blob: c0d1cbd8a32056b83850c36ad1855f8d9bfc81f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'utils.dart';
/// Returns a list of Process IDs (PIDs).
Future<List<int>> listFlutterProcessIds(Directory flutterDirectory) {
if (Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux)
return _listFlutterProcessesPosix(flutterDirectory);
if (Platform.isWindows) return _listFlutterProcessesWindows(flutterDirectory);
throw 'Unsupported platform: ${Platform.operatingSystem}';
// POSIX implementation
Future<List<int>> _listFlutterProcessesPosix(Directory flutterDirectory) async {
List<ProcessListResult> processes = await _listProcessesPosix();
return processes
.where((ProcessListResult result) => result.currentWorkingDirectory
.map((ProcessListResult result) => result.processId)
class ProcessListResult {
{@required this.processId, @required this.currentWorkingDirectory});
/// The "PID" field reported by `ps`.
final int processId;
/// The "cwd" field reported by `lsof`.
final String currentWorkingDirectory;
final _emptySpace = RegExp(r'\s+');
Future<List<ProcessListResult>> _listProcessesPosix() async {
var results = <ProcessListResult>[];
String ps = await eval('ps', ['-ef', '-u', Platform.environment['USER']]);
for (String psLine in ps.split('\n').skip(1)) {
int processId = int.parse(psLine.trim().split(_emptySpace)[1].trim());
String lsof =
await eval('lsof', ['-p', '$processId'], canFail: true, silent: true);
Iterable<String> cwdGrep = grep('cwd', from: lsof);
if (cwdGrep.isEmpty) {
// Not all processes report cwd; skip those, unlikely to be interesting.
String cwd = cwdGrep.first.split(' ').last;
processId: processId,
currentWorkingDirectory: cwd,
return results;
// Windows implementation
const String _handleUtil = 'handle64';
final RegExp _pid = RegExp(r'.*pid: (\d+).*');
Future<List<int>> _listFlutterProcessesWindows(
Directory flutterDirectory) async {
if (!canRun(_handleUtil))
throw 'Please add Microsoft\'s Handle utility to your PATH: '
// `handle` return non-zero exit code when no process is found.
String result = await eval(
_handleUtil, [path.canonicalize(flutterDirectory.absolute.path)],
canFail: true);
return _pid
.map((Match m) => int.parse(
.where((int matchedPid) => matchedPid != pid) // Exclude our own PID.