blob: c78bf18a30d97b32e74103fce26cc24b73bf7207 [file] [log] [blame]
# For more information about the core and recommended set of lints, see
# For additional information about configuring this file, see
implicit-casts: false
implicit-dynamic: false
# treat missing required parameters as a warning (not a hint)
missing_required_param: warning
# treat missing returns as a warning (not a hint)
missing_return: warning
# allow having TODOs in the code
todo: ignore
# Ignore analyzer hints for updating pubspecs when using Future or
# Stream and not importing dart:async
# Please see for details.
sdk_version_async_exported_from_core: ignore
implicit_dynamic_parameter: info
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
# these rules are documented on and in the same order as
# the Dart Lint rules page to make maintenance easier
always_declare_return_types: true
always_put_control_body_on_new_line: true
# - always_put_required_named_parameters_first # we prefer having parameters in the same order as fields
always_require_non_null_named_parameters: true
always_specify_types: true
annotate_overrides: true
# - avoid_annotating_with_dynamic # conflicts with always_specify_types
# - avoid_as # incompatible with implicit-casts: false
avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions: true
# - avoid_catches_without_on_clauses # we do this commonly
# - avoid_catching_errors # we do this commonly
avoid_classes_with_only_static_members: true
# - avoid_double_and_int_checks # only useful when targeting JS runtime
avoid_empty_else: true
avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes: true
avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls: true
# - avoid_implementing_value_types # not yet tested
avoid_init_to_null: true
# - avoid_js_rounded_ints # only useful when targeting JS runtime
avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators: true
# - avoid_positional_boolean_parameters # not yet tested
# - avoid_private_typedef_functions # we prefer having typedef (discussion in
avoid_relative_lib_imports: true
avoid_renaming_method_parameters: true
avoid_return_types_on_setters: true
# - avoid_returning_null # there are plenty of valid reasons to return null
# - avoid_returning_null_for_future # not yet tested
avoid_returning_null_for_void: true
# - avoid_returning_this # there are plenty of valid reasons to return this
# - avoid_setters_without_getters # not yet tested
# - avoid_shadowing_type_parameters # not yet tested
# - avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements # not yet tested
avoid_slow_async_io: true
avoid_types_as_parameter_names: true
# - avoid_types_on_closure_parameters # conflicts with always_specify_types
avoid_unused_constructor_parameters: true
avoid_void_async: true
await_only_futures: true
camel_case_types: true
cancel_subscriptions: true
# - cascade_invocations # not yet tested
# - close_sinks # not reliable enough
# - comment_references # blocked on
# - constant_identifier_names # needs an opt-out
control_flow_in_finally: true
curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures: true
# - diagnostic_describe_all_properties # not yet tested
directives_ordering: true
empty_catches: true
empty_constructor_bodies: true
empty_statements: true
# - file_names # not yet tested
flutter_style_todos: true
hash_and_equals: true
implementation_imports: true
# - invariant_booleans # too many false positives:
iterable_contains_unrelated_type: true
# - join_return_with_assignment # not yet tested
library_names: true
library_prefixes: true
# - lines_longer_than_80_chars # not yet tested
list_remove_unrelated_type: true
# - literal_only_boolean_expressions # too many false positives:
no_adjacent_strings_in_list: true
no_duplicate_case_values: true
non_constant_identifier_names: true
# - null_closures # not yet tested
# - omit_local_variable_types # opposite of always_specify_types
# - one_member_abstracts # too many false positives
# - only_throw_errors #
overridden_fields: true
package_api_docs: true
package_names: true
package_prefixed_library_names: true
# - parameter_assignments # we do this commonly
prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation: true
prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists: true
# - prefer_asserts_with_message # not yet tested
prefer_collection_literals: true
prefer_conditional_assignment: true
prefer_const_constructors: true
prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables: true
prefer_const_declarations: true
prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables: true
# - prefer_constructors_over_static_methods # not yet tested
prefer_contains: true
# - prefer_double_quotes # opposite of prefer_single_quotes
prefer_equal_for_default_values: true
# - prefer_expression_function_bodies # conflicts with
prefer_final_fields: true
# - prefer_final_in_for_each # not yet tested
prefer_final_locals: true
# - prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromIterable # not yet tested
prefer_foreach: true
# - prefer_function_declarations_over_variables # not yet tested
prefer_generic_function_type_aliases: true
# - prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions # not yet tested
prefer_if_null_operators: true
prefer_initializing_formals: true
prefer_inlined_adds: true
# - prefer_int_literals # not yet tested
# - prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings # not yet tested
prefer_is_empty: true
prefer_is_not_empty: true
prefer_iterable_whereType: true
# - prefer_mixin #
# - prefer_null_aware_operators # disable until NNBD, see
prefer_relative_imports: true
prefer_single_quotes: true
prefer_spread_collections: true
prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables: true
prefer_void_to_null: true
# - provide_deprecation_message # not yet tested
# - public_member_api_docs # enabled on a case-by-case basis; see e.g. packages/analysis_options.yaml
recursive_getters: true
slash_for_doc_comments: true
# - sort_child_properties_last # not yet tested
sort_constructors_first: true
sort_pub_dependencies: true
sort_unnamed_constructors_first: true
test_types_in_equals: true
throw_in_finally: true
# - type_annotate_public_apis # subset of always_specify_types
type_init_formals: true
unawaited_futures: true
# - unnecessary_await_in_return # not yet tested
unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps: true
unnecessary_const: true
unnecessary_getters_setters: true
# - unnecessary_lambdas # has false positives:
unnecessary_new: true
unnecessary_null_aware_assignments: true
unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators: true
unnecessary_overrides: true
unnecessary_parenthesis: true
unnecessary_statements: true
unnecessary_this: true
unrelated_type_equality_checks: true
# - unsafe_html # not yet tested
use_full_hex_values_for_flutter_colors: true
# - use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters # not yet tested
use_rethrow_when_possible: true
# - use_setters_to_change_properties # not yet tested
# - use_string_buffers # has false positives:
# - use_to_and_as_if_applicable # has false positives, so we prefer to catch this by code-review
valid_regexps: true
# - void_checks # not yet tested