blob: 6fb2cd136dc683fea4182d3a2578ee7f7336fcfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:appengine/appengine.dart' show authClientService, runAppEngine, withAppEngineServices;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:dart_jsonwebtoken/dart_jsonwebtoken.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/secretmanager/v1.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http show Client;
import 'package:nyxx/nyxx.dart';
import 'bytes.dart';
import 'discord.dart';
import 'json.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
const int port = 8213; // used only when not using appengine
const int maxLogLength = 1024;
sealed class GitHubSettings {
static const String organization = 'flutter';
static const String teamName = 'flutter-hackers';
static final RepositorySlug primaryRepository = RepositorySlug(organization, 'flutter');
static const String teamPrefix = 'team-';
static const String triagedPrefix = 'triaged-';
static const String fyiPrefix = 'fyi-';
static const String designDoc = 'design doc';
static const String permanentlyLocked = 'permanently locked';
static const String thumbsUpLabel = ':+1:';
static const String staleIssueLabel = ':hourglass_flowing_sand:';
static const Set<String> priorities = <String>{ 'P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' };
static const String staleP1Message = 'This issue is marked P1 but has had no recent status updates.\n'
'The P1 label indicates high-priority issues that are at the top of the work list. '
'This is the highest priority level a bug can have '
'if it isn\'t affecting a top-tier customer or breaking the build. '
'Bugs marked P1 are generally actively being worked on '
'unless the assignee is dealing with a P0 bug (or another P1 bug). '
'Issues at this level should be resolved in a matter of months and should have monthly updates on GitHub.\n'
'Please consider where this bug really falls in our current priorities, and label it or assign it accordingly. '
'This allows people to have a clearer picture of what work is actually planned. Thanks!';
static const String willNeedAdditionalTriage = 'will need additional triage';
static const Set<String> teams = <String>{
// these are the teams that the self-test issue is assigned to
static const int thumbsMinimum = 100; // an issue needs at least this many thumbs up to trigger retriage
static const double thumbsThreshold = 2.0; // and the count must have increased by this factor since last triage
static const Set<String> knownBots = <String>{ // we don't report events from bots to Discord
'flutter-triage-bot[bot]', // that's us!
static bool isRelevantLabel(String label, { bool ignorePriorities = false }) {
return label.startsWith(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix)
|| label.startsWith(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix)
|| label.startsWith(GitHubSettings.fyiPrefix)
|| label == GitHubSettings.designDoc
|| label == GitHubSettings.permanentlyLocked
|| label == GitHubSettings.thumbsUpLabel
|| label == GitHubSettings.staleIssueLabel
|| (!ignorePriorities && GitHubSettings.priorities.contains(label));
sealed class Timings {
static const Duration backgroundUpdatePeriod = Duration(seconds: 1); // how long to wait between issues when scanning in the background
static const Duration cleanupUpdateDelay = Duration(minutes: 45); // how long to wait for an issue to be idle before cleaning it up
static const Duration cleanupUpdatePeriod = Duration(seconds: 60); // time between attempting to clean up the pending cleanup issues
static const Duration longTermTidyingPeriod = Duration(hours: 5); // time between attempting to run long-term tidying of all issues
static const Duration credentialsUpdatePeriod = Duration(minutes: 45); // how often to update GitHub credentials
static const Duration timeUntilStale = Duration(days: 18 * 7); // how long since the last team interaction before considering an issue stale
static const Duration timeUntilReallyStale = Duration(days: 29 * 7); // how long since the last team interaction before unassigning an issue
static const Duration timeUntilUnlock = Duration(days: 28); // how long to leave open issues locked
static const Duration selfTestPeriod = Duration(days: 6 * 7); // how often to file an issue to test the triage process
static const Duration selfTestWindow = Duration(days: 18); // how long to leave the self-test issue open before assigning it to critical triage
static const Duration refeedDelay = Duration(hours: 24); // how long between times we mark an issue as needing retriage (max 7 a week per team)
final class Secrets {
Future<List<int>> get serverCertificate => _getSecret('server.cert.pem');
Future<DateTime> get serverCertificateModificationDate => _getSecretModificationDate('server.cert.pem');
Future<List<int>> get serverIntermediateCertificates => _getSecret('server.intermediates.pem');
Future<DateTime> get serverIntermediateCertificatesModificationDate => _getSecretModificationDate('server.intermediates.pem');
Future<List<int>> get serverKey => _getSecret('server.key.pem');
Future<DateTime> get serverKeyModificationDate => _getSecretModificationDate('server.key.pem');
Future<String> get discordToken async => utf8.decode(await _getSecret('discord.token'));
Future<int> get discordAppId async => int.parse(utf8.decode(await _getSecret('discord.appid')));
Future<List<int>> get githubWebhookSecret => _getSecret('github.webhook.secret');
Future<String> get githubAppKey async => utf8.decode(await _getSecret(''));
Future<String> get githubAppId async => utf8.decode(await _getSecret(''));
Future<String> get githubInstallationId async => utf8.decode(await _getSecret(''));
final File store = File('store.db');
static const String _projectId = 'xxxxx?????xxxxx'; // TODO(ianh): we should update this appropriately
static File asFile(String name) => File('secrets/$name');
static String asKey(String name) => 'projects/$_projectId/secrets/$name/versions/latest';
static Future<List<int>> _getSecret(String name) async {
final File file = asFile(name);
if (await file.exists()) {
return file.readAsBytes();
// authClientService is
final SecretManagerApi secretManager = SecretManagerApi(authClientService);
final String key = asKey(name);
final AccessSecretVersionResponse response = await secretManager.projects.secrets.versions.access(key);
return response.payload!.dataAsBytes;
