Remove obsolete branch doc (#2252)

diff --git a/app_dart/ b/app_dart/
index 5339528..8260db7 100644
--- a/app_dart/
+++ b/app_dart/
@@ -164,9 +164,3 @@
 $ dart dev/deploy.dart --help
-### Branching support for flutter repo
-Add targeted branches in `dev/branches.txt`, based on which cocoon API filters targeted branches and then runs tests on those branches. With tests running against different branches, the frontend then supports listing commits on a specific branch (defaulting to master).
-Once the PR has merged, go to to flush the cache and have the latest change take effect. Otherwise, it can take 12 hours for it to propagate. Ensure you are signed into [cocoon dashboard]( otherwise it will throw a 403.