blob: 12ead38f104f4ee7ed963f4d4c0722cc2bf8d532 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FlutterBinaryMessenger.h"
#import "FlutterDartProject.h"
#import "FlutterMacros.h"
#import "FlutterPluginRegistrarMacOS.h"
#import "FlutterTexture.h"
// TODO: Merge this file with the iOS FlutterEngine.h.
@class FlutterViewController;
* Coordinates a single instance of execution of a Flutter engine.
@interface FlutterEngine : NSObject <FlutterTextureRegistry, FlutterPluginRegistry>
* Initializes an engine with the given project.
* @param labelPrefix Currently unused; in the future, may be used for labelling threads
* as with the iOS FlutterEngine.
* @param project The project configuration. If nil, a default FlutterDartProject will be used.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString*)labelPrefix
project:(nullable FlutterDartProject*)project;
* Initializes an engine that can run headlessly with the given project.
* @param labelPrefix Currently unused; in the future, may be used for labelling threads
* as with the iOS FlutterEngine.
* @param project The project configuration. If nil, a default FlutterDartProject will be used.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString*)labelPrefix
project:(nullable FlutterDartProject*)project
allowHeadlessExecution:(BOOL)allowHeadlessExecution NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (nonnull instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Runs a Dart program on an Isolate from the main Dart library (i.e. the library that
* contains `main()`).
* The first call to this method will create a new Isolate. Subsequent calls will return
* immediately.
* @param entrypoint The name of a top-level function from the same Dart
* library that contains the app's main() function. If this is nil, it will
* default to `main()`. If it is not the app's main() function, that function
* must be decorated with `@pragma(vm:entry-point)` to ensure the method is not
* tree-shaken by the Dart compiler.
* @return YES if the call succeeds in creating and running a Flutter Engine instance; NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)runWithEntrypoint:(nullable NSString*)entrypoint;
* The `FlutterViewController` associated with this engine, if any.
@property(nonatomic, nullable, weak) FlutterViewController* viewController;
* The `FlutterBinaryMessenger` for communicating with this engine.
@property(nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) id<FlutterBinaryMessenger> binaryMessenger;
* Shuts the Flutter engine if it is running. The FlutterEngine instance must always be shutdown
* before it may be collected. Not shutting down the FlutterEngine instance before releasing it will
* result in the leak of that engine instance.
- (void)shutDownEngine;