blob: 46f72dffa7ed4505e1c10b8fb7538ef9cf91e843 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:appengine/appengine.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../datastore/cocoon_config.dart';
import 'body.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
/// A class that services HTTP requests and returns HTTP responses.
/// `T` is the type of object that is returned as the body of the HTTP response
/// (before serialization). Subclasses whose HTTP responses don't include a
/// body should extend `RequestHandler<Body>` and return null in their service
/// handlers ([get] and [post]).
abstract class RequestHandler<T extends Body> {
/// Creates a new [RequestHandler].
const RequestHandler({
@required this.config,
}) : assert(config != null);
/// The global configuration of this AppEngine server.
final Config config;
/// Services an HTTP request.
/// Subclasses should generally not override this method. Instead, they
/// should override one of [get] or [post], depending on which methods
/// they support.
Future<void> service(HttpRequest request) {
return runZoned<Future<void>>(() async {
final HttpResponse response = request.response;
try {
try {
T body;
switch (request.method) {
case 'GET':
body = await get();
case 'POST':
body = await post();
throw MethodNotAllowed(request.method);
assert(body != null);
await _respond(body: body);
} on HttpStatusException {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
throw InternalServerError('$error\n$stackTrace');
} on HttpStatusException catch (error) {
..statusCode = error.statusCode
await response.flush();
await response.close();
}, zoneValues: <RequestKey<dynamic>, Object>{
RequestKey.request: request,
RequestKey.response: request.response,
RequestKey.log: loggingService,
RequestKey.httpClient: httpClient ?? http.Client(),
/// Responds (using [response]) with the specified [status] and optional
/// [body].
/// Returns a future that completes when [response] has been closed.
Future<void> _respond(
{int status = HttpStatus.ok, Body body = Body.empty}) async {
assert(status != null);
assert(body != null);
response.statusCode = status;
await response.addStream(body.serialize());
await response.flush();
await response.close();
/// Gets the value associated with the specified [key] in the request
/// context.
/// Concrete subclasses should not call this directly. Instead, they should
/// access the getters that are tied to specific keys, such as [request]
/// and [response].
/// If this is called outside the context of an HTTP request, this will
/// throw a [StateError].
T getValue<T>(RequestKey<T> key, {bool allowNull = false}) {
final T value = Zone.current[key] as T;
if (!allowNull && value == null) {
throw StateError(
'Attempt to access ${} while not in a request context');
return value;
/// Gets the current [HttpRequest].
/// If this is called outside the context of an HTTP request, this will
/// throw a [StateError].
HttpRequest get request => getValue<HttpRequest>(RequestKey.request);
/// Gets the current [HttpResponse].
/// If this is called outside the context of an HTTP request, this will
/// throw a [StateError].
HttpResponse get response => getValue<HttpResponse>(RequestKey.response);
/// Gets the current [Logging] instance.
/// If this is called outside the context of an HTTP request, this will
/// throw a [StateError].
Logging get log => getValue<Logging>(RequestKey.log);
/// Services an HTTP GET.
/// Subclasses should override this method if they support GET requests.
/// The default implementation will respond with HTTP 405 method not allowed.
Future<T> get() async {
throw const MethodNotAllowed('GET');
/// Services an HTTP POST.
/// Subclasses should override this method if they support POST requests.
/// The default implementation will respond with HTTP 405 method not allowed.
Future<T> post() async {
throw const MethodNotAllowed('POST');
/// The package:http Client to use for googleapis requests.
http.Client get httpClient => getValue<http.Client>(
allowNull: true,
/// A key that can be used to index a value within the request context.
/// Subclasses will only need to deal directly with this class if they add
/// their own request context values.
class RequestKey<T> {
const RequestKey(;
final String name;
static const RequestKey<HttpRequest> request =
static const RequestKey<HttpResponse> response =
static const RequestKey<Logging> log = RequestKey<Logging>('log');
static const RequestKey<http.Client> httpClient =
String toString() => '$runtimeType($name)';