blob: b684dec101978c8f03439ef784268b24d90a6690 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
/// [GithubService] handles communication with the GitHub API.
class GithubService {
final GitHub github;
/// Retrieves check runs with the ref.
Future<List<CheckRun>> getCheckRuns(
RepositorySlug slug,
String ref,
) async {
return await github.checks.checkRuns.listCheckRunsForRef(slug, ref: ref).toList();
/// Fetches the specified commit.
Future<RepositoryCommit> getCommit(RepositorySlug slug, String sha) async {
return await github.repositories.getCommit(slug, sha);
/// Compares two commits to fetch diff.
/// The response will include details on the files that were changed between the two commits.
/// Relevant APIs:
Future<GitHubComparison> compareTwoCommits(RepositorySlug slug, String refBase, String refHead) async {
return await github.repositories.compareCommits(slug, refBase, refHead);
/// Removes a lable for a pull request.
Future<bool> removeLabel(RepositorySlug slug, int issueNumber, String label) async {
return await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(slug, issueNumber, label);
/// Create a comment for a pull request.
Future<IssueComment> createComment(
RepositorySlug slug,
int issueNumber,
String body,
) async {
return await github.issues.createComment(slug, issueNumber, body);
/// Update a pull request branch
Future<bool> updateBranch(RepositorySlug slug, int number, String headSha) async {
final response = await github.request('PUT', '/repos/${slug.fullName}/pulls/$number/update-branch',
body: GitHubJson.encode({'expected_head_sha': headSha}));
return response.statusCode == StatusCodes.ACCEPTED;