static Future<DateTime> _getSecretModificationDate(String name) async {
final File file = asFile(name);
if (await file.exists()) {
return file.lastModified();
// authClientService is
final SecretManagerApi secretManager = SecretManagerApi(authClientService);
final String key = asKey(name);
final SecretVersion response = await secretManager.projects.secrets.versions.get(key);
return DateTime.parse(response.createTime!);
class IssueStats {
Set<String>? labels,
this.assignedToTeamMemberReporter = false,
this.thumbs = 0,
}) : labels = labels ?? <String>{};
factory reader) {
return IssueStats(
lastContributorTouch: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
lastAssigneeTouch: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
labels: reader.readSet<String>(reader.readString),
openedAt: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
lockedAt: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
assignedAt: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
assignedToTeamMemberReporter: reader.readBool(),
triagedAt: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
thumbsAtTriageTime: reader.readNullOr<int>(reader.readInt),
thumbs: reader.readInt(),
static void write(FileWriter writer, IssueStats value) {
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.lastContributorTouch, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.lastAssigneeTouch, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeSet<String>(writer.writeString, value.labels);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.openedAt, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.lockedAt, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.assignedAt, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(value.triagedAt, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<int>(value.thumbsAtTriageTime, writer.writeInt);
DateTime? lastContributorTouch;
DateTime? lastAssigneeTouch;
Set<String> labels;
DateTime? openedAt;
DateTime? lockedAt;
DateTime? assignedAt;
bool assignedToTeamMemberReporter = false;
DateTime? triagedAt;
int? thumbsAtTriageTime;
int thumbs;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write('{${(labels.toList()..sort()).join(', ')}} and $thumbs 👍');
if (openedAt != null) {
buffer.write('; openedAt: $openedAt');
if (lastContributorTouch != null) {
buffer.write('; lastContributorTouch: $lastContributorTouch');
} else {
buffer.write('; lastContributorTouch: never');
if (assignedAt != null) {
buffer.write('; assignedAt: $assignedAt');
if (assignedToTeamMemberReporter) {
buffer.write(' (to team-member reporter)');
if (lastAssigneeTouch != null) {
buffer.write('; lastAssigneeTouch: $lastAssigneeTouch');
} else {
buffer.write('; lastAssigneeTouch: never');
} else {
if (lastAssigneeTouch != null) {
buffer.write('; lastAssigneeTouch: $lastAssigneeTouch (?!)');
if (assignedToTeamMemberReporter) {
buffer.write('; assigned to team-member reporter (?!)');
if (lockedAt != null) {
buffer.write('; lockedAt: $lockedAt');
if (triagedAt != null) {
buffer.write('; triagedAt: $triagedAt');
if (thumbsAtTriageTime != null) {
buffer.write(' with $thumbsAtTriageTime 👍');
} else {
if (thumbsAtTriageTime != null) {
buffer.write('; not triaged with $thumbsAtTriageTime 👍 when triaged (?!)');
return buffer.toString();
typedef StoreFields = ({
Map<int, IssueStats> issues,
Map<int, DateTime> pendingCleanupIssues,
int? selfTestIssue,
DateTime? selfTestClosedDate,
int currentBackgroundIssue,
int highestKnownIssue,
Map<String, DateTime> lastRefeedByTime,
DateTime? lastCleanupStart,
DateTime? lastCleanupEnd,
DateTime? lastTidyStart,
DateTime? lastTidyEnd,
class Engine {
required this.webhookSecret,
required this.discord,
required this.github,
required this.secrets,
required Set<String> contributors,
required StoreFields? store,
}) : _contributors = contributors,
_issues = store?.issues ?? <int, IssueStats>{},
_pendingCleanupIssues = store?.pendingCleanupIssues ?? <int, DateTime>{},
_selfTestIssue = store?.selfTestIssue,
_selfTestClosedDate = store?.selfTestClosedDate,
_currentBackgroundIssue = store?.currentBackgroundIssue ?? 1,
_highestKnownIssue = store?.highestKnownIssue ?? 1,
_lastRefeedByTime = store?.lastRefeedByTime ?? <String, DateTime>{},
_lastCleanupStart = store?.lastCleanupStart,
_lastCleanupEnd = store?.lastCleanupEnd,
_lastTidyStart = store?.lastTidyStart,
_lastTidyEnd = store?.lastTidyEnd {
_startup = DateTime.timestamp();
_nextCleanup = (_lastCleanupEnd ?? _startup).add(Timings.cleanupUpdatePeriod);
_cleanupTimer = Timer(_nextCleanup.difference(_startup), _performCleanups);
_nextTidy = (_lastTidyEnd ?? _startup).add(Timings.longTermTidyingPeriod);
_tidyTimer = Timer(_nextTidy.difference(_startup), _performLongTermTidying);
static Future<Engine> initialize({
required List<int> webhookSecret,
required INyxx discord,
required GitHub github,
void Function()? onChange,
required Secrets secrets,
}) async {
return Engine._(
webhookSecret: webhookSecret,
discord: discord,
github: github,
secrets: secrets,
contributors: await _loadContributors(github),
store: await _read(secrets),
final List<int> webhookSecret;
final INyxx discord;
final GitHub github;
final Secrets secrets;
// data this is stored on local disk
final Set<String> _contributors;
final Map<int, IssueStats> _issues;
final Map<int, DateTime> _pendingCleanupIssues;
int? _selfTestIssue;
DateTime? _selfTestClosedDate;
int _currentBackgroundIssue;
int _highestKnownIssue;
final Map<String, DateTime> _lastRefeedByTime; // last time we forced an otherwise normal issue to get retriaged by each team
final Set<String> _recentIds = <String>{}; // used to detect duplicate messages and discard them
final List<String> _log = <String>[];
late final DateTime _startup;
DateTime? _lastCleanupStart;
DateTime? _lastCleanupEnd;
late DateTime _nextCleanup;
Timer? _cleanupTimer;
DateTime? _lastTidyStart;
DateTime? _lastTidyEnd;
late DateTime _nextTidy;
Timer? _tidyTimer;
void log(String message) {
_log.add('${DateTime.timestamp().toIso8601String()} $message');
while (_log.length > maxLogLength) {
int _actives = 0;
bool _shuttingDown = false;
Completer<void> _pendingIdle = Completer<void>();
Future<void> shutdown(Future<void> Function() shutdownCallback) async {
assert(!_shuttingDown, 'shutdown called reentrantly');
_shuttingDown = true;
while (_actives > 0) {
await _pendingIdle.future;
return shutdownCallback();
static Future<Set<String>> _loadContributors(GitHub github) async {
