blob: 84e86a985c6638fd5ee5ce9b771dca26ba125086 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
part 'time_series.g.dart';
/// Class that represents a quantifiable metric that is tracked at every commit
/// for the Flutter benchmarks.
/// Values in a series are stored in [TimeSeriesValue], whose keys are
/// children of [TimeSeries] keys.
@JsonSerializable(ignoreUnannotated: true)
@Kind(name: 'Timeseries', idType: IdType.String)
class TimeSeries extends Model {
/// Creates a new [TimeSeries].
Key key,
this.archived = false,
this.baseline = 0,
this.goal = 0,
}) {
parentKey = key?.parent;
id = key?.id;
factory TimeSeries.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// Whether the series has been archived and is no longer active.
@BoolProperty(propertyName: 'Archived', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Archived')
bool archived;
/// The metric value that defines the baseline for this series.
/// Values above this baseline will be flagged in the Flutter dashboard as
/// needing attention.
@DoubleProperty(propertyName: 'Baseline')
@JsonKey(name: 'Baseline')
double baseline;
/// The metric value that the series is striving to achieve.
@DoubleProperty(propertyName: 'Goal', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Goal')
double goal;
/// The identifier of the series.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'ID', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'ID')
String timeSeriesId;
/// The human readable name of the series (e.g. "aot_snapshot_build_millis").
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Label', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Label')
String label;
/// The name of the [Task] whose execution records values for this series.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'TaskName')
@JsonKey(name: 'TaskName')
String taskName;
/// The unit of measurement against which values in this series are applied
/// (e.g. "ms", "bytes").
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Unit', required: true)
@JsonKey(name: 'Unit')
String unit;
/// Serializes this object to a JSON primitive.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$TimeSeriesToJson(this);
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..write('id: $id')
..write(', parentKey: ${parentKey?.id}')
..write(', key: ${parentKey == null ? null :}')
..write(', archived: $archived')
..write(', baseline: $baseline')
..write(', goal: $goal')
..write(', timeSeriesId: $timeSeriesId')
..write(', label: $label')
..write(', taskName: $taskName')
..write(', unit: $unit')
return buf.toString();