blob: 467f6bc887cf440358a6e79eaf08c23a719b8b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:cocoon_service/cocoon_service.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart' hide Status;
import '../../service/firestore.dart';
import '../appengine/commit.dart' as datastore;
const String kCommitCollectionId = 'commits';
const String kCommitAvatarField = 'avatar';
const String kCommitBranchField = 'branch';
const String kCommitCreateTimestampField = 'createTimestamp';
const String kCommitAuthorField = 'author';
const String kCommitMessageField = 'message';
const String kCommitRepositoryPathField = 'repositoryPath';
const String kCommitShaField = 'sha';
/// Commit Json keys.
const String kCommitAvatar = 'Avatar';
const String kCommitAuthor = 'Author';
const String kCommitBranch = 'Branch';
const String kCommitCreateTimestamp = 'CreateTimestamp';
const String kCommitDocumentName = 'DocumentName';
const String kCommitMessage = 'Message';
const String kCommitRepositoryPath = 'RepositoryPath';
const String kCommitSha = 'Sha';
class Commit extends Document {
/// Lookup [Commit] from Firestore.
/// `documentName` follows `/projects/{project}/databases/{database}/documents/{document_path}`
static Future<Commit> fromFirestore({
required FirestoreService firestoreService,
required String documentName,
}) async {
final Document document = await firestoreService.getDocument(documentName);
return Commit.fromDocument(commitDocument: document);
/// Create [Commit] from a Commit Document.
static Commit fromDocument({
required Document commitDocument,
}) {
return Commit()
..fields = commitDocument.fields! =!;
/// The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) of when the commit
/// landed.
int? get createTimestamp => int.parse(fields![kCommitCreateTimestampField]!.integerValue!);
/// The SHA1 hash of the commit.
String? get sha => fields![kCommitShaField]!.stringValue!;
/// The GitHub username of the commit author.
String? get author => fields![kCommitAuthorField]!.stringValue!;
/// URL of the [author]'s profile image / avatar.
/// The bytes loaded from the URL are expected to be encoded image bytes.
String? get avatar => fields![kCommitAvatarField]!.stringValue!;
/// The commit message.
/// This may be null, since we didn't always load/store this property in
/// the datastore, so historical entries won't have this information.
String? get message => fields![kCommitMessageField]!.stringValue!;
/// A serializable form of [slug].
/// This will be of the form `<org>/<repo>`. e.g. `flutter/flutter`.
String? get repositoryPath => fields![kCommitRepositoryPathField]!.stringValue!;
/// The branch of the commit.
String? get branch => fields![kCommitBranchField]!.stringValue!;
/// [RepositorySlug] of where this commit exists.
RepositorySlug get slug => RepositorySlug.full(repositoryPath!);
Map<String, dynamic> get facade {
return <String, dynamic>{
kCommitDocumentName: name,
kCommitRepositoryPath: repositoryPath,
kCommitCreateTimestamp: createTimestamp,
kCommitSha: sha,
kCommitMessage: message,
kCommitAuthor: author,
kCommitAvatar: avatar,
kCommitBranch: branch,
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..write(', $kCommitCreateTimestampField: $createTimestamp')
..write(', $kCommitAuthorField: $author')
..write(', $kCommitAvatarField: $avatar')
..write(', $kCommitBranchField: $branch')
..write(', $kCommitMessageField: $message')
..write(', $kCommitRepositoryPathField: $repositoryPath')
..write(', $kCommitShaField: $sha')
return buf.toString();
/// Generates commit document based on datastore commit data model.
Commit commitToCommitDocument(datastore.Commit commit) {
return Commit.fromDocument(
commitDocument: Document(
name: '$kDatabase/documents/$kCommitCollectionId/${commit.sha}',
fields: <String, Value>{
kCommitAvatarField: Value(stringValue: commit.authorAvatarUrl),
kCommitBranchField: Value(stringValue: commit.branch),
kCommitCreateTimestampField: Value(integerValue: commit.timestamp.toString()),
kCommitAuthorField: Value(stringValue:,
kCommitMessageField: Value(stringValue: commit.message),
kCommitRepositoryPathField: Value(stringValue: commit.repository),
kCommitShaField: Value(stringValue: commit.sha),