blob: 6bca5d3cde244f0289d1126361de9fb24cffa6e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cocoon_service/ci_yaml.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../../protos.dart' as pb;
import '../foundation/utils.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../service/bigquery.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/github_service.dart';
import 'flaky_handler_utils.dart';
/// A handler that queries build statistics from luci and file issues and pull
/// requests for tests that have high flaky ratios.
/// The query parameter kThresholdKey is required for this handler to use it as
/// the standard when compares the flaky ratios.
class FileFlakyIssueAndPR extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const FileFlakyIssueAndPR({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
static const String kThresholdKey = 'threshold';
Future<Body> get() async {
final RepositorySlug slug = Config.flutterSlug;
final GithubService gitHub = config.createGithubServiceWithToken(await config.githubOAuthToken);
final BigqueryService bigquery = await config.createBigQueryService();
final List<BuilderStatistic> builderStatisticList = await bigquery.listBuilderStatistic(kBigQueryProjectId);
final YamlMap? ci = loadYaml(await gitHub.getFileContent(slug, kCiYamlPath)) as YamlMap?;
final pb.SchedulerConfig unCheckedSchedulerConfig = pb.SchedulerConfig()..mergeFromProto3Json(ci);
final CiYaml ciYaml = CiYaml(
slug: slug,
branch: Config.defaultBranch(slug),
config: unCheckedSchedulerConfig,
final pb.SchedulerConfig schedulerConfig = ciYaml.config;
final List<pb.Target> targets = schedulerConfig.targets;
final String testOwnerContent = await gitHub.getFileContent(slug, kTestOwnerPath);
final Map<String?, Issue> nameToExistingIssue = await getExistingIssues(gitHub, slug);
final Map<String?, PullRequest> nameToExistingPR = await getExistingPRs(gitHub, slug);
int filedIssueAndPRCount = 0;
for (final BuilderStatistic statistic in builderStatisticList) {
if (shouldSkip(statistic, ciYaml, targets)) {
final BuilderType type = getTypeForBuilder(, ciYaml);
final bool issueAndPRFiled = await _fileIssueAndPR(
builderDetail: BuilderDetail(
statistic: statistic,
existingIssue: nameToExistingIssue[],
existingPullRequest: nameToExistingPR[],
isMarkedFlaky: _getIsMarkedFlaky(, ci!),
type: type,
ownership: getTestOwnership(
targets.singleWhere((element) => ==,
if (issueAndPRFiled) {
if (filedIssueAndPRCount == config.issueAndPRLimit) {
return Body.forJson(<String, dynamic>{
'Status': 'success',
'NumberOfCreatedIssuesAndPRs': filedIssueAndPRCount,
bool shouldSkip(BuilderStatistic statistic, CiYaml ciYaml, List<pb.Target> targets) {
// Skips if the target has been removed from .ci.yaml.
if (! => {
return true;
// Skips if ignore_flakiness is specified.
if (getIgnoreFlakiness(, ciYaml)) {
return true;
// Skips if the flaky percentage is below the threshold.
if (statistic.flakyRate < _threshold) {
return true;
return false;
double get _threshold => double.parse(request!.uri.queryParameters[kThresholdKey]!);
Future<bool> _fileIssueAndPR(
GithubService gitHub,
RepositorySlug slug, {
required BuilderDetail builderDetail,
}) async {
Issue? issue = builderDetail.existingIssue;
if (_shouldNotFileIssueAndPR(builderDetail, issue)) {
return false;
// Manually add a 1s delay between consecutive GitHub requests to deal with secondary rate limit error.
await Future.delayed(config.githubRequestDelay);
issue = await fileFlakyIssue(builderDetail: builderDetail, gitHub: gitHub, slug: slug, threshold: _threshold);
if (builderDetail.type == BuilderType.shard ||
builderDetail.type == BuilderType.unknown ||
builderDetail.existingPullRequest != null) {
return true;
final String modifiedContent = _marksBuildFlakyInContent(
await gitHub.getFileContent(
final GitReference masterRef = await gitHub.getReference(slug, kMasterRefs);
final PullRequestBuilder prBuilder =
PullRequestBuilder(statistic: builderDetail.statistic, ownership: builderDetail.ownership, issue: issue);
final PullRequest pullRequest = await gitHub.createPullRequest(
title: prBuilder.pullRequestTitle,
body: prBuilder.pullRequestBody,
commitMessage: prBuilder.pullRequestTitle,
baseRef: masterRef,
entries: <CreateGitTreeEntry>[
content: modifiedContent,
final String? label = getTeamLabelFromTeam(;
await gitHub.assignReviewer(slug, reviewer: prBuilder.pullRequestReviewer, pullRequestNumber: pullRequest.number);
if (label != null) {
await gitHub.addIssueLabels(slug, pullRequest.number!, <String>[label]);
return true;
bool _shouldNotFileIssueAndPR(BuilderDetail builderDetail, Issue? issue) {
// Don't create a new issue or deflake PR using prod builds statuses if the builder has been marked as flaky.
// If the builder is `bringup: true`, but still hit flakes, a new bug will be filed in `/api/check_flaky_builders`
// based on staging builds statuses.
if (builderDetail.isMarkedFlaky) {
return true;
// Don't create a new issue or deflake PR if there is an open issue or a recent closed
// issue within kGracePeriodForClosedFlake days. It takes time for the flaky ratio to go
// down after the fix is merged.
if (issue != null &&
(issue.state != 'closed' ||!) <= const Duration(days: kGracePeriodForClosedFlake))) {
return true;
return false;
bool _getIsMarkedFlaky(String builderName, YamlMap ci) {
final YamlList targets = ci[kCiYamlTargetsKey] as YamlList;
final YamlMap? target = targets.firstWhere(
(dynamic element) => element[kCiYamlTargetNameKey] == builderName,
orElse: () => null,
) as YamlMap?;
return target != null && target[kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey] == true;
static bool getIgnoreFlakiness(String builderName, CiYaml ciYaml) {
final Target? target =
ciYaml.postsubmitTargets.singleWhereOrNull((Target target) => == builderName);
return target == null ? false : target.getIgnoreFlakiness();
String _marksBuildFlakyInContent(String content, String builder, String issueUrl) {
final List<String> lines = content.split('\n');
final int builderLineNumber = lines.indexWhere((String line) => line.contains('name: $builder'));
// Takes care the case if is kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey is already defined to false
int nextLine = builderLineNumber + 1;
while (nextLine < lines.length && !lines[nextLine].contains('name:')) {
if (lines[nextLine].contains('$kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey:')) {
lines[nextLine] = lines[nextLine].replaceFirst('false', 'true # Flaky $issueUrl');
return lines.join('\n');
nextLine += 1;
lines.insert(builderLineNumber + 1, ' $kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey: true # Flaky $issueUrl');
return lines.join('\n');
Future<RepositorySlug> getSlugFor(GitHub client, String repository) async {
return RepositorySlug((await client.users.getCurrentUser()).login!, repository);