blob: b86eb5772898c1851266e75ece925d3e2f38a6a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/protos.dart' show Task, Commit;
/// [Task.stageName] that maps to StageName enums.
// TODO(chillers): Remove these and use StageName enum when available.
class StageName {
static const String cirrus = 'cirrus';
static const String luci = 'chromebot';
static const String devicelab = 'devicelab';
static const String devicelabWin = 'devicelab_win';
static const String devicelabIOs = 'devicelab_ios';
/// Base URLs for various endpoints that can relate to a [Task].
const String _flutterGithubSourceUrl = '';
const String _flutterDashboardUrl = '';
const String _cirrusUrl = '';
const String _cirrusLogUrl = '';
const String _luciUrl = '';
class QualifiedTask {
const QualifiedTask(this.stage, this.task);
QualifiedTask.fromTask(Task task)
: stage = task.stageName,
task =;
final String stage;
final String task;
/// Get the URL for the configuration of this task.
/// Devicelab tasks are stored in the flutter/flutter Github repository.
/// Luci tasks are stored on Luci.
/// Cirrus tasks are stored on Cirrus.
/// Throws [Exception] if [stage] does not match any of the above sources.
String get sourceConfigurationUrl {
if (isExternal) {
return _externalSourceConfigurationUrl;
return '$_flutterGithubSourceUrl/dev/devicelab/bin/tasks/$task.dart';
String get _externalSourceConfigurationUrl {
switch (stage) {
case StageName.cirrus:
return '$_cirrusUrl/master';
case StageName.luci:
return _luciSourceConfigurationUrl;
throw Exception('Failed to get source configuration url for $stage.');
String get _luciSourceConfigurationUrl {
switch (task) {
case 'mac_bot':
return '$_luciUrl/builders/';
case 'linux_bot':
return '$_luciUrl/builders/';
case 'windows_bot':
return '$_luciUrl/builders/';
return _luciUrl;
/// Whether this task is run in the devicelab or not.
bool get isDevicelab => stage.contains(StageName.devicelab);
/// Whether this task is run in luci or not.
bool get isLuci => stage == StageName.luci;
/// Whether the information from this task is available publically.
/// Only devicelab tasks are not available publically.
bool get isExternal => stage == StageName.luci || stage == StageName.cirrus;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is QualifiedTask && other.stage == stage && other.task == task;
int get hashCode => stage.hashCode ^ task.hashCode;
/// Get the URL for [Task] to view its log.
/// Devicelab tasks can be retrieved via an authenticated API endpoint.
/// Cirrus logs are located via their [Commit.sha].
/// Otherwise, we can redirect to the page that is closest to the logs for [Task].
String logUrl(Task task, {Commit commit}) {
if (task.stageName == StageName.cirrus && commit != null) {
return '$_cirrusLogUrl/${commit.sha}?branch=${commit.branch}';
} else if (QualifiedTask.fromTask(task).isExternal) {
// Currently this is just LUCI, but is a catch all if new stages are added.
return QualifiedTask.fromTask(task).sourceConfigurationUrl;
return '$_flutterDashboardUrl/api/get-log?ownerKey=${}';