blob: eeadaf68c92c62a30b4492711f763971f98d7106 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:cocoon_service/cocoon_service.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/luci/pubsub_message_v2.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handlers/scheduler/scheduler_request_subscription.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:buildbucket/buildbucket_pb.dart' as bbv2;
import '../../src/datastore/fake_config.dart';
import '../../src/request_handling/fake_authentication.dart';
import '../../src/request_handling/fake_http.dart';
import '../../src/request_handling/subscription_v2_tester.dart';
import '../../src/utilities/mocks.dart';
void main() {
late SchedulerRequestSubscriptionV2 handler;
late SubscriptionV2Tester tester;
late MockBuildBucketV2Client buildBucketV2Client;
setUp(() async {
buildBucketV2Client = MockBuildBucketV2Client();
handler = SchedulerRequestSubscriptionV2(
cache: CacheService(inMemory: true),
config: FakeConfig(),
authProvider: FakeAuthenticationProvider(),
buildBucketClient: buildBucketV2Client,
retryOptions: const RetryOptions(
maxAttempts: 3,
tester = SubscriptionV2Tester(
request: FakeHttpRequest(),
test('throws exception when BatchRequest cannot be decoded', () async {
tester.message = const PushMessageV2();
expect(() =>, throwsA(isA<BadRequestException>()));
test('schedules request to buildbucket using v2', () async {
final bbv2.BuilderID responseBuilderID = bbv2.BuilderID();
responseBuilderID.builder = 'Linux A';
final bbv2.Build responseBuild = bbv2.Build(); = Int64(12345);
responseBuild.builder = responseBuilderID;
// has a list of BatchResponse_Response
final bbv2.BatchResponse batchResponse = bbv2.BatchResponse();
final bbv2.BatchResponse_Response batchResponseResponse = bbv2.BatchResponse_Response();
batchResponseResponse.scheduleBuild = responseBuild;
when(buildBucketV2Client.batch(any)).thenAnswer((_) async => batchResponse);
// We cannot construct the object manually with the protos as we cannot write out
// the json with all the required double quotes and testing fails.
const String messageData = '''
"requests": [
"scheduleBuild": {
"builder": {
"builder": "Linux A"
const PushMessageV2 pushMessageV2 = PushMessageV2(data: messageData, messageId: '798274983');
tester.message = pushMessageV2;
final Body body = await;
expect(body, Body.empty);
test('retries schedule build if no response comes back', () async {
final bbv2.BuilderID responseBuilderID = bbv2.BuilderID();
responseBuilderID.builder = 'Linux A';
final bbv2.Build responseBuild = bbv2.Build(); = Int64(12345);
responseBuild.builder = responseBuilderID;
// has a list of BatchResponse_Response
final bbv2.BatchResponse batchResponse = bbv2.BatchResponse();
final bbv2.BatchResponse_Response batchResponseResponse = bbv2.BatchResponse_Response();
batchResponseResponse.scheduleBuild = responseBuild;
int attempt = 0;
when(buildBucketV2Client.batch(any)).thenAnswer((_) async {
attempt += 1;
if (attempt == 2) {
return batchResponse;
return bbv2.BatchResponse().createEmptyInstance();
const String messageData = '''
"requests": [
"scheduleBuild": {
"builder": {
"builder": "Linux A"
const PushMessageV2 pushMessageV2 = PushMessageV2(data: messageData, messageId: '798274983');
tester.message = pushMessageV2;
final Body body = await;
expect(body, Body.empty);
expect(verify(buildBucketV2Client.batch(any)).callCount, 2);
test('acking message and logging error when no response comes back after retry limit', () async {
when(buildBucketV2Client.batch(any)).thenAnswer((_) async {
return bbv2.BatchResponse().createEmptyInstance();
const String messageData = '''
"requests": [
"scheduleBuild": {
"builder": {
"builder": "Linux A"
const PushMessageV2 pushMessageV2 = PushMessageV2(data: messageData, messageId: '798274983');
tester.message = pushMessageV2;
final Body body = await;
expect(body, isNotNull);
expect(verify(buildBucketV2Client.batch(any)).callCount, 3);