blob: 120f129e0a848e8b45fd456d152f60701fa9fad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
/// Class that represents a non-Google account that has been allowlisted to
/// make API requests to the Flutter dashboard.
/// By default, only App Engine cronjobs, and users
/// authenticated as "" accounts are allowed to make API requests
/// to the Cocooon backend. This class represents instances where non-Google
/// users have been explicitly allowlisted to make such requests.
@Kind(name: 'AllowedAccount')
class AllowedAccount extends Model<int> {
/// Creates a new [AllowedAccount].
Key<int>? key,
}) {
parentKey = key?.parent;
id = key?.id;
/// The email address of the account that has been allowlisted.
@StringProperty(propertyName: 'Email', required: true)
String email;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer()
..write('id: $id')
..write(', parentKey: ${parentKey?.id}')
..write(', key: ${parentKey == null ? null :}')
..write(', email: $email')
return buf.toString();