final int teamId = (await github.organizations.getTeamByName(GitHubSettings.organization, GitHubSettings.teamName)).id!;
return github.organizations.listTeamMembers(teamId).map((TeamMember member) => member.login!).toSet();
static Future<StoreFields?> _read(Secrets secrets) async {
if (await {
try {
final FileReader reader = FileReader((await;
return (
issues: reader.readMap<int, IssueStats>(reader.readInt, reader.readerForCustom<IssueStats>(,
pendingCleanupIssues: reader.readMap<int, DateTime>(reader.readInt, reader.readDateTime),
selfTestIssue: reader.readNullOr<int>(reader.readInt),
selfTestClosedDate: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
currentBackgroundIssue: reader.readInt(),
highestKnownIssue: reader.readInt(),
lastRefeedByTime: reader.readMap<String, DateTime>(reader.readString, reader.readDateTime),
lastCleanupStart: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
lastCleanupEnd: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
lastTidyStart: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
lastTidyEnd: reader.readNullOr<DateTime>(reader.readDateTime),
} catch (e) {
print('Error loading issue store, consider deleting ${} file.');
return null;
bool _writing = false;
bool _dirty = false;
Future<void> _write() async {
if (_writing) {
_dirty = true;
try {
_writing = true;
final FileWriter writer = FileWriter();
writer.writeMap<int, IssueStats>(writer.writeInt, writer.writerForCustom<IssueStats>(IssueStats.write), _issues);
writer.writeMap<int, DateTime>(writer.writeInt, writer.writeDateTime, _pendingCleanupIssues);
writer.writeNullOr<int>(_selfTestIssue, writer.writeInt);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(_selfTestClosedDate, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeMap<String, DateTime>(writer.writeString, writer.writeDateTime, _lastRefeedByTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(_lastCleanupStart, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(_lastCleanupEnd, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(_lastTidyStart, writer.writeDateTime);
writer.writeNullOr<DateTime>(_lastTidyEnd, writer.writeDateTime);
await writer.write(;
} finally {
_writing = false;
if (_dirty) {
_dirty = false;
return _write();
// the maxFraction argument represents the fraction of the total rate limit that is allowed to be
// used before waiting.
// the background update code sets it to 0.5 so that there is still a buffer for the other calls,
// otherwise the background update code could just use it all up and then stall everything else.
Future<void> _githubReady([double maxFraction = 0.95]) async {
if (github.rateLimitRemaining != null && github.rateLimitRemaining! < (github.rateLimitLimit! * (1.0 - maxFraction)).round()) {
assert(github.rateLimitReset != null);
await _until(github.rateLimitReset!);
static Future<void> _until(DateTime target) {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
if (!now.isBefore(target)) {
return Future<void>.value();
final Duration delta = target.difference(now);
return Future<void>.delayed(delta);
Future<void> handleRequest(HttpRequest request) async {
_actives += 1;
try {
try {
if (await _handleDebugRequests(request)) {
final List<int> bytes = await request.expand((Uint8List sublist) => sublist).toList();
final String expectedSignature = 'sha256=${Hmac(sha256, webhookSecret).convert(bytes)}';
final List<String> actualSignatures = request.headers['X-Hub-Signature-256'] ?? const <String>[];
final List<String> eventKind = request.headers['X-GitHub-Event'] ?? const <String>[];
final List<String> eventId = request.headers['X-GitHub-Delivery'] ?? const <String>[];
if (actualSignatures.length != 1 || expectedSignature != actualSignatures.single ||
eventKind.length != 1 || eventId.length != 1) {
request.response.writeln('Invalid metadata.');
if (_recentIds.contains(eventId.single)) {
request.response.writeln('I got that one already.');
while (_recentIds.length > 50) {
final dynamic payload = Json.parse(utf8.decode(bytes));
await _updateModelFromWebhook(eventKind.single, payload);
await _updateDiscordFromWebhook(eventKind.single, payload);
} catch (e, s) {
log('Failed to handle ${request.uri}: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
} finally {
await request.response.close();
} finally {
_actives -= 1;
if (_shuttingDown && _actives == 0) {
_pendingIdle = Completer<void>();
Future<bool> _handleDebugRequests(HttpRequest request) async {
if (request.uri.path == '/debug') {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
request.response.writeln('FLUTTER TRIAGE BOT');
request.response.writeln('Current time: $now');
request.response.writeln('Uptime: ${now.difference(_startup)} (startup at $_startup).');
request.response.writeln('Cleaning: ${_cleaning ? "active" : "pending"} (${_pendingCleanupIssues.length} issue${s(_pendingCleanupIssues.length)}); last started $_lastCleanupStart, last ended $_lastCleanupEnd, next in ${_nextCleanup.difference(now)}.');
request.response.writeln('Tidying: ${_tidying ? "active" : "pending"}; last started $_lastTidyStart, last ended $_lastTidyEnd, next in ${_nextTidy.difference(now)}.');
request.response.writeln('Background scan: currently fetching issue #$_currentBackgroundIssue, highest known issue #$_highestKnownIssue.');
request.response.writeln('${_contributors.length} known contributor${s(_contributors.length)}.');
request.response.writeln('GitHub Rate limit status: ${github.rateLimitRemaining}/${github.rateLimitLimit} (reset at ${github.rateLimitReset})');
if (_selfTestIssue != null) {
request.response.writeln('Current self test issue: #$_selfTestIssue');
if (_selfTestClosedDate != null) {
request.response.writeln('Self test last closed on: $_selfTestClosedDate (${now.difference(_selfTestClosedDate!)} ago, next in ${_selfTestClosedDate!.add(Timings.selfTestPeriod).difference(now)})');
request.response.writeln('Last refeeds (refeed delay: ${Timings.refeedDelay}):');
for (final String team in _lastRefeedByTime.keys.toList()..sort((String a, String b) => _lastRefeedByTime[a]!.compareTo(_lastRefeedByTime[b]!))) {
final Duration delta = now.difference(_lastRefeedByTime[team]!);
final String annotation = delta > Timings.refeedDelay
? ''
: '; blocking immediate refeeds';
request.response.writeln('${team.padRight(30, '.')}.${_lastRefeedByTime[team]} ($delta ago$annotation)');
request.response.writeln('Tracking ${_issues.length} issue${s(_issues.length)}:');
