blob: 444419db4b087d1235dd3d5aee4f7c3da4f7a9ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Returns the Cartesian coordinates of `position` in `transform` space.
vec2 IPVec2TransformPosition(mat4 matrix, vec2 point) {
vec4 transformed = matrix * vec4(point, 0, 1);
return transformed.xy / transformed.w;
// Returns the transformed gl_Position for a given glyph position in a glyph
// atlas.
vec4 IPPositionForGlyphPosition(mat4 mvp,
vec2 unit_position,
vec2 glyph_position,
vec2 glyph_size) {
vec4 translate =
mvp[0] * glyph_position.x + mvp[1] * glyph_position.y + mvp[3];
mat4 translated_mvp =
mat4(mvp[0], mvp[1], mvp[2], vec4(, mvp[3].w));
return translated_mvp * vec4(unit_position.x * glyph_size.x,
unit_position.y * glyph_size.y, 0.0, 1.0);