Skip bug creation for already `bringup: true` targets (#2236)

diff --git a/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders.dart b/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders.dart
index 5b40997..67714b3 100644
--- a/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders.dart
+++ b/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders.dart
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@
     final List<_BuilderInfo> eligibleBuilders =
         await _getEligibleFlakyBuilders(gitHub, slug, content: ciContent, ciYaml: ciYaml);
-    final List<BuilderStatistic> stagingBuilderStatisticList =
-        await bigquery.listBuilderStatistic(kBigQueryProjectId, bucket: 'staging');
     final String testOwnerContent = await gitHub.getFileContent(
@@ -84,18 +82,6 @@
         // Manually add a 1s delay between consecutive GitHub requests to deal with secondary rate limit error.
         await Future.delayed(config.githubRequestDelay);
-      } else if (_shouldFileIssue(builderRecords, info)) {
-        final BuilderDetail builderDetail = BuilderDetail(
-          statistic: stagingBuilderStatisticList
-              .where((BuilderStatistic builderStatistic) => ==
-              .single,
-          existingIssue: null,
-          existingPullRequest: null,
-          isMarkedFlaky: true,
-          type: type,
-          ownership: testOwnership,
-        );
-        await fileFlakyIssue(builderDetail: builderDetail, gitHub: gitHub, slug: slug, bringup: true);
     return Body.forJson(const <String, dynamic>{
@@ -103,17 +89,6 @@
-  /// A new issue should be filed for staging builders if
-  ///   1) there is any flake in recent runs
-  ///   2) there is no open flaky bug tracking the flake
-  bool _shouldFileIssue(List<BuilderRecord> builderRecords, _BuilderInfo info) {
-    final bool noExistingOpenIssue = info.existingIssue == null ||
-        info.existingIssue != null &&
-            info.existingIssue!.isClosed &&
-  !.closedAt!) > const Duration(days: kGracePeriodForClosedFlake);
-    return noExistingOpenIssue && builderRecords.any((BuilderRecord record) => record.isFlaky);
-  }
   /// A builder should be deflaked if satisfying three conditions.
   /// 1) There are enough data records.
   /// 2) There is no flake
diff --git a/app_dart/test/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders_test.dart b/app_dart/test/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders_test.dart
index c6efe29..17669f3 100644
--- a/app_dart/test/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders_test.dart
+++ b/app_dart/test/request_handlers/check_flaky_builders_test.dart
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handlers/flaky_handler_utils.dart';
 import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/bigquery.dart';
 import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/github_service.dart';
-import 'package:collection/src/equality.dart';
 import 'package:github/github.dart';
 import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
 import 'package:test/test.dart';
@@ -395,67 +394,6 @@
       expect(result['Status'], 'success');
-    test('Do not create pr but do create issue if the records have flaky runs and there is no open issue', () async {
-      // When queries flaky data from BigQuery.
-      when(mockBigqueryService.listRecentBuildRecordsForBuilder(kBigQueryProjectId,
-              builder: captureAnyNamed('builder'), limit: captureAnyNamed('limit')))
-          .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
-        return Future<List<BuilderRecord>>.value(semanticsIntegrationTestRecordsFlaky);
-      });
-      // When get issue
-      when(mockIssuesService.get(captureAny, captureAny)).thenAnswer((_) {
-        return Future<Issue>.value(Issue(
-          state: 'closed',
-          htmlUrl: existingIssueURL,
-          closedAt: Duration(days: kGracePeriodForClosedFlake + 1)),
-        ));
-      });
-      when(mockIssuesService.create(captureAny, captureAny)).thenAnswer((_) {
-        return Future<Issue>.value(Issue());
-      });
-      // When queries flaky data from BigQuery.
-      when(mockBigqueryService.listBuilderStatistic(kBigQueryProjectId, bucket: 'staging'))
-          .thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
-        return Future<List<BuilderStatistic>>.value(stagingSemanticsIntegrationTestResponse);
-      });
-      CheckFlakyBuilders.kRecordNumber = semanticsIntegrationTestRecordsAllPassed.length + 1;
-      final Map<String, dynamic> result = await utf8.decoder
-          .bind((await tester.get<Body>(handler)).serialize() as Stream<List<int>>)
-          .transform(json.decoder)
-          .single as Map<String, dynamic>;
-      // Verify BigQuery is called correctly.
-      List<dynamic> captured = verify(mockBigqueryService.listRecentBuildRecordsForBuilder(captureAny,
-              builder: captureAnyNamed('builder'), limit: captureAnyNamed('limit')))
-          .captured;
-      expect(captured.length, 3);
-      expect(captured[0].toString(), kBigQueryProjectId);
-      expect(captured[1] as String?, expectedSemanticsIntegrationTestBuilderName);
-      expect(captured[2] as int?, CheckFlakyBuilders.kRecordNumber);
-      // Verify it gets the correct issue.
-      captured = verify(mockIssuesService.get(captureAny, captureAny)).captured;
-      expect(captured.length, 2);
-      expect(captured[0], Config.flutterSlug);
-      expect(captured[1] as int?, existingIssueNumber);
-      // Verify pr is not created.
-      verifyNever(mockPullRequestsService.create(captureAny, captureAny));
-      // Verify issue is created correctly.
-      captured = verify(mockIssuesService.create(captureAny, captureAny)).captured;
-      expect(captured.length, 2);
-      expect(captured[0].toString(), Config.flutterSlug.toString());
-      expect(captured[1], isA<IssueRequest>());
-      final IssueRequest issueRequest = captured[1] as IssueRequest;
-      expect(issueRequest.assignee, expectedSemanticsIntegrationTestOwner);
-      expect(const ListEquality<String>().equals(issueRequest.labels, expectedSemanticsIntegrationTestLabels), isTrue);
-      expect(issueRequest.body, expectedSemanticsIntegrationTestResponseBody);
-      expect(result['Status'], 'success');
-    });
     test('Do not create pr and do not create issue if the records have flaky runs and there is an open issue',
         () async {
       // When queries flaky data from BigQuery.