for (final int number in _issues.keys.toList()..sort()) {
String cleanup = '';
if (_pendingCleanupIssues.containsKey(number)) {
final Duration delta = Timings.cleanupUpdateDelay - now.difference(_pendingCleanupIssues[number]!);
if (delta < {
cleanup = ' [cleanup pending]';
} else if (delta.inMinutes <= 1) {
cleanup = ' [cleanup soon]';
} else {
cleanup = ' [cleanup in ${delta.inMinutes} minute${s(delta.inMinutes)}]';
request.response.writeln(' #${number.toString().padLeft(6, "0")}: ${_issues[number]}$cleanup');
return true;
if (request.uri.path == '/force-update') {
final int number = int.parse(request.uri.query); // if input is not an integer, this'll throw
await _updateStoreInBackgroundForIssue(number);
return true;
if (request.uri.path == '/force-cleanup') {
log('User-triggered forced cleanup');
await _performCleanups();
return true;
if (request.uri.path == '/force-tidy') {
log('User-triggered forced tidy');
await _performLongTermTidying();
return true;
return false;
// Called when we get a webhook message.
Future<void> _updateModelFromWebhook(String event, dynamic payload) async {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
switch (event) {
case 'issue_comment':
if (!payload.issue.hasKey('pull_request') && payload.repository.full_name.toString() == GitHubSettings.primaryRepository.fullName) {
_updateIssueFromWebhook(payload.sender.login.toString(), payload.issue, now);
case 'issues':
if (payload.repository.full_name.toString() != GitHubSettings.primaryRepository.fullName) {
if (payload.action.toString() == 'closed') {
final int number = payload.issue.number.toInt();
if (number == _selfTestIssue) {
_selfTestIssue = null;
_selfTestClosedDate = now;
} else {
final IssueStats? issue = _updateIssueFromWebhook(payload.sender.login.toString(), payload.issue, now);
if (issue != null) {
if (payload.action.toString() == 'assigned') {
// if we are adding a second assignee, _updateIssueFromWebhook won't update the assignedAt timestamp
_issues[payload.issue.number.toInt()]!.assignedAt = now;
} else if (payload.action.toString() == 'opened' || payload.action.toString() == 'reopened') {
_issues[payload.issue.number.toInt()]!.openedAt = now;
} else if (payload.action.toString() == 'labeled') {
final String label =;
final String? team = getTeamFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, label);
if (team != null) {
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, issue.labels);
if (teams.length == 1) {
if (teams.single == team) {
issue.triagedAt = now;
case 'membership':
if ( == '${GitHubSettings.organization}/${GitHubSettings.teamName}') {
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'added':
case 'removed':
await _write();
// Called when we get a webhook message that we've established is an
// interesting update to an issue.
// Attempts to build up and/or update the data for an issue based on
// the data in a change event. This will be approximate until we can actually
// scan the issue properly in _updateStoreInBackground.
IssueStats? _updateIssueFromWebhook(String user, dynamic data, DateTime now) {
final int number = data.number.toInt();
if (number > _highestKnownIssue) {
_highestKnownIssue = number;
if (data.state.toString() == 'closed') {
if (number == _selfTestIssue) {
_selfTestIssue = null;
_selfTestClosedDate = now;
return null;
final IssueStats issue = _issues.putIfAbsent(number,;
final Set<String> newLabels = <String>{};
for (final dynamic label in data.labels.asIterable()) {
final String name =;
if (GitHubSettings.isRelevantLabel(name)) {
issue.labels = newLabels;
final Set<String> assignees = <String>{};
for (final dynamic assignee in data.assignees.asIterable()) {
final String reporter = data.user.login.toString();
if (assignees.isEmpty) {
issue.lastAssigneeTouch = null;
issue.assignedAt = null;
issue.assignedToTeamMemberReporter = false;
} else {
issue.assignedAt ??= now;
if (assignees.contains(user)) {
issue.lastAssigneeTouch = now;
issue.assignedToTeamMemberReporter = assignees.contains(reporter) && _contributors.contains(reporter);
if (_contributors.contains(user)) {
issue.lastContributorTouch = now;
if (!data.locked.toBoolean()) {
issue.lockedAt = null;
} else {
issue.lockedAt ??= now;
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, newLabels);
if (teams.isEmpty) {
issue.thumbsAtTriageTime = null;
issue.triagedAt = null;
_pendingCleanupIssues[number] = now;
return issue;
Future<void> _updateDiscordFromWebhook(String event, dynamic payload) async {
if (GitHubSettings.knownBots.contains(payload.sender.login.toString())) {
switch (event) {
case 'star':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'created':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** starred ${payload.repository.full_name}',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
emoji: UnicodeEmoji('🌟'),
log: log,
case 'label':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'created':
String message;
if (payload.label.description.toString().isEmpty) {
message = '**@${payload.sender.login}** created a new label in ${payload.repository.full_name}, `${}`, but did not give it a description!';
} else {
message = '**@${payload.sender.login}** created a new label in ${payload.repository.full_name}, `${}`, with the description "${payload.label.description}".';
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: message,
channel: DiscordChannels.hiddenChat,
embedTitle: '${}',
embedDescription: '${payload.label.description}',
embedColor: '${payload.label.color}',
log: log,
case 'pull_request':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'closed':
final bool merged = payload.pull_request.merged_at.toScalar() != null;
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** ${ merged ? "merged" : "closed" } *${payload.pull_request.title}* (${payload.pull_request.html_url})',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'opened':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** submitted a new pull request: **${payload.pull_request.title}** (${payload.repository.full_name} #${payload.pull_request.number.toInt()})\n${stripBoilerplate(payload.pull_request.body.toString())}',
suffix: '*${payload.pull_request.html_url}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'pull_request_review':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'submitted':
switch ( {
case 'approved':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: ?
