blob: 5a1cf453d4f8ac4b5523e665a63a96c8d42a20ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../model/luci/buildbucket.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import 'access_token_provider.dart';
/// A client interface to LUCI BuildBucket
class BuildBucketClient {
/// Creates a new build bucket Client.
/// The [buildBucketUri] parameter must not be null, and will be defaulted to
/// [kDefaultBuildBucketUri] if not specified.
/// The [httpClient] parameter will be defaulted to `HttpClient()` if not
/// specified or null.
this.buildBucketUri = kDefaultBuildBucketUri,
http.Client? httpClient,
}) : httpClient = httpClient ?? http.Client();
/// Garbage to prevent browser/JSON parsing exploits.
static const String kRpcResponseGarbage = ")]}'";
/// The default endpoint for BuildBucket requests.
static const String kDefaultBuildBucketUri = '';
/// The base URI for build bucket requests.
/// Defaults to [kDefaultBuildBucketUri].
final String buildBucketUri;
/// The token provider for OAuth2 requests.
/// If this is non-null, an access token will be attached to any outbound
/// HTTP requests issued by this client.
final AccessTokenService? accessTokenService;
/// The [http.Client] to use for requests.
final http.Client httpClient;
Future<T> _postRequest<S extends JsonBody, T>(
String path,
S request,
T Function(Map<String, dynamic>? rawResponse) responseFromJson,
) async {
final Uri url = Uri.parse('$buildBucketUri$path');
final AccessToken? token = await accessTokenService?.createAccessToken();
final http.Response response = await, body: json.encode(request), headers: <String, String>{
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/json',
HttpHeaders.acceptHeader: 'application/json',
if (token != null) HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: '${token.type} ${}',
if (response.statusCode < 300) {
return responseFromJson(
json.decode(response.body.substring(kRpcResponseGarbage.length)) as Map<String, dynamic>?);
throw BuildBucketException(response.statusCode, response.body);
/// The RPC request to schedule a build.
Future<Build> scheduleBuild(ScheduleBuildRequest request) {
return _postRequest<ScheduleBuildRequest, Build>(
/// The RPC request to search for builds.
Future<SearchBuildsResponse> searchBuilds(SearchBuildsRequest request) {
return _postRequest<SearchBuildsRequest, SearchBuildsResponse>(
/// The RPC method to batch multiple RPC methods in a single HTTP request.
/// The response is guaranteed to contain line-item responses for all
/// line-item requests that were issued in [request]. If only a subset of
/// responses were retrieved, a [BatchRequestException] will be thrown.
Future<BatchResponse> batch(BatchRequest request) async {
final BatchResponse response = await _postRequest<BatchRequest, BatchResponse>(
if (response.responses!.length != request.requests!.length) {
throw BatchRequestException('Failed to execute all requests');
return response;
/// The RPC request to cancel a build.
Future<Build> cancelBuild(CancelBuildRequest request) {
return _postRequest<CancelBuildRequest, Build>(
/// The RPC request to get details about a build.
Future<Build> getBuild(GetBuildRequest request) {
return _postRequest<GetBuildRequest, Build>(
/// Closes the underlying [HttpClient].
/// If `force` is true, it will close immediately and cause outstanding
/// requests to end with an error. Otherwise, it will wait for outstanding
/// requests to finish before closing.
/// Once this call completes, additional RPC requests will throw an exception.
void close() {
class BuildBucketException implements Exception {
const BuildBucketException(this.statusCode, this.message);
/// The HTTP status code of the error.
final int statusCode;
/// The message from the server.
final String message;
String toString() => '$runtimeType: [$statusCode]: $message';
class BatchRequestException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => message;