blob: ee87b0f03394e57b3bff6d76dd77a8bad76e8857 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:auto_submit/configuration/repository_configuration.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/config.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/model/auto_submit_query_result.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/github_service.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/validations/validation.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import '../service/log.dart';
/// Validates that a PR has been approved in accordance with the flutter code
/// review guidelines.
class Approval extends Validation {
required super.config,
String get name => 'Approval';
/// Implements the code review approval logic.
Future<ValidationResult> validate(QueryResult result, github.PullRequest messagePullRequest) async {
final PullRequest pullRequest = result.repository!.pullRequest!;
final String? author =!.login;
final List<ReviewNode> reviews =!.nodes!;
final github.RepositorySlug slug = github.RepositorySlug.full(messagePullRequest.base!.repo!.fullName);
final RepositoryConfiguration repositoryConfiguration = await config.getRepositoryConfiguration(slug);
bool approved = false;
String message = '';
Action action = Action.REMOVE_LABEL;
if (repositoryConfiguration.autoApprovalAccounts.contains(author)) {'PR ${slug.fullName}/${messagePullRequest.number} approved for roller account: $author');
return ValidationResult(true, Action.REMOVE_LABEL, '');
} else {
final GithubService githubService = await config.createGithubService(slug);
final bool authorIsFlutterHacker =
await githubService.isTeamMember(repositoryConfiguration.approvalGroup, author!, slug.owner);
final Approver approver = Approver(
await approver.computeApproval();
approved = approver.approved;
'PR ${slug.fullName}/${messagePullRequest.number} approved $approved, approvers: ${approver.approvers}, remaining approvals: ${approver.remainingReviews}, request authors: ${approver.changeRequestAuthors}',
String approvedMessage;
final String flutterHackerMessage = (authorIsFlutterHacker)
? 'You are a member of ${repositoryConfiguration.approvalGroup}'
: 'You are not a member of ${repositoryConfiguration.approvalGroup}';
// Changes were requested, review count does not matter.
if (approver.changeRequestAuthors.isNotEmpty) {
approved = false;
approvedMessage =
'This PR has not met approval requirements for merging. Changes were requested by ${approver.changeRequestAuthors}, please make the needed changes and resubmit this PR.\n'
'$flutterHackerMessage and need ${approver.remainingReviews} more review(s) in order to merge this PR.\n';
} else {
// No changes were requested so check approval count.
approvedMessage = approved
? 'This PR has met approval requirements for merging.\n'
: 'This PR has not met approval requirements for merging. $flutterHackerMessage and need ${approver.remainingReviews} more review(s) in order to merge this PR.\n';
if (!approved && authorIsFlutterHacker) {
// Flutter hackers are aware of the review requirements, and can add
// the autosubmit label without waiting on review.
message = approved ? approvedMessage : '$approvedMessage\n${Config.pullRequestApprovalRequirementsMessage}';
return ValidationResult(approved, action, message);
class Approver {
final github.RepositorySlug slug;
final RepositoryConfiguration repositoryConfiguration;
final GithubService githubService;
final String? author;
final List<ReviewNode> reviews;
bool _approved = false;
int _remainingReviews = 2;
final Set<String?> _approvers = <String?>{};
final Set<String?> _changeRequestAuthors = <String?>{};
final Set<String?> _reviewAuthors = <String?>{};
bool get approved => _approved;
int get remainingReviews => _remainingReviews;
Set<String?> get approvers => _approvers;
Set<String?> get changeRequestAuthors => _changeRequestAuthors;
/// Parses the restApi response reviews.
/// If author is a of the defined approval group then it only requires a
/// single review from another approval group member. If the author is not a
/// member of the approval group then it will require two reviews from members
/// of the approval group.
/// Changes requested will supercede any approvals and the autosubmit bot will
/// not make any merges until the change requests are fixed.
Future<void> computeApproval() async {
_remainingReviews = repositoryConfiguration.approvingReviews;
// TODO (ricardoamador) team might be more than one in the future.
final bool authorIsMember =
await githubService.isTeamMember(repositoryConfiguration.approvalGroup, author!, slug.owner);
// The author counts as 1 review if they are a member of the approval group
// so we need only 1 more review from a member of the approval group.
if (authorIsMember) {
final int targetReviewCount = _remainingReviews;
// Github reviews are returned in chonological order so to avoid the odd
// case where a user requests changes then approves we parse the reviews in
// reverse chronological order.
for (ReviewNode review in reviews.reversed) {
if (!.login == author) {'Author cannot review own pull request.');
// Ignore reviews from non-members/owners.
if (!await githubService.isTeamMember(
)) {
final String? state = review.state;
final String? authorLogin =!.login;
// Github keeps all reviews so the same person can provide two reviews and
// possibly bypass the two review rule. Track the reviewers so we can
// account for this.
if (state == APPROVED_STATE && !_reviewAuthors.contains(authorLogin)) {
if (_remainingReviews > 0) {
} else if (state == CHANGES_REQUESTED_STATE && !_reviewAuthors.contains(authorLogin)) {
if (_remainingReviews < targetReviewCount) {
_approved = (_approvers.length > repositoryConfiguration.approvingReviews - 1) && _changeRequestAuthors.isEmpty;