'**@${payload.sender.login}** gave **LGTM** for *${payload.pull_request.title}* (${payload.pull_request.html_url})' :
'**@${payload.sender.login}** gave **LGTM** for *${payload.pull_request.title}* (${payload.pull_request.html_url}): ${stripBoilerplate(, inline: true)}',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'pull_request_review_comment':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** wrote: ${stripBoilerplate(payload.comment.body.toString(), inline: true)}',
suffix: '*${payload.comment.html_url} ${payload.pull_request.title}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'issue_comment':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'created':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** wrote: ${stripBoilerplate(payload.comment.body.toString(), inline: true)}',
suffix: '*${payload.comment.html_url} ${payload.issue.title}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'issues':
switch (payload.action.toString()) {
case 'closed':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** closed *${payload.issue.title}* (${payload.issue.html_url})',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'reopened':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** reopened *${payload.issue.title}* (${payload.issue.html_url})',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'opened':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** filed a new issue: **${payload.issue.title}** (${payload.repository.full_name} #${payload.issue.number.toInt()})\n${stripBoilerplate(payload.issue.body.toString())}',
suffix: '*${payload.issue.html_url}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
bool isDesignDoc = false;
for (final dynamic label in payload.issue.labels.asIterable()) {
final String name =;
if (name == GitHubSettings.designDoc) {
isDesignDoc = true;
if (isDesignDoc) {
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** wrote a new design doc: **${payload.issue.title}**\n${stripBoilerplate(payload.issue.body.toString())}',
suffix: '*${payload.issue.html_url}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.hiddenChat,
log: log,
case 'locked':
case 'unlocked':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** ${payload.action} ${payload.issue.html_url} - ${payload.issue.title}',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'membership':
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** ${payload.action} user **@${payload.member.login}** (${})',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
case 'gollum':
for (final dynamic page in payload.pages.asIterable()) {
// sadly the commit message doesn't get put into the event payload
await sendDiscordMessage(
discord: discord,
body: '**@${payload.sender.login}** ${page.action} the **${page.title}** wiki page',
suffix: '*${page.html_url}*',
channel: DiscordChannels.github2,
log: log,
// This is called every few seconds to update one issue in our store.
// We do this because (a) initially, we don't have any data so we need
// to fill our database somehow, and (b) thereafter, we might go out of
// sync if we miss an event, e.g. due to network issues.
Future<void> _updateStoreInBackground() async {
await _updateStoreInBackgroundForIssue(_currentBackgroundIssue);
_currentBackgroundIssue -= 1;
if (_currentBackgroundIssue <= 0) {
_currentBackgroundIssue = _highestKnownIssue;
await _write();
await Future<void>.delayed(Timings.backgroundUpdatePeriod);
Future<void> _updateStoreInBackgroundForIssue(int number) async {
try {
await _githubReady(0.5);
final Issue githubIssue = await github.issues.get(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number);
if (githubIssue.pullRequest == null && githubIssue.isOpen) {
final String? reporter = githubIssue.user?.login;
bool open = true;
final Set<String> assignees = <String>{};
final Set<String> labels = <String>{};
DateTime? lastContributorTouch;
DateTime? lastAssigneeTouch;
DateTime? openedAt = githubIssue.createdAt;
DateTime? lockedAt;
DateTime? assignedAt;
DateTime? triagedAt;
DateTime? lastChange;
await _githubReady();
await for (final TimelineEvent event in github.issues.listTimeline(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number)) {
String? user;
DateTime? time;
// could be null if the original user was deleted (shows as "ghost" in GitHub's web UI)
// see e.g.
switch (event.event) {
case 'renamed': // The issue or pull request title was changed.
case 'commented':
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
case 'locked': // The issue or pull request was locked.
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
lockedAt = time;
case 'unlocked': // The issue was unlocked.
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
lockedAt = null;
case 'assigned':
event as AssigneeEvent;
if (event.assignee != null && event.assignee!.login != null) {
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
assignedAt = time;
case 'unassigned':
event as AssigneeEvent;
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
if (event.assignee != null) {
if (assignees.isEmpty) {
assignedAt = null;
lastAssigneeTouch = null;
case 'labeled':
event as LabelEvent;
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
final String label = event.label!.name;
if (GitHubSettings.isRelevantLabel(label, ignorePriorities: true)) {
// we add the priority labels later to avoid confusion from the renames
final String? triagedTeam = getTeamFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, label);
if (triagedTeam != null) {
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, labels);
if (teams.length == 1 && teams.single == triagedTeam) {
triagedAt = event.createdAt;
case 'unlabeled':
event as LabelEvent;
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
final String label = event.label!.name;
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, labels);
final Set<String> triagedTeams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, labels);
if (teams.intersection(triagedTeams).isEmpty) {
triagedAt = null;
case 'closed':
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
open = false;
case 'reopened':
user =;
time = event.createdAt;
openedAt = event.createdAt;
open = true;
if (user != null) {
assert(time != null);
if (_contributors.contains(user)) {
lastContributorTouch = time;
if (assignees.contains(user)) {
lastAssigneeTouch = time;
if (lastChange == null || (time != null && time.isAfter(lastChange))) {
lastChange = time;
await _githubReady();
if (open) {
// Because we renamed some of the labels, we can't trust the
// historical names we get from the timeline. We have to use the
// actual current labels from the githubIssue.
