blob: cf6032e5fef1f8e0348eea09c29d52b70f7b0352 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
class GithubService {
final GitHub github;
static final Map<String, String> headers = <String, String>{'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.groot-preview+json'};
static const String kRefsPrefix = 'refs/heads/';
/// Lists commits of the provided repository [slug] and [branch]. When
/// [lastCommitTimestampMills] equals 0, it means a new release branch is
/// found and only the branched commit will be returned for now, though the
/// rare case that multiple commits exist. For other cases, it returns all
/// newer commits since [lastCommitTimestampMills].
Future<List<RepositoryCommit>> listCommits(RepositorySlug slug, String branch, int lastCommitTimestampMills) async {
final PaginationHelper paginationHelper = PaginationHelper(github);
/// The [pages] defines the number of pages of returned http request
/// results. Return only one page when this is a new branch. Otherwise
/// it will return all commits prior to this release branch commit,
/// leading to heavy workload.
int? pages;
if (lastCommitTimestampMills == 0) {
pages = 1;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> commits = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
/// [lastCommitTimestamp+1] excludes last commit itself.
/// Github api url:
await for (Response response in paginationHelper.fetchStreamed(
params: <String, dynamic>{
'sha': branch,
'since': DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(lastCommitTimestampMills + 1).toUtc().toIso8601String(),
pages: pages,
headers: headers,
)) {
commits.addAll((json.decode(response.body) as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>());
/// When a release branch is first detected only the most recent commit would be needed.
/// If for the worst case, a new release branch consists of a useful cherry pick commit
/// which should be considered as well, here is the todo.
// TODO(keyonghan):
if (lastCommitTimestampMills == 0) {
commits = commits.take(1).toList();
return<RepositoryCommit>((Map<String, dynamic> commit) {
return RepositoryCommit()
..sha = commit['sha'] as String? = (User()
..login = commit['author']['login'] as String?
..avatarUrl = commit['author']['avatar_url'] as String?)
..commit = (GitCommit()
..message = commit['commit']['message'] as String?
..committer = (GitCommitUser(
commit['commit']['author']['name'] as String?,
commit['commit']['author']['email'] as String?,
DateTime.parse(commit['commit']['author']['date'] as String))));
/// List pull requests in the repository.
Future<List<PullRequest>> listPullRequests(RepositorySlug slug, String? branch) {
return github.pullRequests
base: branch,
direction: 'desc',
sort: 'created',
state: 'open',
/// Creates a pull request against the `baseRef` in the `slug` repository.
/// The `entries` contains the file changes in the created pull request. This
/// method creates a branch in the current user's forked repository to create
/// the pull request. The current user must have a forked repository from the
/// targeted slug, and the targeted slug must not be belong to current user.
Future<PullRequest> createPullRequest(
RepositorySlug slug, {
required String title,
String? body,
String? commitMessage,
required GitReference baseRef,
List<CreateGitTreeEntry>? entries,
}) async {
final RepositorySlug clientSlug = await _getCurrentUserSlug(;
final GitTree tree = await github.git.createTree(clientSlug, CreateGitTree(entries, baseTree: baseRef.object!.sha));
final CurrentUser currentUser = (await _getCurrentUser())!;
final GitCommitUser commitUser = GitCommitUser(,,;
final GitCommit commit = await github.git.createCommit(
parents: <String?>[baseRef.object!.sha],
author: commitUser,
committer: commitUser,
final GitReference headRef =
await github.git.createReference(clientSlug, '$kRefsPrefix${_generateNewRef()}', commit.sha);
return github.pullRequests.create(
CreatePullRequest(title, '${clientSlug.owner}:${headRef.ref}', baseRef.ref, body: body),
/// Assigns a reviewer to the pull request in the repository.
/// The `reviewer` contains the github login of the reviewer.
Future<void> assignReviewer(
RepositorySlug slug, {
int? pullRequestNumber,
String? reviewer,
}) async {
const JsonEncoder encoder = JsonEncoder();
await github.postJSON<Map<String, dynamic>, PullRequest>(
convert: (Map<String, dynamic> i) => PullRequest.fromJson(i),
body: encoder.convert(<String, dynamic>{
'reviewers': <String?>[reviewer],
/// Retrieves issues from the repository.
/// Uses the `labels` to return the issues that have the labels.
/// The `state` can be set `open`, `closed, or `all`. If it is set to `open`,
/// this method only returns issues that are currently open. If it is set to
/// `closed`, this method returns issues that are currently closed. The `all`
/// returns both closed and open issues. Defaults to `open`.
Future<List<Issue>> listIssues(
RepositorySlug slug, {
List<String>? labels,
String state = 'open',
}) {
return github.issues.listByRepo(slug, labels: labels, state: state).toList();
/// Get an issue with the issue number
Future<Issue>? getIssue(
RepositorySlug slug, {
required int issueNumber,
}) {
return github.issues.get(slug, issueNumber);
/// Assign the issue to the assignee.
Future<void> assignIssue(
RepositorySlug slug, {
required int issueNumber,
required String assignee,
}) async {
await github.issues.edit(slug, issueNumber, IssueRequest(assignee: assignee));
Future<Issue> createIssue(
RepositorySlug slug, {
String? title,
String? body,
List<String>? labels,
String? assignee,
}) async {
return await github.issues.create(
IssueRequest(title: title, body: body, labels: labels, assignee: assignee),
Future<IssueComment?> createComment(
RepositorySlug slug, {
required int issueNumber,
required String body,
}) async {
return await github.issues.createComment(slug, issueNumber, body);
Future<List<IssueLabel>> replaceLabelsForIssue(
RepositorySlug slug, {
required int issueNumber,
required List<String> labels,
}) async {
final Response response = await github.request('PUT', '/repos/${slug.fullName}/issues/$issueNumber/labels',
body: GitHubJson.encode(labels));
final List<dynamic> body = jsonDecode(response.body) as List<dynamic>;
return it) => IssueLabel.fromJson(it as Map<String, dynamic>)).toList();
/// Returns changed files for a [PullRequest].
/// See more:
/// *
Future<List<String>> listFiles(PullRequest pullRequest) async {
final List<PullRequestFile> files =
await github.pullRequests.listFiles(pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug(), pullRequest.number!).toList();
log.fine('List of files: $files');
return file) {
return file.filename!;
/// Gets the file content as UTF8 string of the file specified by the `path`
/// in the repository.
Future<String> getFileContent(RepositorySlug slug, String path) async {
final RepositoryContents contents = await github.repositories.getContents(slug, path);
if (!contents.isFile) {
throw 'The path $path should point to a file, but it is not!';
final String content = utf8.decode(base64.decode(contents.file!.content!.replaceAll('\n', '')));
return content;
/// Gets the reference of a specific branch in the repository.
Future<GitReference> getReference(RepositorySlug slug, String ref) {
return github.git.getReference(slug, ref);
/// Returns JSON of the current GitHub API quota usage.
/// This does not consume any API usage.
/// Reference:
/// *
Future<RateLimit> getRateLimit() => github.misc.getRateLimit();
CurrentUser? _currentUser;
Future<CurrentUser?> _getCurrentUser() async {
_currentUser ??= await github.users.getCurrentUser();
return _currentUser;
Future<RepositorySlug> _getCurrentUserSlug(String repository) async {
return RepositorySlug((await _getCurrentUser())!.login!, repository);
String _generateNewRef() {
const String chars = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890';
final Random rnd = Random();
return String.fromCharCodes(Iterable<int>.generate(10, (_) => chars.codeUnitAt(rnd.nextInt(chars.length))));