blob: b946ebafe3a7450122e393a9640a91e65492e910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package dashboard;
import "lib/model/key.proto";
message Task {
optional RootKey key = 1;
optional RootKey commit_key = 2;
optional int64 create_timestamp = 3;
optional int64 start_timestamp = 4;
optional int64 end_timestamp = 5;
optional string name = 6;
optional int32 attempts = 7;
optional bool is_flaky = 8;
optional int32 timeout_in_minutes = 9;
optional string reason = 10;
repeated string required_capabilities = 11;
optional string reserved_for_agentId = 12;
optional string stage_name = 13;
optional string status = 14;
optional int32 buildNumber = 15;
optional string buildNumberList = 16;
optional string builderName = 17;
optional string luciBucket = 18;
optional bool is_test_flaky = 19;