blob: f72c35734d81ab0f88434445eae58e23d18ee4da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../model/luci/push_message.dart';
import '../request_handling/authentication.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/subscription_handler.dart';
import '../service/buildbucket.dart';
import '../service/github_checks_service.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
import '../service/luci_build_service.dart';
/// An endpoint for listening to LUCI status updates for scheduled builds.
/// [ScheduleBuildRequest.notify] property is set to tell LUCI to use this
/// PubSub topic. LUCI then publishes updates about build status to that topic,
/// which we listen to on the github-updater subscription. When new messages
/// arrive, they are posted to this web service.
/// The PubSub subscription is set up here:
/// This endpoint is responsible for updating GitHub with the status of
/// completed builds from LUCI.
class PresubmitLuciSubscription extends SubscriptionHandler {
/// Creates an endpoint for listening to LUCI status updates.
const PresubmitLuciSubscription({
required super.cache,
required super.config,
required this.buildBucketClient,
required this.luciBuildService,
required this.githubChecksService,
AuthenticationProvider? authProvider,
}) : super(subscriptionName: 'github-updater');
final BuildBucketClient buildBucketClient;
final LuciBuildService luciBuildService;
final GithubChecksService githubChecksService;
Future<Body> post() async {
RepositorySlug slug;
final BuildPushMessage buildPushMessage = BuildPushMessage.fromPushMessage(message);
final Build build =!;
final String builderName = build.tagsByName('builder').single;
log.fine('Available tags: ${build.tags.toString()}');
// Skip status update if we can not get the sha tag.
if (build.tagsByName('buildset').isEmpty) {
log.warning('Buildset tag not included, skipping Status Updates');
return Body.empty;
log.fine('Setting status: ${buildPushMessage.toJson()} for $builderName');
if (buildPushMessage.userData.containsKey('repo_owner') && buildPushMessage.userData.containsKey('repo_name')) {
// Message is coming from a github checks api enabled repo. We need to
// create the slug from the data in the message and send the check status
// update.
slug = RepositorySlug(
buildPushMessage.userData['repo_owner'] as String,
buildPushMessage.userData['repo_name'] as String,
await githubChecksService.updateCheckStatus(
} else {
log.shout('This repo does not support checks API');
return Body.empty;