blob: 3ff729da3d2fdd3c22777e92aa6ff0f7c0a741a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
const String angularDartProjectDirectory = '../app';
const String flutterProjectDirectory = '../app_flutter';
const String gcloudProjectIdFlag = 'project';
const String gcloudProjectIdAbbrFlag = 'p';
const String gcloudProjectVersionFlag = 'version';
const String gcloudProjectVersionAbbrFlag = 'v';
String _gcloudProjectId;
String _gcloudProjectVersion;
/// Check if [gcloudProjectIdFlag] and [gcloudProjectVersionFlag]
/// were passed as arguments. If they were, also set [_gcloudProjectId]
/// and [_gcloudProjectVersion] accordingly.
bool _getArgs(ArgParser argParser, List<String> arguments) {
final ArgResults args = argParser.parse(arguments);
_gcloudProjectId = args[gcloudProjectIdFlag];
_gcloudProjectVersion = args[gcloudProjectVersionFlag];
if (_gcloudProjectId == null) {
stderr.write('--$gcloudProjectIdFlag must be defined\n');
return false;
if (_gcloudProjectVersion == null) {
stderr.write('--$gcloudProjectVersionFlag must be defined\n');
return false;
return true;
/// Build app Angular Dart project
Future<bool> _buildAngularDartApp() async {
/// Clean up previous build files to ensure this codebase is deployed.
<String>['-rf', 'build/'],
workingDirectory: angularDartProjectDirectory,
final Process pubProcess = await Process.start('pub', <String>['get'],
workingDirectory: angularDartProjectDirectory);
await stdout.addStream(pubProcess.stdout);
if (await pubProcess.exitCode != 0) {
return false;
final Process buildProcess = await Process.start(
<String>['run', 'build_runner', 'build', '--release', '--output', 'build', '--delete-conflicting-outputs'],
workingDirectory: angularDartProjectDirectory,
await stdout.addStream(buildProcess.stdout);
// The Angular Dart build dashboard page has been replaced with a Flutter
// version. There are some administrative features missing in the Flutter
// version so we still offer the old build dashboard.
'mv', <String>['build/web/build.html', 'build/web/old_build.html'],
workingDirectory: angularDartProjectDirectory);
return await buildProcess.exitCode == 0;
/// Build app_flutter for web.
Future<bool> _buildFlutterWebApp() async {
/// Clean up previous build files to ensure this codebase is deployed.
await'rm', <String>['-rf', 'build/'],
workingDirectory: flutterProjectDirectory);
final Process process = await Process.start(
'flutter', <String>['build', 'web'],
workingDirectory: flutterProjectDirectory);
await stdout.addStream(process.stdout);
final bool successfulReturn = await process.exitCode == 0;
// Move the build dashboard project to build.html to replace the Angular Dart
// build dashboard page. Just changing the name is fine as its assets do not
// have conflicts.
'mv', <String>['build/web/index.html', 'build/web/build.html'],
workingDirectory: flutterProjectDirectory);
return successfulReturn;
/// Copy the built project from app to this app_dart project.
Future<bool> _copyAngularDartProject() async {
final ProcessResult result = await'cp',
<String>['-r', '$angularDartProjectDirectory/build/web', 'build/']);
return result.exitCode == 0;
/// Copy the built project from app_flutter to this app_dart project.
Future<bool> _copyFlutterApp() async {
final ProcessResult result = await
'cp', <String>['-r', '$flutterProjectDirectory/build', 'build/']);
return result.exitCode == 0;
/// Run the Google Cloud CLI tool to deploy to [_gcloudProjectId] under
/// version [_gcloudProjectVersion].
Future<bool> _deployToAppEngine() async {
stdout.writeln('Deploying to AppEngine');
/// The Google Cloud deployment command is an interactive process. It will
/// print out what it is about to do, and ask for confirmation (Y/n).
final Process process = await Process.start(
/// Let this user confirm the details before Google Cloud sends for deployment.
await process.stderr.pipe(stderr);
await process.stdout.pipe(stdout);
return await process.exitCode == 0;
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser()
..addOption(gcloudProjectIdFlag, abbr: gcloudProjectIdAbbrFlag)
..addOption(gcloudProjectVersionFlag, abbr: gcloudProjectVersionAbbrFlag);
if (!_getArgs(argParser, arguments)) {
if (!await _buildAngularDartApp()) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to build Angular Dart project');
if (!await _buildFlutterWebApp()) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to build Flutter app');
/// Clean up previous build files to ensure the latest files are deployed.
await'rm', <String>['-rf', 'build/']);
if (!await _copyFlutterApp()) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to copy Flutter app over');
if (!await _copyAngularDartProject()) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to copy Angular Dart project over');
if (!await _deployToAppEngine()) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to deploy to AppEngine');