blob: 01971f936bca44a9b9120def74139695464cb8e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/test_keyboard.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/json_message_codec.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/test_utils/proc_table_replacement.h"
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
char* clone_string(const char* string) {
if (string == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
size_t len = strlen(string);
char* result = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(result, string);
return result;
namespace {
std::string _print_character(const char* s) {
if (s == nullptr) {
return "nullptr";
return std::string("\"") + s + "\"";
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> _keyHandlingResponse(bool handled) {
rapidjson::Document document;
auto& allocator = document.GetAllocator();
document.AddMember("handled", handled, allocator);
return flutter::JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance().EncodeMessage(document);
// A struct to use as a FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle so it can keep the
// callbacks and user data passed to the engine's
// PlatformMessageCreateResponseHandle for use in the SendPlatformMessage
// overridden function.
struct TestResponseHandle {
FlutterDesktopBinaryReply callback;
void* user_data;
} // namespace
#define _RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(val1, val2) \
if ((val1) != (val2)) { \
return ::testing::AssertionFailure() \
<< "Expected equality of these values:\n " #val1 "\n " << val2 \
<< "\n Actual: \n " << val1; \
::testing::AssertionResult _EventEquals(const char* expr_event,
const char* expr_expected,
const FlutterKeyEvent& event,
const FlutterKeyEvent& expected) {
_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(event.struct_size, sizeof(FlutterKeyEvent));
_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(event.type, expected.type);
_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(event.physical, expected.physical);
_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(event.logical, expected.logical);
if ((event.character == nullptr) != (expected.character == nullptr) ||
strcmp(event.character, expected.character) != 0) {
return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "Expected equality of these values:\n expected.character\n "
<< _print_character(expected.character) << "\n Actual: \n "
<< _print_character(event.character);
_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUALS(event.synthesized, expected.synthesized);
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
LPARAM CreateKeyEventLparam(USHORT scancode,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
USHORT repeat_count,
bool context_code,
bool transition_state) {
return ((LPARAM(transition_state) << 31) | (LPARAM(was_down) << 30) |
(LPARAM(context_code) << 29) | (LPARAM(extended ? 0x1 : 0x0) << 24) |
(LPARAM(scancode) << 16) | LPARAM(repeat_count));
static MockKeyEventChannelHandler stored_channel_handler;
static MockKeyEventEmbedderHandler stored_embedder_handler;
// Set EngineModifier, listen to event messages that go through the channel and
// the embedder API, while disabling other methods so that the engine can be
// run headlessly.
// The |channel_handler| and |embedder_handler| should return a boolean
// indicating whether the framework decides to handle the event.
void MockEmbedderApiForKeyboard(EngineModifier& modifier,
MockKeyEventChannelHandler channel_handler,
MockKeyEventEmbedderHandler embedder_handler) {
stored_channel_handler = channel_handler;
stored_embedder_handler = embedder_handler;
// This mock handles channel messages.
modifier.embedder_api().SendPlatformMessage =
[](FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine) engine,
const FlutterPlatformMessage* message) {
if (std::string(message->channel) == std::string("flutter/settings")) {
return kSuccess;
if (std::string(message->channel) == std::string("flutter/keyevent")) {
bool result = stored_channel_handler();
auto response = _keyHandlingResponse(result);
const TestResponseHandle* response_handle =
reinterpret_cast<const TestResponseHandle*>(
if (response_handle->callback != nullptr) {
response_handle->callback(response->data(), response->size(),
return kSuccess;
return kSuccess;
// This mock handles key events sent through the embedder API,
// and records it in `key_calls`.
modifier.embedder_api().SendKeyEvent =
[](FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine) engine, const FlutterKeyEvent* event,
FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* user_data) {
bool result = stored_embedder_handler(event);
if (callback != nullptr) {
callback(result, user_data);
return kSuccess;
// The following mocks enable channel mocking.
modifier.embedder_api().PlatformMessageCreateResponseHandle =
[](auto engine, auto data_callback, auto user_data, auto response_out) {
TestResponseHandle* response_handle = new TestResponseHandle();
response_handle->user_data = user_data;
response_handle->callback = data_callback;
*response_out = reinterpret_cast<FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle*>(
return kSuccess;
modifier.embedder_api().PlatformMessageReleaseResponseHandle =
[](FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine) engine,
FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* response) {
const TestResponseHandle* response_handle =
reinterpret_cast<const TestResponseHandle*>(response);
delete response_handle;
return kSuccess;
// The following mocks allows RunWithEntrypoint to be run, which creates a
// non-empty FlutterEngine and enables SendKeyEvent.
modifier.embedder_api().Run =
[](size_t version, const FlutterRendererConfig* config,
const FlutterProjectArgs* args, void* user_data,
FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine) * engine_out) {
*engine_out = reinterpret_cast<FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine)>(1);
return kSuccess;
modifier.embedder_api().UpdateLocales =
[](auto engine, const FlutterLocale** locales, size_t locales_count) {
return kSuccess;
modifier.embedder_api().SendWindowMetricsEvent =
[](auto engine, const FlutterWindowMetricsEvent* event) {
return kSuccess;
modifier.embedder_api().Shutdown = [](auto engine) { return kSuccess; };
void MockMessageQueue::InjectMessageList(int count,
const Win32Message* messages) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
while (!_pending_messages.empty()) {
Win32Message message = _pending_messages.front();
LRESULT result =
Win32SendMessage(message.message, message.wParam, message.lParam);
if (message.expected_result != kWmResultDontCheck) {
EXPECT_EQ(result, message.expected_result);
BOOL MockMessageQueue::Win32PeekMessage(LPMSG lpMsg,
UINT wMsgFilterMin,
UINT wMsgFilterMax,
UINT wRemoveMsg) {
for (auto iter = _pending_messages.begin(); iter != _pending_messages.end();
++iter) {
if (iter->message >= wMsgFilterMin && iter->message <= wMsgFilterMax) {
*lpMsg = MSG{
.message = iter->message,
.wParam = iter->wParam,
.lParam = iter->lParam,
if ((wRemoveMsg & PM_REMOVE) == PM_REMOVE) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter