blob: de1f1c9eee0709d77db9ef7f93eab8eb272adf18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/contents/contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
namespace impeller {
struct ClipCoverageLayer {
std::optional<Rect> coverage;
size_t clip_height = 0;
/// @brief A class that tracks all clips that have been recorded in the current
/// entity pass stencil.
/// These clips are replayed when restoring the backdrop so that the
/// stencil buffer is left in an identical state.
class EntityPassClipStack {
struct ReplayResult {
Entity entity;
std::optional<Rect> clip_coverage;
struct ClipStateResult {
/// Whether or not the Entity should be rendered. If false, the Entity may
/// be safely skipped.
bool should_render = false;
/// Whether or not the current clip coverage changed during the call to
/// `ApplyClipState`.
bool clip_did_change = false;
/// Create a new [EntityPassClipStack] with an initialized coverage rect.
explicit EntityPassClipStack(const Rect& initial_coverage_rect);
~EntityPassClipStack() = default;
std::optional<Rect> CurrentClipCoverage() const;
void PushSubpass(std::optional<Rect> subpass_coverage, size_t clip_height);
void PopSubpass();
bool HasCoverage() const;
/// @brief Applies the current clip state to an Entity. If the given Entity
/// is a clip operation, then the clip state is updated accordingly.
ClipStateResult ApplyClipState(Contents::ClipCoverage global_clip_coverage,
Entity& entity,
size_t clip_height_floor,
Point global_pass_position);
// Visible for testing.
void RecordEntity(const Entity& entity,
Contents::ClipCoverage::Type type,
std::optional<Rect> clip_coverage);
// Visible for testing.
const std::vector<ReplayResult>& GetReplayEntities() const;
// Visible for testing.
const std::vector<ClipCoverageLayer> GetClipCoverageLayers() const;
struct SubpassState {
std::vector<ReplayResult> rendered_clip_entities;
std::vector<ClipCoverageLayer> clip_coverage;
SubpassState& GetCurrentSubpassState();
std::vector<SubpassState> subpass_state_;
} // namespace impeller