blob: 824a0c774152942995ddaa1009eb69066b47c548 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import '../service/cache_service.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
/// Trigger a cache flush on a config key and return empty response if successful.
/// If [cacheKeyParam] is not passed, throws [BadRequestException].
/// If the cache does not have the given key, throws [NotFoundException].
class FlushCache extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const FlushCache({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
required this.cache,
final CacheService cache;
/// Name of the query parameter passed to the endpoint.
/// The value is expected to be an existing value from [CocoonConfig].
static const String cacheKeyParam = 'key';
Future<Body> get() async {
final String cacheKey = request!.uri.queryParameters[cacheKeyParam]!;
// To validate cache flushes, validate that the key exists.
await cache.getOrCreate(
createFn: () => throw NotFoundException('Failed to find cache key: $cacheKey'),
await cache.purge(Config.configCacheName, cacheKey);
return Body.empty;