// Also, there might be missing labels because the timeline doesn't
// include the issue's original labels from when the issue was filed.
final Set<String> actualLabels = githubIssue.labels
.map<String>((IssueLabel label) =>
for (final String label in actualLabels.difference(labels)) {
// could have been renamed, but let's assume it was added when the issue was created (and never removed).
final String? triagedTeam = getTeamFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, label);
if (triagedTeam != null) {
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, actualLabels);
if (teams.length == 1 && teams.single == triagedTeam) {
triagedAt = openedAt;
final IssueStats issue = _issues.putIfAbsent(number,;
issue.lastContributorTouch = lastContributorTouch;
issue.lastAssigneeTouch = lastAssigneeTouch;
issue.labels = actualLabels;
issue.openedAt = openedAt;
issue.lockedAt = lockedAt;
assert((assignedAt != null) == (assignees.isNotEmpty));
issue.assignedAt = assignedAt;
issue.assignedToTeamMemberReporter = reporter != null && assignees.contains(reporter) && _contributors.contains(reporter);
issue.thumbs = githubIssue.reactions?.plusOne ?? 0;
issue.triagedAt = triagedAt;
if (triagedAt != null) {
if (issue.thumbsAtTriageTime == null) {
int thumbsAtTriageTime = 0;
await _githubReady();
await for (final Reaction reaction in github.issues.listReactions(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number)) {
if (reaction.createdAt != null && reaction.createdAt!.isAfter(triagedAt)) {
if (reaction.content == '+1') {
thumbsAtTriageTime += 1;
await _githubReady();
issue.thumbsAtTriageTime = thumbsAtTriageTime;
} else {
issue.thumbsAtTriageTime = null;
} else {
if (!_pendingCleanupIssues.containsKey(number)) {
_pendingCleanupIssues[number] = lastChange ?? DateTime.timestamp();
} else {
if (_selfTestIssue == number) {
_selfTestIssue = null;
_selfTestClosedDate = githubIssue.closedAt;
} on NotFound {
} catch (e, s) {
log('Failed to perform background update of issue #$number: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
bool _cleaning = false;
// This is called periodically to look at recently-updated issues.
// This lets us enforce invariants but only after humans have had a chance
// to do whatever it is they are doing on the issue.
Future<void> _performCleanups([Timer? timer]) async {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
_nextCleanup = now.add(Timings.cleanupUpdatePeriod);
_cleanupTimer = Timer(Timings.cleanupUpdatePeriod, _performCleanups);
if (_cleaning) {
try {
_cleaning = true;
_lastCleanupStart = now;
final DateTime refeedThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.refeedDelay);
final DateTime cleanupThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.cleanupUpdateDelay);
final DateTime staleThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.timeUntilStale);
final List<int> issues = _pendingCleanupIssues.keys.toList();
for (final int number in issues) {
try {
if (_pendingCleanupIssues.containsKey(number) && _pendingCleanupIssues[number]!.isBefore(cleanupThreshold)) {
final IssueStats issue = _issues[number]!;
final Set<String> labelsToRemove = <String>{};
final List<String> messages = <String>[];
final Set<String> priorities = issue.labels.intersection(GitHubSettings.priorities);
if (priorities.length > 1) {
// When an issue has multiple priorities, remove all but the highest.
for (final String priority in GitHubSettings.priorities.toList().reversed) {
if (priorities.contains(priority)) {
if (priorities.length == 1) {
final Set<String> teams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, issue.labels);
final Set<String> triaged = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, issue.labels);
final Set<String> fyi = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.fyiPrefix, issue.labels);
if (teams.length > 1 && number != _selfTestIssue) {
// Issues should only have a single "team-foo" label.
// When this is violated, we remove all of them to send the issue back to front-line triage.
'Issue is assigned to multiple teams (${teams.join(", ")}). '
'Please ensure the issue has only one `${GitHubSettings.teamPrefix}*` label at a time. '
'Use `${GitHubSettings.fyiPrefix}*` labels to have another team look at the issue without reassigning it.'
for (final String team in teams) {
// Also remove the labels we'd end up removing below, to avoid having confusing messages.
if (triaged.contains(team)) {
if (fyi.contains(team)) {
for (final String team in fyi.toList()) {
if (teams.contains(team)) {
// Remove redundant fyi-* labels.
messages.add('The `${GitHubSettings.fyiPrefix}$team` label is redundant with the `${GitHubSettings.teamPrefix}$team` label.');
} else if (triaged.contains(team)) {
// If an fyi-* label has been acknowledged by a triaged-* label, we can remove them both.
for (final String team in triaged.toList()) {
// Remove redundant triaged-* labels.
if (!teams.contains(team)) {
'The `${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}$team` label is irrelevant if '
'there is no `${GitHubSettings.teamPrefix}$team` label or `${GitHubSettings.fyiPrefix}$team` label.'
assert(teams.length <= 1 || number == _selfTestIssue);
assert(triaged.length <= teams.length);
if (triaged.isNotEmpty && priorities.isEmpty && number != _selfTestIssue) {
assert(triaged.length == 1);
final String team = triaged.single;
if (!_lastRefeedByTime.containsKey(team) || _lastRefeedByTime[team]!.isBefore(refeedThreshold)) {
'This issue is missing a priority label. '
'Please set a priority label when adding the `${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}$team` label.'
