blob: 5b88e0762dabac9c0bf577620b900b0a957b49ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'commit.dart';
import 'key_converter.dart';
part 'task.g.dart';
/// Class that represents the intersection of a test at a particular [Commit].
/// Tasks are tests that have been run N (possibly zero) times against a
/// particular commit.
@JsonSerializable(createFactory: false, ignoreUnannotated: true)
@Kind(name: 'Task')
class Task extends Model {
/// Creates a new [Task].
Key key,
this.createTimestamp = 0,
this.startTimestamp = 0,
this.endTimestamp = 0,,
this.attempts = 0,
this.isFlaky = false,
this.reason = '',
this.reservedForAgentId = '',
String status,
}) : _status = status {
if (status != null && !legalStatusValues.contains(status)) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid state: "$status"');
parentKey = key?.parent;
id = key?.id;
/// The task is yet to be run.
static const String statusNew = 'New';
/// The task is currently running.
static const String statusInProgress = 'In Progress';
/// The task was run successfully.
static const String statusSucceeded = 'Succeeded';
/// The task failed to run successfully.
static const String statusFailed = 'Failed';
/// The task was skipped or canceled while running.
/// This status is only used by LUCI tasks.
static const String statusSkipped = 'Skipped';
/// The list of legal values for the [status] property.
static const List<String> legalStatusValues = <String>[
/// The key of the commit that owns this task.
@ModelKeyProperty(propertyName: 'ChecklistKey', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'ChecklistKey')
Key commitKey;
/// The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) that this task was
/// created.
/// This is _not_ when the task first started running, as tasks start out in
/// the 'New' state until they've been picked up by an [Agent].
@IntProperty(propertyName: 'CreateTimestamp', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'CreateTimestamp')
int createTimestamp;
/// The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) that this task started
/// running.
/// Tasks may be run more than once. If this task has been run more than
/// once, this timestamp represents when the task was most recently started.
@IntProperty(propertyName: 'StartTimestamp', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'StartTimestamp')
int startTimestamp;
/// The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) that this task last
/// finished running.
@IntProperty(propertyName: 'EndTimestamp', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'EndTimestamp')
int endTimestamp;
/// The name of the task.
/// This is a human-readable name, typically a test name (e.g.
/// "hello_world__memory").
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Name', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Name')
String name;
/// The number of attempts that have been made to run this task successfully.
/// New tasks that have not yet been picked up by an [Agent] will have zero
/// attempts.
@IntProperty(propertyName: 'Attempts', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Attempts')
int attempts;
/// Whether this task has been marked flaky by the devicelab manifest.
/// See also:
/// * <>
@BoolProperty(propertyName: 'Flaky')
@JsonKey(name: 'Flaky')
bool isFlaky;
/// The timeout of the task, or zero if the task has no timeout.
@IntProperty(propertyName: 'TimeoutInMinutes', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'TimeoutInMinutes')
int timeoutInMinutes;
/// Currently unset and unused.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Reason')
@JsonKey(name: 'Reason')
String reason;
/// The list of capabilities that agents are required to have to run this
/// task.
/// See also:
/// * [Agent.capabilities], which list the capabilities of an agent.
@StringListProperty(propertyName: 'RequiredCapabilities')
@JsonKey(name: 'RequiredCapabilities')
List<String> requiredCapabilities;
/// Set to the ID of the agent that's responsible for running this task.
/// This will be null until an agent has reserved this task.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'ReservedForAgentID')
@JsonKey(name: 'ReservedForAgentID')
String reservedForAgentId;
/// The name of the [Stage] that groups this task with other tasks that are
/// related to it.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'StageName', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'StageName')
String stageName;
/// The status of the task.
/// Legal values and their meanings are defined in [legalStatusValues].
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Status', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Status')
String get status => _status;
String _status;
set status(String value) {
if (!legalStatusValues.contains(value)) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid state: "$value"');
_status = value;
/// Comparator that sorts tasks by fewest attempts first.
static int byAttempts(Task a, Task b) => a.attempts.compareTo(b.attempts);
/// Serializes this object to a JSON primitive.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$TaskToJson(this);
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..write('id: $id')
..write(', parentKey: ${parentKey?.id}')
..write(', key: ${parentKey == null ? null :}')
..write(', commitKey: ${commitKey?.id}')
..write(', createTimestamp: $createTimestamp')
..write(', startTimestamp: $startTimestamp')
..write(', endTimestamp: $endTimestamp')
..write(', name: $name')
..write(', attempts: $attempts')
..write(', isFlaky: $isFlaky')
..write(', timeoutInMinutes: $timeoutInMinutes')
..write(', reason: $reason')
..write(', requiredCapabilities: $requiredCapabilities')
..write(', reservedForAgentId: $reservedForAgentId')
..write(', stageName: $stageName')
..write(', status: $status')
return buf.toString();
/// The serialized representation of a [Task].
// TODO(tvolkert): Directly serialize [Task] once frontends migrate to new serialization format.
@JsonSerializable(createFactory: false)
class SerializableTask {
const SerializableTask(this.task);
@JsonKey(name: 'Task')
final Task task;
@JsonKey(name: 'Key')
Key get key => task.key;
/// Serializes this object to a JSON primitive.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$SerializableTaskToJson(this);
/// A [Task], paired with its associated parent [Commit].
/// The [Task] model object references its parent [Commit] through the
/// [Task.commitKey] field, but it does not hold a reference to the associated
/// [Commit] object (just the relational mapping). This class exists for those
/// times when the caller has loaded the associated commit from the datastore
/// and would like to pass both the task its commit around.
class FullTask {
/// Creates a new [FullTask].
const FullTask(this.task, this.commit)
: assert(task != null),
assert(commit != null);
/// The [Task] object.
final Task task;
/// The [Commit] object references by this [task]'s [Task.commitKey].
final Commit commit;