blob: e14e16e54ae3b2d02f483e21b5aaebcb8b70d2a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/commit.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/time_series.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/time_series_value.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handlers/get_benchmarks.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handling/body.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/datastore.dart';
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../src/datastore/fake_cocoon_config.dart';
import '../src/request_handling/fake_authentication.dart';
import '../src/request_handling/fake_http.dart';
import '../src/request_handling/request_handler_tester.dart';
void main() {
group('GetBenchmarks', () {
FakeConfig config;
FakeClientContext clientContext;
FakeKeyHelper keyHelper;
RequestHandlerTester tester;
GetBenchmarks handler;
Future<T> decodeHandlerBody<T>() async {
final Body body = await tester.get(handler);
return await utf8.decoder
.single as T;
setUp(() {
clientContext = FakeClientContext();
keyHelper =
FakeKeyHelper(applicationContext: clientContext.applicationContext);
tester = RequestHandlerTester();
config =
FakeConfig(keyHelperValue: keyHelper, defaultBranchValue: 'master');
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
test('returns empty when no commits exist', () async {
config.maxRecordsValue = 2;
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await decodeHandlerBody();
expect(result['Benchmarks'].length, 0);
'returns all available data when there are less commits than the maxRecordsValue',
() async {
config.maxRecordsValue = 2;
final TimeSeries timeSeries = TimeSeries(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(TimeSeries, id: 'test.test1'));
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue1 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 1),
value: 1,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit1 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'abc'),
timestamp: 1,
branch: 'master');
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue1.key] = timeSeriesValue1;
config.db.values[timeSeries.key] = timeSeries;
config.db.values[commit1.key] = commit1;
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await decodeHandlerBody();
final List<dynamic> benchmarks = result['Benchmarks'] as List<dynamic>;
final Map<String, dynamic> benchmark =
benchmarks.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
expect(benchmark['Values'].length, 1);
test('returns only maxRecordsValue commits even though there are more',
() async {
config.maxRecordsValue = 2;
final TimeSeries timeSeries = TimeSeries(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(TimeSeries, id: 'test.test1'));
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue1 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 1),
value: 1,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit1 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'abc'),
timestamp: 1,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit2 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'def'),
timestamp: 2,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit3 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'ghi'),
timestamp: 3,
branch: 'master');
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue1.key] = timeSeriesValue1;
config.db.values[timeSeries.key] = timeSeries;
config.db.values[commit1.key] = commit1;
config.db.values[commit2.key] = commit2;
config.db.values[commit3.key] = commit3;
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await decodeHandlerBody();
final List<dynamic> benchmarks = result['Benchmarks'] as List<dynamic>;
final Map<String, dynamic> benchmark =
benchmarks.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
expect(benchmark['Values'].length, 2);
/// This is for case where there are more release branch commits than the [maxRecordsValue]
test('returns only release branch commits - with input branch', () async {
config.maxRecordsValue = 1;
final TimeSeries timeSeries = TimeSeries(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(TimeSeries, id: 'test.test1'));
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue1 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 123),
value: 1,
branch: 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1');
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue2 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 456),
value: 2,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit1 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'abc'),
timestamp: 1,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit2 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'ghi'),
timestamp: 3,
branch: 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1');
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue1.key] = timeSeriesValue1;
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue2.key] = timeSeriesValue2;
config.db.values[timeSeries.key] = timeSeries;
config.db.values[commit1.key] = commit1;
config.db.values[commit2.key] = commit2;
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
const String branch = 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1';
tester.request = FakeHttpRequest(queryParametersValue: <String, String>{
GetBenchmarks.branchParam: branch,
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await decodeHandlerBody();
final List<dynamic> benchmarks = result['Benchmarks'] as List<dynamic>;
final Map<String, dynamic> benchmark =
benchmarks.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
expect(benchmark['Values'].length, 1);
final List<dynamic> timeSeriesValues =
benchmark['Values'] as List<dynamic>;
/// Value of 1.0 corresponds to the case of [timeSeriesValue1] whose branch
/// is `flutter-1.1-candidate.1`.
expect(timeSeriesValues[0]['Value'], 1.0);
/// This is for case when there are less release branch commits than [maxRecordsValue]
test('returns both release and master branch commits - with input branch',
() async {
config.maxRecordsValue = 2;
final TimeSeries timeSeries = TimeSeries(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(TimeSeries, id: 'test.test1'));
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue1 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 123),
value: 1,
branch: 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1');
final TimeSeriesValue timeSeriesValue2 = TimeSeriesValue(
key: timeSeries.key.append(TimeSeriesValue, id: 456),
value: 2,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit1 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'abc'),
timestamp: 1,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit2 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'def'),
timestamp: 2,
branch: 'master');
final Commit commit3 = Commit(
key: config.db.emptyKey.append(Commit, id: 'ghi'),
timestamp: 3,
branch: 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1');
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue1.key] = timeSeriesValue1;
config.db.values[timeSeriesValue2.key] = timeSeriesValue2;
config.db.values[timeSeries.key] = timeSeries;
config.db.values[commit1.key] = commit1;
config.db.values[commit2.key] = commit2;
config.db.values[commit3.key] = commit3;
handler = GetBenchmarks(
datastoreProvider: (DatastoreDB db) => DatastoreService(config.db, 5),
const String branch = 'flutter-1.1-candidate.1';
tester.request = FakeHttpRequest(queryParametersValue: <String, String>{
GetBenchmarks.branchParam: branch,
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await decodeHandlerBody();
final List<dynamic> benchmarks = result['Benchmarks'] as List<dynamic>;
final Map<String, dynamic> benchmark =
benchmarks.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
expect(benchmark['Values'].length, 2);
final List<dynamic> timeSeriesValues =
benchmark['Values'] as List<dynamic>;
/// Value of 1.0 corresponds to the case of [timeSeriesValue1] whose branch
/// is `flutter-1.1-candidate.1`, whereas value of 2.0 corresponds to the case
/// of [timeSeriesValue2] whose branch is `master`. When we inject [branchParam]
/// with value `flutter-1.1-candidate.1`, it will return the [commit] list of
/// `flutter-1.1-candidate.1` first, and then append [commit] list of `master`.
expect(timeSeriesValues[0]['Value'], 1.0);
expect(timeSeriesValues[1]['Value'], 2.0);