_lastRefeedByTime[team] = now;
if (triaged.isNotEmpty && issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.thumbsUpLabel)) {
if (issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.staleIssueLabel) &&
((issue.lastContributorTouch != null && issue.lastContributorTouch!.isAfter(staleThreshold)) ||
(issue.assignedAt == null))) {
final bool shouldUnlock = issue.openedAt != null && issue.lockedAt != null && issue.lockedAt!.isBefore(issue.openedAt!);
if ((labelsToRemove.isNotEmpty || messages.isNotEmpty || shouldUnlock) && await isActuallyOpen(number)) {
for (final String label in labelsToRemove) {
log('Removing label "$label" on issue #$number');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, label);
if (messages.isNotEmpty) {
log('Posting message on issue #$number:\n ${messages.join("\n ")}');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.createComment(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, messages.join('\n'));
if (shouldUnlock) {
log('Unlocking issue #$number (reopened after being locked)');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.unlock(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number);
} catch (e, s) {
log('Failure in cleanup for #$number: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
} finally {
_cleaning = false;
_lastCleanupEnd = DateTime.timestamp();
bool _tidying = false;
// This is called periodically to enforce long-term policies (things that
// only apply after an issue has been in a particular state for weeks).
Future<void> _performLongTermTidying([Timer? timer]) async {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
_nextTidy = now.add(Timings.longTermTidyingPeriod);
_tidyTimer = Timer(Timings.longTermTidyingPeriod, _performLongTermTidying);
if (_tidying) {
try {
_tidying = true;
_lastTidyStart = now;
final DateTime staleThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.timeUntilStale);
final DateTime reallyStaleThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.timeUntilReallyStale);
final DateTime unlockThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.timeUntilUnlock);
final DateTime refeedThreshold = now.subtract(Timings.refeedDelay);
int number = 1;
while (number < _highestKnownIssue) {
try {
if (_issues.containsKey(number) && !_pendingCleanupIssues.containsKey(number) && number != _selfTestIssue) {
// Tidy the issue.
final IssueStats issue = _issues[number]!;
final Set<String> triagedTeams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, issue.labels);
final Set<String> assignedTeams = getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.teamPrefix, issue.labels);
// Check for assigned issues that aren't making progress.
if (issue.assignedAt != null &&
issue.lastContributorTouch != null &&
issue.lastContributorTouch!.isBefore(staleThreshold) &&
(!issue.assignedToTeamMemberReporter || issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.designDoc))) {
await _githubReady();
final Issue actualIssue = await github.issues.get(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number);
if (actualIssue.assignees != null && actualIssue.assignees!.isNotEmpty && isActuallyOpenFromRawIssue(actualIssue)) {
final String assignee = actualIssue.assignees!.map((User user) => '@${user.login}').join(' and ');
if (!issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.staleIssueLabel)) {
log('Issue #$number is assigned to $assignee but not making progress; adding comment.');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.addLabelsToIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, <String>[GitHubSettings.staleIssueLabel]);
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.createComment(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number,
'This issue is assigned to $assignee but has had no recent status updates. '
'Please consider unassigning this issue if it is not going to be addressed in the near future. '
'This allows people to have a clearer picture of what work is actually planned. Thanks!',
} else if (issue.lastContributorTouch!.isBefore(reallyStaleThreshold)) {
bool skip = false;
String team = 'primary triage';
if (assignedTeams.length == 1) { // if it's more, then cleanup will take care of it
team = assignedTeams.single;
if (!_lastRefeedByTime.containsKey(team) || _lastRefeedByTime[team]!.isBefore(refeedThreshold)) {
_lastRefeedByTime[team] = now;
} else {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
log('Issue #$number is assigned to $assignee but still not making progress (for ${now.difference(issue.lastContributorTouch!)}); sending back to triage (for $team team).');
for (final String triagedTeam in triagedTeams) {
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, '${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}$triagedTeam');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.edit(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, IssueRequest(assignees: const <String>[]));
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.createComment(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number,
'This issue was assigned to $assignee but has had no status updates in a long time. '
'To remove any ambiguity about whether the issue is being worked on, the assignee was removed.',
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, GitHubSettings.staleIssueLabel);
// Check for P1 issues that aren't making progress.
// We currently rate-limit this to only a few per week so that teams don't get overwhelmed.
if (issue.assignedAt == null &&
issue.labels.contains('P1') &&
issue.lastContributorTouch != null &&
issue.lastContributorTouch!.isBefore(staleThreshold) &&
triagedTeams.length == 1) {
final String team = triagedTeams.single;
if ((!_lastRefeedByTime.containsKey(team) || _lastRefeedByTime[team]!.isBefore(refeedThreshold)) && await isActuallyOpen(number)) {
log('Issue #$number is P1 but not assigned and not making progress; removing triage label and adding comment.');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, '${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}${triagedTeams.single}');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.createComment(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, GitHubSettings.staleP1Message);
_lastRefeedByTime[team] = now;
// Unlock issues after a timeout.
if (issue.lockedAt != null && issue.lockedAt!.isBefore(unlockThreshold) &&
!issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.permanentlyLocked) &&
await isActuallyOpen(number)) {
log('Issue #$number has been locked for too long, unlocking.');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.unlock(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number);
// Flag issues that have gained a lot of thumbs-up.
// We don't consider refeedThreshold for this because it should be relatively rare and
// is always noteworthy when it happens.
