blob: a8beff11a3232b86a138c4fba914e3769ab9efd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:device_doctor/device_doctor.dart';
const String actionFlag = 'action';
const String deviceOSFlag = 'device-os';
const String helpFlag = 'help';
const String outputFlag = 'output';
const List<String> supportedOptions = <String>['healthcheck', 'prepare', 'recovery', 'properties'];
const List<String> supportedDeviceOS = <String>['ios', 'android'];
const String defaultOutputPath = '.output';
/// These values will be initialized in `_checkArgs` function,
/// and used in `main` function.
String? _action;
String? _deviceOS;
File? _output;
/// Manage `healthcheck`, `prepare, `recovery`, and `properties` for devices.
/// For `healthcheck`, if no device is found or any health check fails an stderr will be logged,
/// and an exception will be thrown.
/// For `recovery`, it will do cleanup, reboot, etc. to try bringing device back to a working state.
/// For `prepare`, it will prepare the device before running tasks, like kill running processes, etc.
/// For `properties`, it will return device properties/dimensions, like manufacture, base_buildid, etc.
/// Usage:
/// dart main.dart --action <healthcheck|recovery> --deviceOS <android|ios>
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final ArgParser parser = ArgParser();
help: 'Prints usage info.',
abbr: 'h',
callback: (bool value) {
if (value) {
help: 'Supported actions.',
allowed: supportedOptions,
allowedHelp: {
'healthcheck': 'Check device health status.',
'recovery': 'Clean up and reboot device.',
'properties': 'Return device properties/dimensions.',
..addOption('$outputFlag', help: 'Path to the output file')
help: 'Supported device OS.',
allowed: supportedDeviceOS,
allowedHelp: {'android': 'Available for linux, mac, and windows.', 'ios': 'Available for mac.'},
final ArgResults argResults = parser.parse(args);
_action = argResults[actionFlag];
_deviceOS = argResults[deviceOSFlag];
_output = File(argResults[outputFlag] ?? defaultOutputPath);
final DeviceDiscovery deviceDiscovery = DeviceDiscovery(_deviceOS, _output);
switch (_action) {
case 'healthcheck':
await deviceDiscovery.checkDevices();
case 'prepare':
await deviceDiscovery.prepareDevices();
case 'recovery':
await deviceDiscovery.recoverDevices();
case 'properties':
await deviceDiscovery.deviceProperties();