blob: ee7335eafca8b95d98ec9608f7c8ffd03438a13c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'package:cocoon/models.dart';
selector: 'benchmark-card',
templateUrl: 'benchmark_card.html',
directives: const [
class BenchmarkCard implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
/// The total height of the chart. This value must be in sync with the height
/// specified for benchmark-card in benchmarks.css.
static const int _kChartHeight = 100;
final StreamController<void> _onZoomIn = new StreamController<void>();
BenchmarkData _data;
DivElement _tooltip;
DivElement chartContainer;
String barWidth = 'medium';
set data(BenchmarkData newData) {
_data = newData;
/// Emits an event when the user clicks on the zoom in button.
Stream<void> get onZoomIn =>;
void zoomIn() {
double get goal => _data.timeseries.timeseries.goal;
/// The baseline value for this metric.
/// We must perform better than the baseline. Otherwise, we consider it a
/// regression, paint it in red and must work to fix as soon as possible.
double get baseline => _data.timeseries.timeseries.baseline > goal
? _data.timeseries.timeseries.baseline
: goal;
String get id =>;
String get taskName => _data.timeseries.timeseries.taskName;
String get label => _data.timeseries.timeseries.label;
String get unit => _data.timeseries.timeseries.unit;
String get latestValue {
if (_data.values == null || _data.values.isEmpty) return null;
TimeseriesValue timeseriesValue = _data.values.firstWhere(
(TimeseriesValue value) => !value.isDataMissing,
orElse: () => null,
if (timeseriesValue == null) return null;
num value = timeseriesValue.value;
if (value < 10) {
return value.toStringAsFixed(2);
} else if (value < 100) {
return value.toStringAsFixed(1);
} else if (value < 100000) {
return value.toStringAsFixed(0);
} else {
// The value is too big to fit on the card; switch to thousands.
return '${value ~/ 1000}K';
void ngAfterViewInit() {
if (_data.values.isEmpty) return;
double maxValue = v) => v.value).fold(goal, math.max);
// Leave a bit of room so bars don't fill the height of the card
maxValue = maxValue > 0.0
? maxValue * 1.1
: 1.0; // if everything is 0.0, use an artificial chart height
int goalHeight = (_kChartHeight * goal) ~/ maxValue;
int baselineHeight = (_kChartHeight * baseline) ~/ maxValue;
if (baselineHeight == goalHeight) {
// Just so the two lines are not on top of each other
baselineHeight += 1;
chartContainer.children.add(new DivElement()
..classes.add('metric-goal') = '${goalHeight}px');
chartContainer.children.add(new DivElement()
..classes.add('metric-baseline') = '${baselineHeight}px');
for (TimeseriesValue value in _data.values.reversed) {
// For missing values create a greyed out bar that takes the full height
// of the chart.
final double valueHeight = !value.isDataMissing
? _kChartHeight * value.value / maxValue
: _kChartHeight;
DivElement bar = new DivElement()
..classes.add('metric-value-bar') = '${_kChartHeight - valueHeight}px' = '0 0 ${valueHeight}px 0';
if (barWidth == 'narrow') bar.classes.add('metric-value-bar-narrow');
if (value.isDataMissing) {
} else if (value.value > baseline) {
} else if (value.value > goal) {
bar.onMouseOver.listen((_) {
DivElement tooltip;
// Used to distinguish between clicks and drags.
bool dragHappened = false;
tooltip = new DivElement()
..classes.add('metric-value-tooltip') = '${bar.getBoundingClientRect().top}px'
..onMouseDown.listen((_) {
dragHappened = false;
..onMouseMove.listen((_) {
dragHappened = true;
..onClick.listen((_) {
if (!dragHappened) tooltip.remove();
final String revisionLink =
final String formattedValue =
!value.isDataMissing ? '${value.value}$unit' : 'Value missing';
'Flutter revision: <a href="$revisionLink" target="_blank">${value.revision}</a>\n'
'Recorded on: ${new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(value.createTimestamp)}\n'
'Goal: $goal$unit\n'
'Baseline: $baseline$unit',
validator: const _NullValidator(),
final double left = bar.getBoundingClientRect().left;
if (left < window.innerWidth / 2.0) { = '${bar.getBoundingClientRect().right + 5}px';
} else { = '${window.innerWidth - left + 5}px';
} = '0.5'; = '#FFC400'; // Amber Accent 400
_tooltip = tooltip;
bar.onMouseOut.listen((_) { = '1.0'; = '';
bar.onClick.listen((_) {
_tooltip = null;
void ngOnDestroy() {
class _NullValidator implements NodeValidator {
const _NullValidator();
bool allowsElement(Element element) => true;
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) =>