
/// Update and return currently active branches across all repos.
/// Returns all branches with associated key, branch name and repository name, for branches with recent commit acitivies
/// within the past [GetBranches.kActiveBranchActivityPeriod] days.
/// GET: /api/update-branches
/// Response: Status 200 OK
/// {
/// "key":ahFmbHV0dGVyLWRhc2hib2FyZHIuCxIGQnJhbmNoIiJmbHV0dGVyL2ZsdXR0ZXIvYnJhbmNoLWNyZWF0ZWQtb2xkDKIBCVtkZWZhdWx0XQ,
/// "branch":{
/// "branch":"branch-created-old",
/// "repository":"flutter/flutter"
/// }
/// }
/// {
/// "key":ahFmbHV0dGVyLWRhc2hib2FyZHIuCxIGQnJhbmNoIiJmbHV0dGVyL2ZsdXR0ZXIvYnJhbmNoLWNyZWF0ZWQtbm93DKIBCVtkZWZhdWx0XQ,
/// "branch":{
/// "branch":"branch-created-now",
/// "repository":"flutter/flutter"
/// }
/// }
class UpdateBranches extends RequestHandler<Body> {
Config config, {
this.datastoreProvider = DatastoreService.defaultProvider,
}) : super(config: config);
final DatastoreServiceProvider datastoreProvider;
ProcessManager? processManager;
static const Duration kActiveBranchActivityPeriod = Duration(days: 60);
Future<Body> get() async {
final DatastoreService datastore = datastoreProvider(config.db);
await _updateBranchesForAllRepos(config, datastore);
final List<md.Branch> branches = await datastore
.where((md.Branch b) => - b.lastActivity! < kActiveBranchActivityPeriod.inMilliseconds)
return Body.forJson(branches);
Future<void> _updateBranchesForAllRepos(Config config, DatastoreService datastore) async {
DateTime timeNow =;
processManager ??= const LocalProcessManager();
final Set<RepositorySlug> slugs = config.supportedRepos;
for (RepositorySlug slug in slugs) {
ProcessResult result =
processManager!.runSync(['git', 'ls-remote', '--heads', '${}']);
// only a exit code of 0 is good for windows
// for mac or linux, exit code in the range 0 to 255 is good
if ((Platform.isWindows && result.exitCode != 0) ||
((Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux) && result.exitCode < 0)) {
throw const FormatException('returned exit code from git ls-remote is bad');
List<String> shaAndName = (result.stdout as String).trim().split(RegExp(' |\t|\r?\n'));
List<String> branchShas = [];
List<String> branchNames = [];
for (int i = 0; i < shaAndName.length; i += 2) {
branchNames.add(shaAndName[i + 1].replaceAll('refs/heads/', ''));
final GitHub github = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
await _updateBranchesForRepo(branchShas, branchNames, github, slug, datastore, timeNow);
Future<void> _updateBranchesForRepo(List<String> branchShas, List<String> branchNames, GitHub github,
RepositorySlug slug, DatastoreService datastore, DateTime timeNow) async {
List<md.Branch> updatedBranches = [];
for (int i = 0; i < branchShas.length; i += 1) {
final RepositoryCommit branchCommit = await github.repositories.getCommit(slug, branchShas[i]);
int lastUpdate = branchCommit.commit!.committer!.date!.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
if (lastUpdate > timeNow.subtract(kActiveBranchActivityPeriod).millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
final String id = '${slug.fullName}/${branchNames[i]}';
final Key<String> key = datastore.db.emptyKey.append<String>(Branch, id: id);
updatedBranches.add(md.Branch(key: key, lastActivity: lastUpdate));
await datastore.insert(updatedBranches);