if (issue.thumbsAtTriageTime != null && triagedTeams.length == 1 &&
issue.thumbs >= issue.thumbsAtTriageTime! * GitHubSettings.thumbsThreshold &&
issue.thumbs >= GitHubSettings.thumbsMinimum &&
await isActuallyOpen(number)) {
log('Issue #$number has gained a lot of thumbs-up, flagging for retriage.');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, '${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}${triagedTeams.single}');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.addLabelsToIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number, <String>[GitHubSettings.thumbsUpLabel]);
} catch (e, s) {
log('Failure in tidying for #$number: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
number += 1;
try {
if (_selfTestIssue == null) {
if (_selfTestClosedDate == null || _selfTestClosedDate!.isBefore(now.subtract(Timings.selfTestPeriod))) {
await _githubReady();
final Issue issue = await github.issues.create(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, IssueRequest(
title: 'Triage process self-test',
body: 'This is a test of our triage processes.\n'
'Please handle this issue the same way you would a normal valid but low-priority issue.\n'
'For more details see',
labels: <String>[ team) => '${GitHubSettings.teamPrefix}$team'),
_selfTestIssue = issue.number;
_selfTestClosedDate = null;
log('Filed self-test issue #$_selfTestIssue.');
} else if (_issues.containsKey(_selfTestIssue)) {
final IssueStats issue = _issues[_selfTestIssue]!;
if (!issue.labels.contains(GitHubSettings.willNeedAdditionalTriage) &&
issue.lastContributorTouch!.isBefore(now.subtract(Timings.selfTestWindow)) &&
await isActuallyOpen(_selfTestIssue!)) {
log('Flagging self-test issue #$_selfTestIssue for critical triage.');
for (final String team in getTeamsFor(GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix, issue.labels)) {
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, _selfTestIssue!, '${GitHubSettings.teamPrefix}$team');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.removeLabelForIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, _selfTestIssue!, '${GitHubSettings.triagedPrefix}$team');
await _githubReady();
await github.issues.addLabelsToIssue(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, _selfTestIssue!, <String>[GitHubSettings.willNeedAdditionalTriage]);
} catch (e, s) {
log('Failure in self-test logic: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
} finally {
_tidying = false;
_lastTidyEnd = DateTime.timestamp();
Future<bool> isActuallyOpen(int number) async {
if (!_issues.containsKey(number)) {
return false;
await _githubReady();
final Issue rawIssue = await github.issues.get(GitHubSettings.primaryRepository, number);
return isActuallyOpenFromRawIssue(rawIssue);
bool isActuallyOpenFromRawIssue(Issue rawIssue) {
if (rawIssue.isClosed) {
log('Issue #${rawIssue.number} was unexpectedly found to be closed when doing cleanup.');
if (rawIssue.number == _selfTestIssue) {
_selfTestIssue = null;
return false;
return true;
static String? getTeamFor(String prefix, String label) {
if (label.startsWith(prefix)) {
return label.substring(prefix.length);
return null;
static Set<String> getTeamsFor(String prefix, Set<String> labels) {
if (labels.isEmpty) {
return const <String>{};
Set<String>? result;
for (final String label in labels) {
final String? team = getTeamFor(prefix, label);
if (team != null) {
result ??= <String>{};
return result ?? const <String>{};
int secondsSinceEpoch(DateTime time) => time.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
Future<String> obtainGitHubCredentials(Secrets secrets, http.Client client) async {
final DateTime now = DateTime.timestamp();
final String jwt = JWT(<String, dynamic>{
'iat': secondsSinceEpoch(now.subtract(const Duration(seconds: 60))),
'exp': secondsSinceEpoch(now.add(const Duration(minutes: 10))),
'iss': await secrets.githubAppId,
RSAPrivateKey(await secrets.githubAppKey),
algorithm: JWTAlgorithm.RS256,
noIssueAt: true,
final String installation = await secrets.githubInstallationId;
final dynamic response = Json.parse((await
body: '{}',
headers: <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer $jwt', // should not need escaping, base64 is safe in a header value
'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28',
return response.token.toString();
Future<void> maintainGitHubCredentials(GitHub github, Secrets secrets, Engine engine, http.Client client) async {
try {
await Future<void>.delayed(Timings.credentialsUpdatePeriod);
github.auth = Authentication.withToken(await obtainGitHubCredentials(secrets, client));
} catch (e, s) {
engine.log('Failed to maintain GitHub credentials: $e (${e.runtimeType})\n$s');
DateTime _laterOf(DateTime a, DateTime b) {
if (a.isAfter(b)) {
return a;
return b;
Future<DateTime> getCertificateTimestamp(Secrets secrets) async {
return _laterOf(
await secrets.serverCertificateModificationDate,
await secrets.serverIntermediateCertificatesModificationDate,
await secrets.serverKeyModificationDate,
Future<SecurityContext> loadCertificates(Secrets secrets) async {
return SecurityContext()
await secrets.serverCertificate +
await secrets.serverIntermediateCertificates,
..usePrivateKeyBytes(await secrets.serverKey);
final bool usingAppEngine = Platform.environment.containsKey('APPENGINE_RUNTIME');
Future<Engine> startEngine(void Function()? onChange) async {
final Secrets secrets = Secrets();
final INyxx discord = NyxxFactory.createNyxxRest(
await secrets.discordToken,
Snowflake.value(await secrets.discordAppId),
await discord.connect();
final http.Client httpClient = http.Client();
final GitHub github = GitHub(
client: httpClient,
auth: Authentication.withToken(await obtainGitHubCredentials(secrets, httpClient)),
final Engine engine = await Engine.initialize(
webhookSecret: await secrets.githubWebhookSecret,
discord: discord,
github: github,
onChange: onChange,
secrets: secrets,
if (usingAppEngine) {
await withAppEngineServices(() async {
runAppEngine(engine.handleRequest); // ignore: unawaited_futures
while (true) {
await maintainGitHubCredentials(github, secrets, engine, httpClient);
} else {
scheduleMicrotask(() async {
DateTime activeCertificateTimestamp = await getCertificateTimestamp(secrets);
SecurityContext securityContext = await loadCertificates(secrets);
while (true) {
final HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bindSecure(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, port, securityContext);
DateTime pendingCertificateTimestamp = activeCertificateTimestamp;
do {
await maintainGitHubCredentials(github, secrets, engine, httpClient);
pendingCertificateTimestamp = await getCertificateTimestamp(secrets);
} while (pendingCertificateTimestamp == activeCertificateTimestamp);
activeCertificateTimestamp = pendingCertificateTimestamp;
engine.log('Updating TLS credentials...');
securityContext = await loadCertificates(secrets);
await engine.shutdown(server.close);
// There's a race condition here where we might miss messages because the server is down.
return engine;