blob: 22ba6376424c9e5a5b16291538dd77ab656cec7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:auto_submit/service/log.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import '../configuration/repository_configuration.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
/// Function signature for a [ApproverService] provider.
typedef ApproverServiceProvider = ApproverService Function(Config config);
/// Provides github PR approval services.
class ApproverService {
const ApproverService(this.config);
final Config config;
/// Creates and returns a [ApproverService] using [config].
static ApproverService defaultProvider(Config config) {
return ApproverService(config);
/// Get the auto approval accounts from the configuration is any are supplied.
Future<Set<String>> getAutoApprovalAccounts(github.RepositorySlug slug) async {
final RepositoryConfiguration repositoryConfiguration = await config.getRepositoryConfiguration(slug);
final Set<String> approvalAccounts = repositoryConfiguration.autoApprovalAccounts;
return approvalAccounts;
Future<void> autoApproval(github.PullRequest pullRequest) async {
final String? author = pullRequest.user!.login;
final int prNumber = pullRequest.number!;
final github.RepositorySlug slug = pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final Set<String> approvalAccounts =
await getAutoApprovalAccounts(github.RepositorySlug.full(pullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName));'Determining auto approval of $author on ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber.');
// If there are auto_approvers let them approve the pull request.
if (!approvalAccounts.contains(author)) {'Auto-review ignored for $author on ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber.');
} else {'Auto approval detected on ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber.');
await _approve(pullRequest, author);
Future<void> _approve(github.PullRequest pullRequest, String? author) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = pullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final github.GitHub botClient = await config.createFlutterGitHubBotClient(slug);
final Stream<github.PullRequestReview> reviews = botClient.pullRequests.listReviews(slug, pullRequest.number!);
// TODO(ricardoamador) this will need to be refactored to make this code more general and
// not applicable to only flutter.
await for (github.PullRequestReview review in reviews) {
if (review.user.login == 'fluttergithubbot' && review.state == 'APPROVED') {
// Already approved.
final github.CreatePullRequestReview review =
github.CreatePullRequestReview(slug.owner,, pullRequest.number!, 'APPROVE');
await botClient.pullRequests.createReview(slug, review);'Review for ${slug.fullName}/${pullRequest.number} complete');