blob: 7880c358f4a3643c4acde8c336e6063bcacb39ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import 'package:github/hooks.dart';
import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/logging.dart';
/// Wrapper class for github checkrun service. This is used to simplify
/// mocking during testing because some of the subclasses are private.
class GithubChecksUtil {
const GithubChecksUtil();
Future<Map<String, github.CheckRun>> allCheckRuns(
github.GitHub gitHubClient,
CheckSuiteEvent checkSuiteEvent,
) async {
final List<github.CheckRun> allCheckRuns = await gitHubClient.checks.checkRuns
checkSuiteId: checkSuiteEvent.checkSuite!.id!,
return {for (github.CheckRun check in allCheckRuns) as String: check};
Future<github.CheckSuite> getCheckSuite(
github.GitHub gitHubClient,
github.RepositorySlug slug,
int checkSuiteId,
) async {
return gitHubClient.checks.checkSuites.getCheckSuite(
checkSuiteId: checkSuiteId,
/// Finds all check suites that are associated with a given git [ref].
Future<List<github.CheckSuite>> listCheckSuitesForRef(
github.GitHub gitHubClient,
github.RepositorySlug slug, {
required String ref,
int? appId,
String? checkName,
}) async {
const RetryOptions r = RetryOptions(
maxAttempts: 3,
delayFactor: Duration(seconds: 2),
return r.retry(
() async {
return gitHubClient.checks.checkSuites
ref: ref,
appId: appId,
checkName: checkName,
retryIf: (Exception e) => e is github.GitHubError || e is SocketException,
/// Sends a request to github checks api to update a [CheckRun] with a given
/// [status] and [conclusion].
Future<void> updateCheckRun(
Config config,
github.RepositorySlug slug,
github.CheckRun checkRun, {
github.CheckRunStatus status = github.CheckRunStatus.queued,
github.CheckRunConclusion? conclusion,
String? detailsUrl,
github.CheckRunOutput? output,
}) async {
const RetryOptions r = RetryOptions(
maxAttempts: 3,
delayFactor: Duration(seconds: 2),
return r.retry(
() async {
final github.GitHub gitHubClient = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
await gitHubClient.checks.checkRuns.updateCheckRun(
status: status,
conclusion: conclusion,
detailsUrl: detailsUrl,
output: output,
retryIf: (Exception e) => e is github.GitHubError || e is SocketException,
Future<github.CheckRun> getCheckRun(
Config config,
github.RepositorySlug slug,
int? id,
) async {
const RetryOptions r = RetryOptions(
maxAttempts: 3,
delayFactor: Duration(seconds: 2),
return r.retry(
() async {
final github.GitHub gitHubClient = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
return gitHubClient.checks.checkRuns.getCheckRun(
checkRunId: id!,
retryIf: (Exception e) => e is github.GitHubError || e is SocketException,
/// Sends a request to GitHub's Checks API to create a new [github.CheckRun].
/// The newly created checkrun will be associated in [slug] to [sha] as [name].
/// Optionally, will have [output] to give information to users.
Future<github.CheckRun> createCheckRun(
Config config,
github.RepositorySlug slug,
String sha,
String name, {
github.CheckRunOutput? output,
}) async {
const RetryOptions r = RetryOptions(
maxAttempts: 3,
delayFactor: Duration(seconds: 2),
return r.retry(
() async {
return _createCheckRun(
output: output,
retryIf: (Exception e) => true,
onRetry: (Exception e) => log.warning(
'createCheckRun fails for slug: ${slug.fullName}, sha: $sha, name: $name. Exception: ${e.toString()}',
Future<github.CheckRun> _createCheckRun(
Config config,
github.RepositorySlug slug,
String sha,
String name, {
github.CheckRunOutput? output,
}) async {
final github.GitHub gitHubClient = await config.createGitHubClient(slug: slug);
return gitHubClient.checks.checkRuns.createCheckRun(
name: name,
headSha: sha,
output: output,